The "wakes-you-up-screaming elbow/hand | Arthritis Information


This overwhelming pain can be in elbow, wrist, hand or all three. I’ve had it and it’s worse than terrible. Enter the wrist splint.


Even though I’ve managed to get the RA partly under control with the RA drugs and pain killers, for the hand and elbow I’ve always suspected Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Several people here have expressed similar thoughts and even had the surgery. Saw a hand surgeon last week who confirmed that RA definitely can cause CTS. He declined to perform release surgery at this time but suggested a wrist splint. Oh, well, I thought, why not?


After several days of wearing the splint there has already been a noticeable improvement with less elbow pain and more mobility in three previously useless fingers. Is it too early to get excited? Comments and hints from anyone with experience in this area would be most welcome.


The splints are available OTC but be sure it’s a wrist splint as there are several types.

MTX, Arava, Pred, Folic Acid, Tramadol, Paracetemol.

Pain in my elbow and hands can be absolutely terrible too - it never seems to end regardless as to what painkillers I take.  I did try a wrist splint but I only kept it on for a few hours a day and it didn't work!  Maybe that is where I went wrong.  I will try again and keep going with it.  Thanks for the tip!



I had carpel tunnel surgery about the same time I was diagnosed with RA, about 3 months ago. I still have alot of pain from the surgery. If I use my right hand alot the pain is almost as bad as the arthritis


MEH I have tendinitis(sp) and CTS and RA in my left wrist and thumb. FUN STUFF. I have a nifty brace a Doc gave me, but its impossible to sleep in. Its only good for during the day. I just recently found out that when I walk, I cross my arms, or keep them very bent. I also sleep with my hands curled up and my elbows mashed closed. Probably not a good idea. :/ Whats a good OTC item that I can buy to wear at night, to keep me from curling up so bad?

Lovie, need your help re font size. On my page the type is actually larger than 80% of the other posts so I don't know what's gone wrong.

To Sally, Miles2go, Marian and Katie, this is a grey area and each is different. The Carpal Tunnel is, of course, a fairly narrow "tunnel" which carries tendons, nerves etc. A number of things can cause swelling within the tunnel variously called tennis elbow, tendonitis. CTS etc Any of these can lead to pinched nerves and pain. Surgery is sometimes used to clear some space in the tunnel to release pressure on the nerve.

One of the objects of the splint is to keep the wrist straight, to help reduce swelling. When you sleep with a bent wrist or bunched up hands the swelling in the tunnel increases. Katie, try the splint again for sleeping with a pillow or cushion support and see if that works. And Sally, try it for longer, it might work if you allow enough time for the swelling to go down.

I'm wearing the splint right now and the benefits are still there - maybe I'm just lucky. Some pharmacies carry a range of splints and can usually offer advice and select correct size, or order one in for you.

Well, the one I have is seriously massive. It has it's own little spot for my thumb, that keeps it way out and straight, and it has about 6 straps and it's just SO akward for sleep in. :/ I really do plan on getting something on friday. I think I might just go sit on the floor in Albertsons and raid their pharmacy section. Haha They always have so much stuff. I'm going to try it all on before I buy it too. Whats with the compression sleeves I've seen? I've seen them for elbows, and also like fingerless gloves. They look so comfy and slim, but I wonder if that would do anything worthwile, or just be counter-productive. Any ideas?

Katie - don't know about compression sleeves but if Albertsons carry a big range they will probably have somebody to advise. Splints can be combersome as they are replacing the old-fashioned two pieces of wood and bandages. Hope you can get a slimline version. The hand surgeon said the fingerless glove type is not recommended for RA as they immobilise the fingers whereas we need to keep them as flexible as possible. Try the sleeping with a pillow or cushion support idea, it may take several nights. Let's know how it goes. Luck!Yeah, on friday I'll let you know what they say.

My first symtoms was "Carpal Tunnel" numbing of the fingers, losing my grip (in the hands, hee, hee), Not being able to open a jar, hold a pen etc. 

I was lined up for surgery, I saw a Rheumetoligist and he said....

I did have carpal tunnel BUT it was caused by the inflammation of the RA. Which put preasure on the carpal tunnel nerve.  He said if I had surgery I would still have carpal tunnel.

He asked me to give him 3 months, I did and I have not been was rough going through several meds with bad side effects (for me anyway) Arava, Imuran then I got the good stuff.....Humeria has been a god sent for me.  I was freaked out by having to have an injection every two weeks, my Mom still gives them to me cause I just don't think I can give myself a shot. 

I've known several people who have had the carpal tunnel surgery and it has worked, but I've heard more that it hasn't.

I just have to think long and hard before I let somebody cut on my hands, feet, neck and back.   You just can't get that back if the surgery doesn't work.


Hope I've helped someone today....



