Great Remedy for Elbow Contractures | Arthritis Information


Hi, all.  In college, when I was having trouble w/ elbow swelling and contracture and was unable to do lap swims, my rheum. at a major research university's medical center referred me to FLUIDOTHERAPY

The therapist uses small pieces of corn husks heated to a very high temperature (much higher than would be tolerable in a water- or paraffin-based solution) to deeply penetrate inflamed tissue and allow for increased ROM thru passive stretches. 

Six tx (two-three weeks in a row) would help me for a whole year.

It was great stuff, but I was surprised to find in my big city that my long established rheum. had never heard of it.  Luckily, he's open to it.  I'll start tx soon.  Yippee!


I hope "fluido" is available for other joints, but I don't know yet. 

Check the 'Net and see if your city has this tx.
