TB | Arthritis Information


Has anyone else been diagnosed with TB since using Enbrel or Humira? I have been diagnosed this week. I am not saying those medications caused it, but they lower your immune system and if you are around someone who has TB, you could very well contract it.

I thought my life was painful enough, now I have TB and maybe Diabetes. What else can happen?

Were you tested before you began taking biologics?They tested me for TB before prescribing it.  I don't know all the workings, but I think they are required to test you for it first.


 I just posted this message on your other topic  "TB"

"Right before I was going on Enbrel, I had to have a TB Test done.  My test came out positive but I had no active TB.  When a PPD skin test shows positive, it normally means that you can have latent TB.  It's in your body system but not active and not a threat to society.  They will do further test to see if it is Latent TB or real TB.  I was put on INH and B6 for 9 months.  FIONA is correct.  You could have been around some one who coughed.  Many people walk around with TB and do not realize they have it, until the later stages of TB.

Don't give up hope, it still could come out as Latent TB and you will be just fine."

My best to you.

Wow--I didn't know TB could be passed around so easily.  I am on Humira and was tested for TB before I could start it.  Since all these meds I have tried to avoid the obvious sick people around me--I have noticed how many people sneeze and cough--it seems like on me.  People come to work and say how bad they feel and I am sharing an elevator with them.  I want to scream at them---go home--you are messing up my health! 

What are the symptons of TB? 

I was tested 2 years ago and it was negative, this test is very positive, along with other symptons my REHUMY is SURE I have active TB, I was sent to see Lung Doctors At once and they are pretty sure is active, but doing a Bronchscope today to make sure. YES you have to have TB test before you can go on any Bio-Drugs. I have always tested NEG, until last test.

TB is spreading, do a Google on TB, check out CDC and WHO, American Lung Assc. for info on TB. Getting TB by casual contact is very rare, and most Healthy People fight off the TB infection. But anyone who has a lower immunr system BE CAREFUL!

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