Im feelin so much better! | Arthritis Information


Something cheerful for the group.  Im a newbie, only been on MTX for 3 weeks, tonight is my 4th dose.  When I was diagnosed, only a month or so ago, I was given a predinsone shot IM, and am on a double dose of Mobic (NSAID) and MTX and folic acid with  codein/paracetamol tablets which I was taking 2 every 4 hours.  Today I havent had to take ONE pain killer!  I havent had a nap at all this weekend where before I couldnt keep my eyes open, and we had guests around for the first time on Saturday evening and I cooked and shopped and everything and felt fine. 

In New Zealand its now Sunday 4.30pm and I dont even feel tired and longing for a nap, its a miracle!!  I have been lucky with no side effects from the MTX so far.  The pain is there a little bit but nothing I cant handle.  My wrist is so much better, its back to normal strength and I can even pour a cup of tea!  My fingers are like normal and its only my feet that still hurt otherwise I feel almost normal.

Isnt that wonderful?  Now how long will it last do you all think?

I am travelling to Boston and Maine to see my brothers for the first time in 10 years, I fly out of here on the 4th Oct and am spending the month there.  I am SO hoping to be well enough to spend quality time with my neices and nephew. 

At 45 I was feeling like a cripple, and now I feel great again!  Can you tell my from experience what to expect now?




Hey Wendy

That's just GREAT!  I'm not sure - but I think if you're under control with the MTX, then it's under control for a while...I'd ask Lovie, she's got experience with MTX! 

So enjoy yourself!  It just sounds like the MTX is working (and I think it takes about 3-6 weeks to work) and your doing good - so ENJOY!


Good for you Wendy. Sometimes just the adrenaline you get from taking a trip or doing something otherwise fun will make you feel a lot better. Have a great visit.Wendy it is great that your are feeling so much better, I dont know if the MTX would be working so soon but it is possible. Maybe your RA is just inactive right now...but as someone else on the board once told me...who cares why your having good days, just so long as you are having them! I hope you continue to feel well, and that you enjoy your visit to Boston.Hi Wendy! That's so great that you are feeling better!!
I am on MTX too... have been for about seven weeks now and I also
see an improvement. However this week I have been reducing the
amount of prednisone from 5mg per day to 4mg per day and the
pain is coming back. I can't get over how much of a difference that
1mg makes! I reckon that if you have found the right combination of
drugs to get you going again, then stick with it, especially during
your holiday. I also agree with Crunchy in that the pain might be
gone because you're not having a flare. I think it's something we
have to monitor all the time - get to know our RA as best as we can
in order to treat it as best as we can. Stress sets off my RA so a
holiday will probably do you wonders!! Have a great time!

Wendy this is great news!! The best part right now is that you have been able to tolerate the MTX. The ones that can't take it learn early on that they can't; and it sounds to me that you are going to be one of the lucky ones.

It's been so long for me that I can't remember how long it took for me to get results from MTX but in the beginning I had a boot from predisone and also coritsone injections. By the time those effects had worn off I was doing really well just like you seem to be.

Keep a positve attitude. That's one thing you can control and it will make a huge difference. Don't spend every day waiting for things to get bad. Expect the best from will take you far.

Good Luck!

That's great that you are feeling so much better. Just don't exhaust yourself (which I have a tendency to do) and I bet this might just stick. It is wonderful that you are getting good results so early.

The hardest part is going to be the travelling, so get as much advise from others here that have done some travelling (like LindaK) so that it isn't as hard on you.

Thanks everyone :)  I will ask the general forum in a new post as its probably a good idea for a post subject.Hi Wendyc. Great news! Glad you able able to
tolerate the mtx as Lovie said. I have been taking for
almost 2 years and it has really been a life saver.
Isn't it great to remember what it's like to feel good
and to be able to do things again? I still have good
days and bad days, but I have to say that the good
days are starting to outnumber bad.   

So RA can come and go, ebb and flare so to speak? But on a daily basis?  And everyone is different?  you have the joyful wait

Can anyone let me down gently and give me a sort of what to expect in reality if I dont go into a "solid" remission.  I cant seem to find more on the net about actually living with it, just the medical facts.

Wendy-just to elaborate a little on
the good days/bad days thing. I was diagnosed
about 2 years ago. When I was first diagnosed I was
in major pain and my RD put me on prednisone-
higher dosage- which took the edge off the extreme
pain and helped with the swelling. Then we added
mtx and remicade (and advil). Took about 3 months
before I could feel any relief and cut down the pred a
bit. Most relief came at first with took about a
year of various remicade adjustments to start really
feeling relief from that. About 4 months ago I was
able to cut out the pred altogether.

Anyway-that's just the drug history. What I have
learned to be true about my RA is that, unfortunately,
I don't know how I will feel each morning when I
wake up. I may feel great or have flares in various
joints. BUT, what took me a while to learn is that if
you do have a bad day or a bad few days (flares and
stuff) that there will also be good days. I used to get
so depressed when there would be no
end to it, and then realize that a few days later I'm
feeling much, much better. So I really enjoy and
appreciate the good days and get the most out of the
day I can (without overdoing) and then rest
things more slowly on flare days...but ALWAYS
looking forward to the good days that WILL come.

So that's a lot of rambling, but just wanted to share
my experience. I do know that everyone is different,
but your positive attitude will make lots of difference.
Good luck at the doctor!

Many thanks Tara, that is really helpful, not rambling either, I appreciate your knowledge and advice.

