New lump... | Arthritis Information


Hi there ...  I love having all you guys for support!!
Now.....  I have a new strange lump/bump and hope some of you may know what's up with it....  It's on my thumb, below the fingernail, located  between the joint and nail and is painful and swelling (as usual).. but then this lump has appeared and it's getting larger every day.  The joint itself isn't sore, just the lump.   Is this an RA nodule forming?  I can't see my RA until sometime late next week, but was hoping for some advise.  Has anyone encountered this?   I have OA too, but it doesn't look or feel the same as the OA. 

Help!!  I'm a little worried.....  I haven't had the deformaties of RA, only the deformed fingers from the OA....  

Hmmm it doesn't quite sound like a nodule.....But I've only had about 5, so I'm not a real expert. Mine all formed more on the top of the joint, in my pointer fingers, middle fingers, and left ring finger. I have a couple of squishy lump/bump thingies in my wrists. But you can only see/feel them if I press my hand plam-down on a hard surface and bend my wrist back just slightly. I used to do this all the time as a kid, and then POP the bump back into my skin. Gross, eh?

As you are going to see your doctor ask him to confirm it is just a nodule.

Thanks for your replies.  I saw my regular MD today and she said to see the RA, but she thinks it's some kind of liquid (??)  that came from the joint and that I may need a cortisone shot, but wanted me to be real sure and check with the rheumy first... so, have to put in a referral first, wait for insurance to OK, then I go...  Hopefully it's just a small thing..  I'll let you know when I find out... thanks again! Eewwwwwww NEAT. LoL But not so neat about the shot. Meh. I recall way back in the day...when I was...4? maybe? They took some liquid from my knee. I wonder if that was something similar. It was a HUUUUGGGGEEEE tube, and it was redish. But I think that was just from the blood of stabbing me with such a big needle. And then again...if I was might not have been that big of a needle! But they did have to restrain me....Hmmmm I wanna know what it is!!!!! The human body is FACINATING... :)EEWWWWW!!  Thanks for the visual A great way of reducing nodules is cidar vinegar.  I had nodules on my hands which were starting to increase in size and within about 3 weeks there was a big reduction in the size.  Cidar vinegar is also very good at flushing artritis out of your system but when you first start to take the vinegar your artritis will feel much worse, this is the vinegar doing its work but after a while you will notice a difference.  The best way to take it is with honey add a drop of hot water and put a tablespoon of cider vinegar in 3 times a day.  Cider vinegar is also good for slimming, it helps you lose weight.Wouldn't it help you lose weight because its greasing you up? I don't wanna sound wait..I am Didn't they use to drink castor oil to lose weight back in the day!?!?!? Maybe the castor oil helped 'lube' up the system... so things would slide through easier!!!   vickilee38975.6006944444LOL that's what I was implying....haha and EW. Thank *you* for the visual!I saw the Rheumy today regarding my lump/bump..... and Katie, yes, it was a big needle he used... and it was my blood I saw too!!! Anyway, he said it is a synovial cyst, coming from the joint of the thumb..   He wanted to drain it, then put cortisone in ..  I said OK... after he stuck in the needle, it didn't drain and I told him to stop... pain was soooo bad...  He pulled out the needle and was just getting it to drain some, but I couldn't stand the pain He then said that it may go down on it's own, which is fine with me.  The pain of the needle was worse than the pain of the lump.  I guess the cortisone would have helped it, but I couldn't do it. 
Am I a baby or what????   I asked him what caused it and he said... the arthritis!  DUH!!! 

LOL A cyst! Why didn't I THINK of that?!?!? I feel so DUMB. What's a synovial cyst? I get bakers cysts. Which is just fluid build up....kind of like, your body tries to fill a bad joint with fluid to cushion it, since your cart. is all screwed up. But I've never heard of a synovial cyst. Unless it's the same thing, and I'm calling it by the redneck name, which is HIGHLY likely, knowing me. If it doesn't get any better on its own, I would really try to suck it up and get the shot! I know how in the way cysts can get! Good luck, and let me know!

Yeah....  I'm a big baby!!   He even tried to numb it first....  then came the needle!!  Yikes..  We'll see if I have magic healing powers and then I can heal all of us I am going to look up synovial fluid.. which I think this is what the cyst is from.. the synovial...  ????  I'll also look up Bakers Cyst, which could be the same thing!

Haha "which i think this is what the cyst is from...the synovial.. ????" If no one knew what we were talking about, they'd think you were making things up! What's a synovial!?!?OH OH I FOUND IT! They're made from the same thing! I think Baker's cyst is JUST in the knee.....NEAT. I like