Had my surgery today... | Arthritis Information


Just wanted to stop in and say Hi...I did have my knee surgery today and it all went pretty well. I am keeping it iced and taking lots of pain meds to keep the pain under control. I hope all is well with everyone here.

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I 'threw' my operated knee onto the sofa's back while lying on my back, and watched DVD's till my neck gave out and then I read! 

Roxy, I took a medical leave so I can stay out as long as I want, but I dont get anykind of pay...so I need to go back as soon  as I am able.

Well, my meds are kicking in, and I keep nodding off...so I will check in with ya'll later.   Crunchy, this is what I did when I couldn't get my hand wet. I wrapped Glad's press and seal around my hand. The plastic wrap will hold the water out. Try it!
   Good luck,


Crunchy, Hope you recover soon. It must be good to have the worst over with. I think the saran wrap idea might work for taking a shower if you aim the water away from the knee and don't get it completely saturated.  When I had skin cancer surgery there was a plastic patch the surgeon gave me to put over the bandages that was sticky only around the edges. I wonder if they have something like that for larger areas? Get well and don't worry about all the things that aren't getting done.


I used the saran wrap and it worked great! I felt so much better after an hot shower and washing my hair. It is amazing what being fresh and soft can do to lift your spirits!
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