Uh Oh now my ears are ringing | Arthritis Information


Hi friends,

time to call on the experts.  To try to be quick about it.  My GP put me on Disalcid (NSAID) when she suspected RA.  when I had my 1st apt with the RD he decided to bring this to the max dose before starting Plaquenil.  Everything has been going fine with increasing the dosage by 1 pill a week.  On Thurs I added the final pill bringing me to the max dosage.  since last night I have had a very high pitched ringing in my ears, stomache pain, and am sometimes dizzy.  I put a call into my RD today and when I had'nt heard from him late this afternoon, I called the office back only to find they were closed for the 3 day weekend.  something tells me this is a warning and not to take the 6 pills.  since I can't reach the Dr I think I will take it back down to 5 until I can talk with him on Tuesday.  Does this sound like the thing to do?? Does anybody know anything about this?  When I found I was not going to be able to talk to my RD I was really so bummed.  I'll love to hear from anybody who might have an idea.

I've had some fun reading here tonite with Barb and her run away rescue, and Neasy and that little "snot nose" .  Next time you see her Neasy, tell her to hurry to the restroom because her "Arthritis" is showing

Thanks you guys! Sleep well,


Hi there Pam!!

I'm sorry the meds are making you feel badly.  When I first started taking mine I experience dizziness, nausea and my ears hurt with a strange ringing.  The ringing scared the crap out of me because no one told me that was a side effect.  Mine only lasted for the first 2 or 3 days and then went away.  Do they have any kind of dial a nurse service where you are?  If not perhaps you could put a call into one of the hospitals and ask to speak with an LPN.  Sometimes the people are helpful, other times just ugly and rude but it might be worth a try.  Worst case scenario, it might not hurt to drop it back to 5 until you get a solid answer.  Let us know how it goes.  I'll be thinking of you and wishing you "pain free, non-ringing ears".

Peace & Love...Neasy

Sorry to hear about the side effects.  Have you tried calling the pharmacist where you got the medication.  They can be very helpful -- they helped me when my son had an allergic reaction to Cefzil.

Hi Pam,

I'm the type that drops back to a dosage that didn't bother me until I get solid answers as to whether or not it was temporary, or normal, for the side-effects.  I'm a firm believer of "better safe than sorry".  Getting ahold of the pharmacy or an LPN at the hospital is a good idea.

Keep us posted.



Thanks for the help. I did go back to 5 pills, and a little less ringing today

Thanks for being here!!   


Pam...I'm just now catching up from the weekend.

I have BCBS and I have my own nurse that I can call. It's wonderful. She can answer all kinds of questions...even the dumb ones (not that yours was)

Glad to hear things have subsided some. Hope your feeling good today.


Hi Lovie,

Thanks for the well wishes.  I have to say I am feeling pretty good today. Ringing is not as bad, but it's really strange I am still dizzy when I turn my head and really dizzy when I'm laying on my back. Have to sleep on  my side or I feel absolutely sick....when I lay on my side I don't feel like that.  Who knows???? probably the BCBS nurse

Hope you're having a really wonderful weekend!! Are'nt the photos great?  I still have'nt put any up....waiting for my daughter to help. Teenager (never home).

I love seeing the pictures!! I'm gone a couple days and I miss so much!!

I'm getting to where I miss you guys like crazy when I'm gone.





                                    I will, me too
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