quick question about joint pain | Arthritis Information


When the joint pain first started in your fingers, what did it feel like?

Did it gradually get worse with time (not counting the pain from actual damage) or was it pretty much the same level of pain, stiffness, swelling etc from the start - I'm asking because I want to know if the pain I have now is what will continue or does it gradually build up worse and worse?
Mine built up and got worse until I went on RA meds.Mine is really random. Sometimes I wake up and I can't even move my fingers, they're all contorted and HUUUUUURRRRRTTTTTTT. Others they just ache and move really stiff. Like a robot. Haha As far as general pain level...if I put it on average, I'd say over the years it has def. gotten worse. :( I always end up sounding grim when I post stuff. Jeeze. I've read a lot of people that love those parrafin wax things. I really want to get one. Whenever I manage to get a manicure, they use it and I always feel sooooooooooooo good after it. I really do keep my hands moving, even when they hurt though. I'm always rubbing them and bending my fingers all over Heh I like to think that it helps....It depends on the day!   When I first was diagnosed, the rheumy asked if the pain and swelling lasted longer than an hour....  now, it seems to last about 3 hours, kinda of like my body getting out of the bed!  When my predisone was lowered, it lasted too long.....  most of the day.. then went back on 10 per day and it's better.  As I sit here on the computer, I do feel stiffness, but not the swelling that I have in the morning.
By the way, my son gave me the parafin wax 4 years ago.  It feels great but no long term differences.....  Better get it out again!
I like to play with the wax ANYWAY...I'm a kid like that :) LoL They make them for your FEET too! I got a "water massaing" foot bath a few years ago...that just hurt more than anything. I think I gave it away. I know I always feel better after a hot shower, but it seems as soon as I open the bathroom door, and that cold air hits me...WHAM, there it is again.


My pain in my hands was very bad in the beginning. Since they have put me on so many meds, it much less of a problem. I think that when you do get the right mix of medications that it will improve.

There is hope. It usually takes time for most people to get the right meds between fighting with the docs and testing the meds. But a lot of people here are doing pretty good for the most part.

The important thing is not to just accept the pain (anywhere) until they have exhausted all options.

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