Energy boosters | Arthritis Information


Does anyone have any tried and true methods of boosting flagging energy from RA fatigue, when you just have too keep going at work and your eyes are closing despite your best efforts and a couple of coffees?


I get up from my desk and walk a bit. Seems to get the blood moving up to my brain.

I have to admit it does not always work

The do seem to help....for a little while anyway. I like the Monster ones better than the Red Bull or whatever those are called.

This may sound really stupid, but a lot of times I find that mind over matter can do a long way. When I'm just exhausted but I know something needs to get done, if I can just START IT, for example, a pile of dishes, if I just wash 4 dishes...and walk away....after about 10-20 minutes, it'll drive me crazy that they're only halfway done, and I'm back in there, SOMEHOW with energy to finish the job. So I guess sometimes I just trick myself? Haha but that could be the OCD bits of me overpowering the fatigue.....

Good ideas,  Lovie, I think today needs desperate measures so I am going for a walk to get an energy drink because I am in torture here, sitting at my desk at my computer and I just cant keep my eyes open!!!  Its agony.  I tried an energy bar, some sandwhiches for lunch, no improvement!

See you later and if anyone else has any ideas, please send them along.  I hadnt thought of the energy drink but have been known to use them like Lovie for emergencies, but I am too tired to even remember that!!

Bed, my bed is calling and its only half way through the day



Arris, you do dishes just like me.  It can take all day but the advantage is the ones you are dirtying get done along the way. 


I, too, tend to start a job such as dishes or laundry, leave it because it's too hard until guilt nags away and I return to the job. Took me a while to accept that I could live like this but, what the heck, we all find our own ways of coping.

I just wish sometimes somebody would walk in the door and say "can I do the dishes for you?" Nobody does, so I'll be getting a dishwasher soon. Lucky me!

My relaxation method is to play computer games - takes my mind right off it. Good topic and some interesting and helpful answers.

Good Luck Wendy! I know all too well how ya feel.LoL You don't know how many times I've wanted to hire Merry Maids. I even thought about calling them and saying "I just want someone to come over and HELP me clean...I won't sit on my butt and watch, I swear!" But then I know I couldn't let a stranger come clean my house. I'm too picky. I love computer games, but I never last long, the mouse is my enemy.

Sleep tite all


non fat latte with double (or triple) shot of espresso!! That sometimes helps a bit -  or just makes me very nervous AND exhausted.  I also try to take a walk. But usually there's nothing that will help except to lie down for a bit. Had to do that last night while I was driving. Always have a pillow in the car on trips so I can pull over.  Feeling the same way tonight. Good you have an easy going boss and can give in and go home. Doesn't help anyway to have you sleeping at your desk! I often have the same problem at work. There
havebeen many times that I have started to nod off
and catch myself before my head crashes on my
desk! It's so frustrating because I really want to be
productive...but not always possible. Sometimes if I
get up and go for a short walk around the office our
outside it will help some, but thats only about 30% of
the time. I have to try and do something completely
different - like go sit outside for a minute and call my
sister on my cell. But unfortunately I have to stay at
work the full time, and. boy it can be a battle!!