Enbrel - Going, going, gone? | Arthritis Information


I've been on Enbrel for a while and it seemed to have done a lot to slow the progression of RA and also to lessen the stiffness and pain in the mornings. But I've had real difficulties during the last two weeks.  My wrists and fingers hurt and the bottom of my feet are tender and painful.  I don't know if the Enbrel has lost its grove or whether you can have a big flare even though the Enbrel is still effective.  Maybe only time will tell?  Anyone out there have major flares even though they feel their treatments are essentially still effective?Hi Randy,

 I was on Enbrel for almost a year. I too felt that it was working in the beginning. Then it seemed like it just didn't work anymore. I got the burst of energy and felt like a new person at first. I don't know how long you have been on the Enbrel, but like I said, It worked for awhile. I just switched RD's. I was not happy with my last one. He would not take the time to talk with me. The new RD told me that, The burst of energy does not mean that the medication is working. He has switched me to Humira. I should get my first dose FedEx today.

Maybe you should check with your RD to see what he thinks...

Huggs to all and hoping for a pain free day for all!


I too have switched from the enbrel to the humira and have much better results.  The humira stings more but its worth it!Randy,  I have pain, especially when I am stressed out but when I go without the Enbrel, more often than I like due to infections, I can definitely feel the difference.  I think the only way you really will know if it is doing anything is to go off it.  I think you need to talk to your rd about your concerns.
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