Roxy: in re. hurtin’ hormones | Arthritis Information


Rox,  Love your Einstein qt.!

I understand your comment, "the doctors here (whom I love) have run out of answers."   

It is often hard to get your docs to help with hormones, but I think it's worth it.  Hope you get some help from a new doc soon.  I wish you well!

A healthy family friend went on HRT in her 50s.  RA deformed her hands almost overnight - and her docs had her on all sorts of strong meds -- cort., mtx, nsaids, tnfs.  Another woman I know was one of the 1st to take HRT in the 1960s or 70s and she got breast cancer not long after.

I believe my own RA sympts (diffuse jt. swelling & muscle pain) were triggered by puberty, but I had weird collagen-related issues in the years before my RA dx (frequent tendinitis, migraines, sudden severe myopia, skin rashes, wt. gain).  THose sympts. began after I started taking lots of aspartame-containing products in 1983.  I believe aspart. triggered early puberty and some hormone imbalance and the rest is history.

Also after '83, I had a skin rash triggered by sun & chlorine for 20 yrs.  It went away when I used topical progesterone cream.  Pretty amazing relief.

(1983 is the same time my mom's muscle pain & rapid wt gain, flushing and thyroid-like sympts started.)

I used to use topical progesterone for my hot flashes.  It really helped.  I have considered using it again but these hot flashes I think are from pain meds and pred.  I get more of them if I up the usage of these drugs. 

I think anything that has a strong effect on the immune system can throw it "out of kilter" ie - auto-immune disease.  I had a hysterectomy, I started having unexplainable body pain, my daughter was diagnosed schizophrenic - could not walk, skeleton feet, and the last straw was a root canal from hell, the nerve just would not die.  That is when I ended up hospitalized. ( We all must have memories of before taking a test or stressful interview or whatever, we got sick.)  Stress has always messed with my body and I am a bit type A.  Always want to be moving forward, accomplishing something.  I miss my "good addiction" - exercise.  Great stress reliever.  RA and my lack of exercise has really made it difficult with my personality not to be stressed, depressed - then flaring.  The root canal also releases a lot of bacteria and was physically challenging.  Last straw - RA kicked in big time.  I also believe chemicals will cause a flare.  If I eat healthy, I am healthier.  I never use the fake sweeteners as I have read many times they are toxic to the body. 

I think we are on the same page Spirit.  Problem is I have not been practicing what I believe.  I have set myself up for stress and illness and am now suffering the consequences.  Will I ever learn????????


In school, I once said, "If we could do it all over again ..." and a teacher of mine replied, "we'd probably do it the same way."  Yikes!  Hope that's not true. 

As a fellow "go-go-go" person who was very athletic, I miss daily exercise something fierce.  Such a vicious cycle, and, yes, so depressing. 

Do sthg. you enjoy today that has NOTHING to do with your RA!
