Enbrel triggering lupus syndrome | Arthritis Information


I am considering TNF-a therapy.

The Enbrel lit says that the treatment can trigger SLE, or a "lupus-like syndrome" that "may resolve" after dc'ing the drug.  I don't like the word "may." 

I was diagnosed w/ RA in '90, after a year of doctors dithering about whether it was RA, Lyme disease or SLE.  I had joint & muscle pain, weird skin rashes, and a high ANA titer, but no organ involvement.

Three years ago, after being off DMARDs for 4 months, I had an ANA of 1:320.  Now, after being on plaquenil and prednisone for 1-1/12 years, my ANA is negative.  My doc is unconcerned that I will develop lupus from taking Enbrel. 

Does anyone know if my history of sporadically high ANA is a risk factor for my developing irreversible SLE sooner or later, when combined with TNF-a therapy?


 Its called medicated induced Lupus. Once the med is stopped the ANA and Lupus symptoms will go away. A med cannot cause lupus permanently only temp. If Your ANA was pos before the meds You are probably ANA pos. A pos ANA dose not mean You have lupus , many RA patents can have a pos ANA. I have a pos ANA and also Discoid Lupus but I do not have SLE.

 I would have the dr check You for all of the Lupus panels to at least give You an answer one way or the other. This is what I had done and still do because of my Discoid Lupus.


Good luck Kat


Thank you, Kat.  Will check on the lupus panel tip. 

I have sero-negative rheumatoid arthrtis- I have never had a positive rheumatoid factor. I was on Humira for a year and half, and started experience lupus symptoms. My doctor reported the incident to the FDA and called it a lupus-like (adverse) reaction to the drug. I also was experiencing periocarditis symptoms at this time as well. My doctors often call my diagnosis  "Rupus" - both rheumatoid and lupus. Either way, the treatment wouldn't change, they treat the symptoms the same. I have been on methotrexate since the adverse reaction- and was doing really well up until a few months ago. I am now considering starting "Rituxan" which is new and similar to Orencia.  

I think if you are nervous of developing lupus-like symptoms, I would stay away from the DMARDS and try one of the newer therapies out there.

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