coronary artery disease and RA | Arthritis Information


Does anyone else have coronary artery disease or any other heart disease along with RA? I am 53 years old. Not obese, have never smoked and stress was the only risk factor besides heretity that I had.  I had five bypasses last year and a stent later in the same year. I have just been diagnosed with RA. I know I am supposed to exercise for my heart but my feet hurt so bad sometimes and I am so exhausted I just can't work that hard. However it drives me crazy because I know that aerobic excercise is what will help my heart and b/p. Does anyone else seem to have this problem or similar? I'd love to hear from others with similar concerns. Also most of my Dr.s do not address the corolation between heart disease and RA, my primary Dr. was the one who saw any at all. I had done some research myself but getting the Rhuemi and the Cardiologist to even try to find a relationship between the two was hard to take. Elaine