Cyclosporine update | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone, just thought I would update you on whats happening, I started the Cyclosporine drug on a Thursday and had terrible mouth ulcers and an upper respiratory tract infection and terrible cough by the Monday!  This always happens to me on Dmards, anyhow, my GP and Rheumy decided to stop the Dmard and start antibiotics, I have just finished them, but do not feel as though it is completely cleared up, sinus headaches etc and still have a cough, what do I do, I have worn out my options, my Rheumy says there are no more options at present due to anaphylactic reactions and allergies and reactions of all sorts.  The only problem is that along with all the other conditions I have now acquired from Prednisone, I now have syndrome X and prediabetic lesions on my hands from the prednisone, I feel so down in the dumps and have been struggling with depression, I really feel I can't take much more, I am constantly fatigued from the fibromyalgia, I can't play with my kids physically so try to do all the other stuff, reading puzzles etc, but I still feel incredibly guilty.

I I asked my Dr if I could just start to wean the pred and put up with the pain, this is just so unrealistic, but I don't want diabetes!  She reminded me that I have a lot of risk factors for diabetes, including triglycerides, high blood pressure, obesity, etc etc, but these have all occurred due to the prednisone also, anyhow that idea isn't happening, she said I could start weaning 1mg per month but as soon as I strike trouble I have to stop, fair enough.  Has anyone else got these problems or am I alone, I feel really desperate!  Help.  Regards and thanks for listening Janie.

   I just want to say that you are not alone I know other people that have problems with differant meds and It's hard not to have some depression with all of this. I hope they find the right med for You, There has to be something, You can not stay on pred forever. I am new to this so I don't know all the meds out there but there has to be something that will work for You.

 I do hope You feel better and You are not alone




I have insulin resistance/reactive hypoglycemia from PCOS.  It is related (or the same) to symtom X (?  don't know what the difference is).  Anyway, I take glucophage XR to keep my insulin and sugar levels normal.  Are you on any drugs to keep your levels normal?  Are you on a diabetic diet?  If you are, it should keep you from going into full Diabetes type 2 - at least that is what my DR's tell me. 

Have you ever been to an Endocrinologist? 

Just suggestions, Jody


