I need a cocktail | Arthritis Information


It seems that most folks out there are on a cocktail of DMARDs and/or Biologics.  I have been on Enbrel for nearly a year and it worked well by itself for a while.  I had tried MTX and Arava, but my liver enzymes skyrocketed.  Now I'm concerned that the Enbrel is starting to lose its punch and I'm going to call the RD Monday.  What other DMARDs have you tried, along with a Biologic, that I should I ask about? And what are their side-effects, if any.


I've heard of other's using Sulfersalizine or Plaquinel in combination with a biologics. Neither are as strong as MTX or Arave; but it might be an option for you.

I've used both years ago; but I have been on MTX & Humira a while now with good results. Luckily I haven't had any problems so far.

Good luck to you!

I need a cocktail but damnit - my hubby can't drink so I can't either

Two: I'm not big on cocktails or margaritas, but I do like a few beers every now and then. I mean, I'm a musician! My office is the local bars! So yeah, I like to have a good time when I go out. Drinking has never really affected my arthritis in any way that i can see. However, I know that drinking TOO much isn't good for you anyway, especiallyy when you're on meds. I know that some of the meds can affect my liver. I mentioned it to my doc, and he looked kind of concerned and asked how much I drink, and I told him it's just kind of a weekend thing and I usually just stick to beer, and he seemed to think it wasn't a problem with the meds I;m currently on as long as I don't over-do it. He was considering putting me back on methotrexate, which I took as a child, and said that If I started taking THAT, then he would strongly suggest that I stop drinking all together. But he seems to think that my arthritis may technically be in remission and even if it isn't, it's not getting any worse and going back on the methotrexate would probably have little or no effect as far as improving my condition. so I'm all good. So yeah, I am a "good" boy for the most part. Wasn't always, though. In my early and mid 20's, drinking was starting to become a problem with me. Going out sometimes 3 or 4 nights a week, and sometimes even more than that! The final straw was when I fell down one night during a blackout. My arm hurt like hell the next day and I could barely move it. I had fallen down before and had things be sore from it the next day or two, so I thought nothing of it at first. But about 3 days had passed and it didn't feel any better, but worse. So I went to the hospital. Turns out I broke my arm way up towards my shoulder. So that's when I decided to put the brakes on and slow down.

So the moral of this story is that it is ok to have a few drinks every now and then and have a good time (as long as you know it won't have any bad side affects with your meds), but using alcohol as an escape from your problems and getting black-out drunk is very much NOT OK! So just be careful out there and use your best judgement.

Be safe and responsible,


Tried MTX with Enbrel and Humira...no luck.

Had a salty Corona with a lime today.....it was muey caliente out and the cerveza was icey cold!!! MMMMMMMM

Randy, there is so many different combinations out there. I'm on MTX, Plaquenil and was taking Enbrel. But the Enbrel doesn't seem to be working for me, so I'm expecting that will change on my next visit. I've been on Remicade with good results. However, some of the biologics are showing high incidents of cancer developing.

Here's what you do. Tell your doctor that you want more aggressive treatment and then see what is offered. When you know what is being suggested, ask why they are suggesting that particular treatment for you and what are the risks and what are the benefits.

Ideally, if you can do some research on the Internet first, you will be better prepared. Remember that is is a trade off between stopping th progression of the disease and the side effects of the medicines.

Oh, and I can't ever drink --- long before I had RA. But I like the taste of a good margerita. Add some Mexican food, take away the MTX and we might be in business for a good time.

Hi-I am on remicade and mtx.
It has been a really good combo for me (also pred
once in a while and folic acid daily)

And, Since I live in the city by myself, and few close
girlfriends I don't get a chance to get out much for a
drink or glass of wine...maybe once a month.
Anyway, margaritta;s are my absolute
favorate...along with meixcan food...mmmmm

and crunchy, the salted / limed corona sounds
wonderful. Might have to get a couple to keep in my


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