MTX and RA Questions | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone,

Just found this wonderful website after many years of RA and OA.  When I first got RA &OA a bone scan was taken and that is how they found it. Also my father and mom had it.  Blood test do not show it.  I am on MTX, now and have been for a little over a year.  I take the shots because the pills made me sick.  I now have a cough that won't go away.  Do you think it could be caused from the mtx?

Thanks for any comments.




mlgw38959.6776388889A dry, non-productive cough can be an indication of lung involvement resuting from longer term MTX usage.  Don't mess around, see your prescribing doctor. MTX is known to cause that sort of problems. Definately have it looked into. It might be nothing.....but it's best to look into it considering the meds you're on. I am going to start MTX soon and my Dr. (head of rheumatology at a medical school) said the lung thing is actually an allergic reaction to MTX.  It can happen at any time, not just when you start the drug.  It is curable, but you have to go back to your Rhuemy or prescribing DR.  Often other Docs. mistreat it and cause all sorts of problems.  It is nothing to play around with.  Good luck

Thank you all for all your responses. I will go soon to my Dr.

Thank you

mlgw - I've been on MTX for a while, but no cough so far. I do frequently get bronchitis in the fall, so I'm waiting to see what happens. Wish I had some real advice to give you, but our lungs are pretty important, so I'm glad you're going to the doctor. 