Hyaluronic Acid | Arthritis Information


Mon. Sept. 4


Hi Everyone,

I am new herel.  Have been recently diagnosed with Mild/Moderate Osteo-Arthritis of the right knee.  No pain killers helped, so I decided to try the Hyaluronic Acid Therapy injections.  There are five shots in the series and I will be having my fourth one in two days.  I have not seen any improvement yet.  If I don't see any improvement after my fifth one, I will go ahead and have knee replacement.  I would love to hear from anyone who has been through my experience.  I rarely leave my house anymore due to the pain.  Also, my doctor recently prescribed Lidoderm Pain Patches, which I have been using for a few days.  I  take Excedrin Extra Strength every few hours and it helps some with the pain, but not totally.  I can't really say that the pain patches help yet, but the instructions say that sometimes it takes 7-l4 days before they help.  Please write if you have been through any of my experiences.  Thank you. 

Hi Donna,

             I am 41 years old and went through injections and tried every form of therapy on the face of the earth for a year.I have an old motorcycle injury and after years of wear and tear my cartliage finally gave way,I finally had to have a total knee replacement . It's been 16 weeks since the surgery and let me tell you, if you find a good surgeon,you'll feel like a new person , it's the only way to relieve the pain.The procedure is now being done where they don't even have to make an incision in your quadriceps, they actually have a technique now where they move the quad muscle to the side and you're out in the same day with almost no pain.Get it done!!!The only people who complain about the post surgery are those who used poor surgeons  or didn't follow the rehab program, good luck ! - Sal




Sept. 30, 2006


This is Donna again.  I finished the five weekly injections of hyaluronic acid shot therapy in my knee and it did no good at all.

Then I went and had a shot of cortisone in each knee and after one week, I feel much better.  Dr. said I could have the shots every three months.  I suffered in pain for a long time, but the cortisone shots in my knees has made a big difference.


Donna G



hello everyone; Ive had scoliosis for about 28 years now. Ive had to get 2 disks removed and bone plugs added in place of them, along with a "uniplate" which is a metal brace for support , up in my cervical. I  still had arm pain even after the surgery, so I started getting injections, the first one helped alot, because they found a buldging disk below my surgery.  I had burning in my arms which has gone away. Now at times when im waking up in morning, my knees are burning pretty bad, and feel a little weak. They do buckle often, and more so here lately, but they never burn unless im in bed, and later into the night , they often wake me up burning. Anyone have any ideas what may be causing this? I also have restless leg syndrome pretty bad. I just want to lay down and sleep all night without something hurting
Don't know if this will help you but it has helped me 150%.....I have been suffering for the last 8 months and I have been diagnosed with ostearthritis in the knees, under the knee cap and 3 bone spurs. It came on very suddenly when I stressed my knee during a fire drill of all things. SO for the last 8 months I have been have been walking with pain and some day cannot even put weight on my leg without wincing PAIN! I hurts to sleep and I was waking up stiff every morning. I am not as bad off as some people but the pain has dragged me down and I was depressed.
Well, my daughter researched and found a natural fruit juice supplement that has totally taken my pain and inflammation away.I am walking again with absolutely no PAIN, even though my osteoarthritis is still there. I am drinking XanGo MANGOSTEEN JUICE. It does not cure the ailment but relieves the inflammation. I have no pain in my knees, I have ENERGY for the first time in a long time, my mood is 150% better, my blood pressure has dropped from 142/83 to 115/75, I am no longer tired and I finally sleep through the night!  You can only buy it from member of XANGO. I have been having three servings a day and have had tremendous results. It is the one health supplement to try. I don't know if it would work for you, but take a look at this website colleennoelle.natureswellnesssecret.com that is the site where I bought mine.Try it, it should help and because it is a natural fruit juice it sure cannot hurt!! It does not interfere with any of my medications but I am hoping soon the doctor will reduce my meds.  I want to tell everyone about this because it is so helpful in relieving the pain. I was taking 6 to 8 pills, aleve, tylenol etc to relieve the pain, guess what I have not taken ANY of those pills in a month. It actually helps with anything that is caused by inflammation.You have to try this! Please read about it at the site I mentioned, you will feel like a new person, I do....

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