Arava | Arthritis Information


Hello, I am new here. Came across this site while looking for posting boards for RA. I have both active Lupus and Rheumatoid. Diagnosed about eigth years ago. Did have some good periods of remission and then major flare ups of both about a year ago with little relief. Am currently on Prednisone, Plaquenil, Methotrexate. Have had Enbrel  before now my doc wants me back on Enbrel and to go on Arava. Has anyone been on Arava ? I have read a lot about live complications on this drug. Do not really care for Enbrel either but I suppose I should be thankful at least there are some treatments. I had to stop work this spring and now am trying for disability. Would appreciate any info on that as well.  Am real glad I found this site ! Not many people I know really understand these diseases very well. Thanks all !


I am so glad you asked about Arava?  I am on Methotrexate and prednisone too and the doctor said if I continue to have problems with Methotrexate he will switch me to Arava.  I am hoping my body adapts to the Mxt because I don't really want to start over when I am not having a lot of pain.  I would rather get off the prednisone as I hope to be in a few weeks!  I hope you are feeling better too.  And I will wait and read what others say about Arava.  All of the drugs seem to have side effects that I am not happy with but we are lucky they have something to help us!  As far as the disease, I think you will find a lot of articles that will help you understand.   Just type in under or  "Information on Rheumatoid Arthritis" and that should give you lots of information!  Take care and hope you are having a good day!  Susan

I'm on Enbrel and Arava now.  Arava has almost zero side effects for me.  I had some headache the first week, and looser bowel movements (but not like true diarrhea) and that was it.  I couldn't tolerate MTX even with injections, so this has been good.


Could you please tell me what kind of side effects you had when you took Methotrexate?  What does couldn't tolerate mean?  I am taking it now and hanging in there!  HA HA  Would appreciate your input! Hope you are having a good day!  Susan

I was on arava for almost 2 years. I did not like how I felt while on it. It seemed like it made me want to sleep all the time, and it also made my hair fall out like no tomorrow. It did give some relief of the pain and stiffness, but I just did not like how it made me feel. I had no major side effects other then the usual hair falling out, and I guess fatigue.


Thanks for your information Jooniper.  Arava doesn't sound like the best med to take so I hope I can continue with Methotrexate and not have to change.  I think this week will tell the tale.  I just took it this evening and hopefully my body will tolerate it.  Susan [QUOTE=SusanLee]


Could you please tell me what kind of side effects you had when you took Methotrexate?  What does couldn't tolerate mean?  I am taking it now and hanging in there!  HA HA  Would appreciate your input! Hope you are having a good day!  Susan


Well I could tell you that I also couldnt handle mtx. I would take it on a Tuesday and then Weds-Fri I couldnt keep ANYTHING down. I mean not even water. It was horrible so I stopped taking it after 3 weeks.
I am on Arava and Remicade.  I was on mtx for two years, but had elevated liver functions and had to stop, so the doctor switched me to Arava.  I did not feel any side effects from mtx, except for feeling tired the day after taking my dose, and I have no noticeable side effects from Arava.  For me, Arava with Remicade seems to be working well.I've been on arava since 97. It worked wonders in the beginning but started to wear off a bit about 2 years ago. I now take enbrel with it. I'll eventually eliminate it if the enbrel proves to be strong enough for me to take alone. I had switched from MTX (which I despised) to arava and it was a miracle drug for me. MTX made me sick all the time and it didn't relieve me of any pain. I was down to 86 pounds and could barely get around.Susan,
My experience was similar to Jealousy's.  I was on the oral MTX at first.  After I took it, I vomited for 24 hours and then felt horrible for another 2 days.  So, after a while the doc switched me to the injection.  That went fine for about 6 months.  Then I started reacting to that as well.  I would do the shot on Sunday, have vomiting through Monday and Tuesday, and horrible nausea Wednesday and Thursday.  By Friday, I was ready to eat again, just in time to do the shot on Sunday.  It was bad.  We tried doing 1/2 doses, taking a couple of weeks off, etc. and they finally concluded I just couldn't tolerate it and took me off of it all together. 

I hope it works out much better for you.  I will say, it did much for my arthritis though.
