What months are worst for you? | Arthritis Information


I'm kinda new to this RA.  I was wondering if certain months were harder than others.  Does wet weather affect your RA?  Seems like it does for me, but maybe I'm being hyper sensitive.  ThanxARGH.  I haven't figured that out yet as I have lived between my husband's home in the mountains and my home in the valley for almost three years.  Very different climates and now I am moving to a new climate.  Most people will tell you they can feel a storm when it is coming due to the change in barometric pressure.  That is definitely true for me.  I am moving to a very rainy climate.   Ask me this winter

However, almost all my medicines also say "avoid the sun." This is awfully hard to do Phoenix.

Even though my "big bang" just occured in Feb 06 (which is the colder time of year here), I have had mild symptoms for about 6 years. Up untill this year my symptoms only appeared in the colder months, and this year so far they have been better in the summer....well let me clarify, I have more good days in the summer....so far. I am a little nervous about what this winter will bring. I suspect I will be investing in lots of thick wooly socks and scarves...even though it is only in the 50s and 60s most of the time in the winter here.I tend to have problems in the fall when the temperature is changing from warm to cold.

Barometric pressure supposedly plays a big role but I personally have never experienced the flare before the storm phenomenonI have never noticed any change regardless of season. I also moved from rainy B.C. To sunny California and haven't noticed any difference...except, I am definitely more energized by the sun! So I guess the cloudy rainy whether had an effect on my mental stae more than I realized, but not so much on my RA symptoms.  It rains in the Phoenix in the summer time - it is called the monsoon. I feel every barometric pressure change - storms hurt coming and going. Happily 9 months out of the year Phoenix weather is boring! marian38973.7130902778

Hope you all have a good year the whole way through,


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