Do you think God still knows? | Arthritis Information


You know the saying God knows exactly how many hairs are on your head...

I was wondering if he is keeping up with my never ending loss of hair? I mean how can he? Everytime I look at my clothes I see a few new hairs, when I run my fingers thru my hair I get a nice glob, or when I wash my hair I get a few nice globs, especially when I use conditioner.

I have been losing my hair for a while now, I was taking prenatal vitamins as they worked great for me while I was pregnant nice, long, semi-think hair... it was a full head of hair. But as of lately it is starting to fall out like crazy. I hate to brush my hair fear of my hair thinning even more.

I have started taking One Source Hair, Nails, & Skin... almost finished the bottle, and well I cannot really tell a difference in my hair growth. The bottle says it has Biotin 1mg in it to help promote hair growth, but I just do not see it.

I am hoping after I start the next bottle, I will start to see a difference in the ever thinning receeding hairline

Just had to get that off my chest... I know a few of you have already hit on the topic, but I felt like I needed to let it out.

RAGirl - are you on MTX? I'm taking an MTX/Arava mix. They both cause hair loss, but I've had only minimal trouble with it. Are you taking plenty of folic acid? That & biotin are the only things I know of that really help.

I know hair loss was my biggest reason for not wanting the MTX.

Fiona, can you tell a diference since taking the arava? I have only been on it one week and I know it takes a lot longer but I was wondering how long it takes.  I don't take the mtx as it caused problems. Do I still need to take the folic acid?  Thanks


I started on Arava again 2 weeks ago (had to stop it because of abdominal pain).  The Rheumy gave my Protonix hopeing to stop the stomach pain but last night I was up past midnight w/ terrible stomach aches.  To top it all off, my hands, feet, and shoulders still ache!

When I was first dx, the Dr. said "there are great meds to take to stop the progression", unfortunately I didn't count on these rotton side effects. I'm not sure what's worse, the disease or the treatment!  Sad!

Honey, HE knows each and every hair. He is holding you in His hands, and watching as you go through this. I don't know where the saying comes from..."Let go and Let GOD" but it sounds like this is something you need to do.  Maybe losing your hair will lead you to an understanding of others, and a way to help others..


hang in there.


Kathryn, I started Arava about a month and a half ago - and I don't think I noticed any real improvement for the first 3 weeks. But since then, I've noticed quite a bit. I used to have about 3 good days a month, and now, I'm having about 3 bad days a month.

By that, I don't mean pain free - I always have some pain - but it's manageble. I don't scream when I stand up. My hands are functional. I can walk without limping.

I've been told it can take 3 - 4 months to reach full potency.

Since I do take MTX, I take folic acid - I'm not sure whether they'd prescribe it for the Arava alone.

I take 2 20 mg. Prilosec caps a day, and that helps me with the awful stomach problems. In the beginning, I needed 2 every day, and would have gladly taken more. Now, every now & again, I forget the one at night, and as long as I only forget occasionally, it's not a big deal.

I wouldn't/couldn't take the Arava & MTX without the prilosec.
You need to take at least 2400mcg (2.4 mg) of folic acid a day and the hairloss will improve.  Mine came out in clumps untill I increased my folic acid.

Maybe my hair is not falling out, just breaking off? Due to my pred usage? Pred does make your hair brittle, so maybe that is it.

I have already thought that is was just brittle from years of pred usage that I bought some hair strengthing conditioner, and it also helps with the frizz I get from where my hair breaks off and leaves a couple of inches of the hair to stand up straight. But I can only use the conditioner twice a week and it was .

Maybe if I get my hair cut it will not break off as much or fall out as much. I am not truly sure if it is breaking off or just falling out, probably both!

Well, here is to trying to get my hair back to almost the way it was. I mean I did not have thick hair, but the hair I did have covered up my scalp

Fiona ~ Nope not on MTX nor Arava. I am on just a biological with 10mg of pred. I am not able to take neither MTX nor Arava and my RD is at a loss as to what else I can take with my biological

Kathy_in_wlsv ~ Maybe I am loosing my hair because I make fun of my husband going blad
Crunchy, is it possible to overdose on folic acid? This is probably a
really dumb question, but with some vitamins/minerals it's not good
to take too much, so I'm wondering if it's the same with folate... can
too much end up being a bad thing?
I have read somewhere that overdose of folate isnt harmful, in wiki i guess.

Well, I think you should call up a local pharmacy or check up online.
No, I don't think it's harmful - it's just excreted. The problem is, the more folic acid you take, the less effective your MTX is. It's a balancing act, like so many things.