See, I have JRA, so I knew that was there. I also knew that at least two of my wrist bones had fused, so I'm supposed to be careful with it. BUTTTTT I'm a net junkie. The mouse and keyboard are my lovers. Haha j/k But seriously, my hand just froze one day, I went to the ER, and he was like, well you have CTS and Tendinitis. Good job. Okay, he didn't really say good job, but he should have. So I suppose it's my own fault in the end, but I try to be good about it. I'm afraid it's begun in my right hand now. I want to try to prevent as much as possible. I don't think I'd ever let someone cut me, unless I was dying. I'm beyond terrified of the anasthesia(sp). I suppose I'd change my tune if I couldn't use my hand, but for now, I'll continue to be stubbron and just try OTC braces. Anyone know any really simple exercises I can do when I'm just sitting around? remember, I don't have health insurance, so I can't ask a doc! You guys are all I have! Thanks!

You definately have to "try" and change your sleeping habits.  I sleep like you on my side hands curled up under my chin.

You might need to take something to help you sleep while wearing the braces.  After about a week I felt like I had "trained myself" while sleeping.  I also got a "buck wheat pillow" which help to keep my neck positioned.  They take getting use to but I "think" it helped.

Hang in there!


I wear my wrist braces at night or when I have to move things. They do help considerably. The compression gloves are wonderful if you are doing any typing. Yes, they make a big difference.

You also can get wrist splints that are specific for computer use. It's also important to make sure your workstation is set up properly. Some people use the digitizing pen instead of a mouse with success. I've never gotten used to it, but my best friend has used hers for years.

The wrist splints have broken me from the habit of sleeping on my hands. However, my hands seem to swell during the night and I will find them flung far and wide by morning.

There are exercises that can help with your hands. One of the simplest ones is touching each of your fingers to your thumb, one after the other. Also, those stress balls are good for building your strength. My fitness trainer suggested taking newspaper and crumbling into the smallest size possible. He suggested this because I was having trouble holding onto the exercise machines. Another thing I do, from having been stuck in traffic so much, is that I try squeezing the steering wheel (mine's padded) and releasing over and over again.

Using 1 lb weights which are very cheap can help you build up your muscles. Just go very gentle and if anything hurts, stop. I use those to strengthen my tendon in my shoulder as well. I also have a pulley system for the same thing.

Also, remember to change activities with your hands often. Repetitive motions will really inflame your hands and wrists. If you have pain that moves down from the shoulder to your hands, you need that evaluated. You could have several things going on from tendonitis, pain from a torn rotator cuff, nerve pain for a neck problem or even a heart problem if it's in your left arm.

This sounds really dumb. But after elbow surgery my doc prescribed this huge tension brace that would 'keep the pressure on' my elbow to try to stretch out a long time contracture. I could not stand that contraption - especially at night. so after a week of near sleeplessness (and the brace ending up on the floor), my husband wrapped a bath towel around my arm with a small pillow at the front of the elbow which kept my elbow pretty straight and let both of us sleep.

Maybe you could wrap your wrists in hand towels to 'softly' keep them straight at night.

When I had contractures in the back of my legs, the Physical Therapist did deep tissue massage. It hurt like hell, but it broke them up and made my legs functional again. Before they did that I couldn't put my left foot to the floor.

But that sounds like an excellent solution.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I think I speak for everyone there... :)

I'll be trying some braces out, and I'm going to start some of those little exercises, thank you Deanna. My drive to work is about 30mins-1hr so plenty of time there! I find that's my worst time as well. I'll end up driving by making fists, and sticking them in the smallest openings on the steering wheel to drive. I have carpel tunnel in my left hand.  It started a year ago and the Rheumy told me to try the brace from the pharmacy.  I used it (only at night when I slept) and it seemed to help alot.   The numbness and tingly fingers went away... for a while.... but now it's back again!..  Saw the Rheumy today and he said I may have to have surgery, but wanted me to do the brace again, plus he is increasing my remicade infusion next time.  So, hopefully it may clear itself up again.  He said it is common with RA...  makes me wonder if I started having RA a long time ago as
I did have carpel tunnel on my right wrist about 22 years ago...  I had never even heard of it back then!   But, it was very successful and no problems since in that hand. 
I'd try the brace at night.... use the pillow for support.. it does help!
Good luck!!!

Haha I forgot to share....

I'm sorry if this has worked for anyone else, and I offend you, I don't mean to, I just find normal things funny sometimes...

I got a wrist brace a while back, and it actually came with a pillow attachment. It was the silliest looking thing EVER, and it really just made it more akward than anything! The pillow on it was thicker than my HAND. Hahaha Be careful when you buy things!

It was midnight at walmart and I was really hurting....I don't know why I didn't pay closer attention.

I know what you are talking about.  Then it mostly went from my hands and travelled into my feet. For the last couple of yrs I have had huge problem with pain in my feet.

Since I could not take Rx's from the dr I was on entrophen - lots a day. Decided that splints, tensors, entrophen was not for me.  The wheelchair was not for me & at my age I wanted more out of my life.

I wanted  a future not in pain or dissability.  I want so much to have that for all of you.  It has taken my 5 1/2 mths to go from huge RA & OA to no pain & feeling pretty darn good.  My future is pretty much better than it was this spring.  There is alternative ideas that work.  Traditional work as well but open your thoughts to thinking of what you would do in the next year if you had no pain......

I hold you all in my thoughts praying that some of you wish to try what I take.....

Arthritis formula, Anti inflammatory neck, muscle, back relief, Constitutional Enhancer, M3 formula.  NO side effects and awesome.    Take care Peggy