Expectations of progression of RA | Arthritis Information



RA problems since February, after tests & waiting, diagnosed in July and started Methotrexate (prior to that 1,000 mgs of antiinflams)with both meds, I am feeling pretty good - NOTHING like it was - extremely tolerable now - even the side effects of the MTX have worn off ... but... what is to be expected from this disease?

I read so many of the postings and feel so bad for those who are so ill with this - have you ever had relief?  Or.. does this just continually get worse?

I don't see Rheumy again until Oct - but I was just wondering what your thoughts are?



It really really varies from person to person.  I've been diagnosed for 6 years and have been on DMARDs or biologics for most of that time.  I've had to switch meds a lot, and have the pain etc. in all joints, but I have had minimal joint erosion/deformity.  Other folks have become completely disabled in less time.  Some people even go into remission at some point and all symptoms disappear.  Hopefully with the MTX working so well (it was great for me while I could take it), you'll be a lucky one. I was diagnosed in June, 2002 and went thru 3 years of drug-induced remission.  I will be starting methotrexate soon as I has a flare-up this year.  However, that is starting to subside.  My experience is that it comes and goes.  You have to take advantage of the good days and get thru the bad ones. I get the impression that people who respond well to the meds handle the disease better and its progression is slower.  At least that is what I have gleened from my rd and reading posts.  You may be one of the luckier ones.  I have not been so lucky as I have been unable to tolerate so many meds.  They still do not have a "med cocktail" that has allowed me much of my life back but I am better than the first year and I haven't given up hope.  I hear the first two years can be the worse, that is where I am at - two years.  I think you are going to do just fine and you should believe that

If you are responding well to the meds; that's very good news. I think what Roxy says is probable true.

I've been very fortunate. I was dx'ed over 12 years ago and started out on weaker DMARDS like Sulfersalizine...in combination with antinflamatories. Eventually I had to move on to other meds like Plaquinel......Did well on that for a while; then MTX then Humira.

I'm 35 years old and have had RA all this time and I manage very well. Yes; I have more pain and general health problems than most of my peers; but I believe that early and consistant treatment has really bought me a great deal of time.

Over the years it has progressed but in my opinion it's been slowly. Humira and MTX together has been a powerful yet successful combination in most recent years. One thing that has been difficult for me is that over the years it has progress to my back. This has been a difficult part of the illness for  me to master......but I'm learning.

You have every reason to be hopeful. There are many of us that manage very well and have a successful life despite our illness. I think MAYBE while visiting these websites you hear more about the horrid of this illness than you do of the folks who have been fairly successful and are still very happy with life.

Keep a positive attitude and keep believing that you will be amoung the group that is able to manage fairly well.

I do believe over time you tend to lower your standards as to what living "Fairly well" means. There is a certain amount of disappointment with this disease that I think take years to over come. Once that happens and you learn to accept a life you can not change it all becomes easier.

I wish you good luck.


I was diagnoed by a rheumy on July 17th. Was in pain since April. So far the meds are working really well for me.
I wonder too about all the pain many people are experiencing here on the board. I feel so fortunate right now but I am still on prednisone. Doctor has me down to 7.5 mg. I am hoping the pain dosent return.

I can see that this disease has spread slowly for some and rather quickly for others and some of you being young moms is heartbreaking. It is so hard to give young ones our undivided attention when you are in so much pain.

I have noticed too that after awhile people just dont want to hear about it anymore and for those who are in so much pain it just isnt fair.
Thank goodness for these boards. Everyone needs to have a place to vent. There is so much to learn here Milo and know yo are not alone.
BarbLovie, I think you made a very important point there about hearing the worst on these sites.  Obviously it's not intentional that we are all doom and gloom etc, it's just that there will be people who cope well with RA and maybe don't need the support of a group and then we tend not to post when we are doing good because we are a catious bunch and the nature of this illness has taught us not to get excited about a good spell sometimes and also I think there is an element of guilt that sometimes when people are doing good they don't really want to say because their friends are going through a bad time etc - I definately agree with that point Lovie.

You're read my meaning very well Flint. Obviously over the years I have had plenty of bad times; but over time you learn to put it all into prespective and when you are doing well you kind of just enjoy it and feel fortunate and you aren't likely to yell from the roof top "I'm in remission!!"

You proceed with caution knowing that at any time things could dramaticlly change and the same is true for the bad days. I'm not one to say everyday "Oh I can't cope" "Oh this is horrible" because I'm a big believer in positive thinking and positive imaging. In my opinion if you are constantly feeding your mind full of horrible imagines of a life as a crippled, sickly person it only makes matters worse.

For me; I prefer to try to keep my emotions on an even keel. Good or bad days you're likely to get the same attitude from me because I know that tomorrow is a new day. Not that positive thinking will "cure you" but trust me.....it never hurts. It can only help you in the long run.

What comes out of your mouth goes into your head. Think before you speak.....you're likely to hurt yourself more than anyone with a constant doom and gloom mentallity.

I don't mean to be harsh. I know that many feel these sites are the only place they can vent and release their feelings toward this disease and the feelings that go with it.....but you should be cautious about letting yourself get too wrapped up in it. Sometime your time could be better spent filling your head full of hope instead of dispare.

We do not hear nearly enough success stories on these sites....and I know for a fact that there are many amoung us that manage very well. I wish we could get more of their stories on a regular basis so those new to the disease can see how some manage well despite the challenages they face.

Hey Milobean!

Live your life like you expect to do well. Especially if things are going pretty well now! It is probably the truth.

If things are going badly, expect that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.  Expect that the current flare will fade, expect the new drug to work, expect the best. This is probably the truth, too. Most likely the light at the end of the tunnel, is not an on coming train.

Hang on to your sense of humor.
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