Prolotherapy | Arthritis Information


Have just started reading a fascinating book about prolotherapy by dr. hauser.

Has anyone tried this therapy and please share your experiences with same.

Does anyone know any doctors in canada that do this procedureWillmore, you should take at look at this article:

I'm currently investigating Limbrel, Cod Liver Oil and Exclusive Health Products for my OA. I'm a 60 yr. old ex runner.  However, I have been able to start playing golf again because of Ambrotose.  That stuff is a miracle. Check it out!  Feedback on Limbrel or on anything else would be great! I really enjoy  Good website! I and my children seem to have many and varied auto immune issues.  Soooo can't have too much information!!!Good Hunting!!!! 

Holy smoke....  I have seen a rating page on Limbrel at the link I place below.

I have been looking in to it, but the place that takes care of my RA, which I also have along with OA, does not know to much about the drug.  So I don' think I will using it any time soon but I can say Clinoril is helping with my bad back, but sometimes it spikes my liver mets and have to come off it. Limbrel can also be used for RA.

If you want information on Limbrel, go to the Mayo Clinic website and keyword in Limbrel.

Hope this helps you.
