starting to wonder.... | Arthritis Information


I'm female, 49 years old and have experienced joint aches since I was in
my twenties. My neck and joints would feel tender during my time of the
month and I just thought that was normal. I don't even think I ever
mentioned it to anyone. Seven years ago I started to experience knee pain
which I attributed to osteoarthritis. A few years later my ankles started to
give me trouble. Now the joints at the base of my toes and fingers are
stiff and sore too. I've never told anyone about all this, I live alone and
have just quietly soldiered on. But it is starting to interfere with my life.
In the mornings or after I sit I have quite a difficult time getting up and
walking. I can't kneel on my knees, I can't walk fast, I find it difficult to go
down the stairs.
Its getting progressively worse, much faster than I think osteoarthritis
would happen. I'm embarrassed, its like I'm an old woman -- none of my
family and friends are like this.
The only thing that I don't have is joint reddness and swelling which may
be a major sign that what I'm experiencing is not rheumatoid arthritis.
My doctor's appointment is tommorrow, I guess I'll finally tell him about
it, but I'm curious how rheumatoid arthritis began for some of you. What
were the signs?

Hi Jill; Welcome to AI.

Definately mention it to your doctor on your next visit. Sounds like you are describing the majority of us here. RA can progress slow as you've by one affecting different areas; or BAM; over night.

Are your troubles on both sides? Both knees.....both hands? That's a good indicator. OA wouldn't be this way.

In the morning or after you sit all day is also a good indicator. Not everyone has sweeling or redness. There's a threat under the "New to RA" section that explains the criteria. I'll see if I can pull it up for you. Often RA is hard to diagnois but a good doctor knows the signs.

Again; Welcome to AI. Hope to see more of you here. Good Luck with your appointment. Do't expect too much though. A GP won't be able to do much for you. If you're lucky you've got a smart one that will quickly refer you to a Rhumatologist. Only they will truely be able to help you if you do infact have some sort of rhumatic illness.

Jill~Here's the link I was referring to.

If it describes you....I'd print it and take it in with you when you go. 7&PN=1


Lovie is right.  I am early RA and it hit me BAM!  I don't have redness either, my swelling is off and on...and never on when I see the RD.  Definately tell your doc and ask for a referral to an RD, RD's can help in all types of arthritis, whether is rheumatoid or not.

The sooner you get help the better...there is no going backward in RA.  You can only slow or try to stop (remission) the disease; there is no cure.


