Prednisone Weight | Arthritis Information


I have been on and off steriods for several years, and seem to add a few more pounds with each round ! This year has been the worst. Of course my disease has been more active so I am less. My feet, hands, knees and hips are always the worst. So most types of exercise are not possible most of the time. Even though I try to watch what I eat, the weight just continues to go up. It is very depressing.  Has anyone experienced this ? Any ideas or methods to avoid this ? I am been on steriods most of this past year and do not expect to be totally off for some time. For me though I am on a relatively small dose of 7.5 mg a day. Thanks all.

Welcome Nanj~

Weight gain is all par for the coarse I suppose. I always dread taking it because I'm sure to gain everytime...but usually by the time I take it; I'm in such a bad place I welcome the weight gain. There's lots of folks here who have more long term experience than I do; I've been off and on short term coarses for the past 11 years....but some here have taken it for years at a time. Someone is sure to come along here shortly that can better advise you.

I just wanted to welcome you and encourage you to continue to come back and get involved with this forum. We all have come to depend upon the support and friendship that you can find here daily.


Thank you so much for your kind words of support and encouragement. It is difficult, isn't it ? No one can understand the intense pain, immobility, frustration and feelings of helplessness other than someone who has experienced it . These feelings are indescribeable. Most people can just take an aispirin if they get  a pain.......try eight or nine just to get the edge off ! Really, before I was diagnosed somedays I was taking up to 16 aispirin and still no relief. Thanks so much.

That's what makes this group of friends so special to me Nanj; and I know I'm not alone.

I have a wonderful husband who is so supportive; but he just doesn't understand how I deal with this disease on a daily basis. Even if there is no mention of pain that day....RA and my future with it is still on my minds. I try really hard not to let it consume our lives so coming here and knowing that no matter what day, or what time I'll have some one that's been there and felt that makes things so much easier for me to deal with.

You can not get this sort of support and encouragement anywhere else. Only people who have been here understand.

I'm glad you found us too.


Welcome. Go over to the "buddy system" board, bottom of the listings page. A bunch of us have started trying to help each other lose some weight, gained by inactivity and taking prednisone. Some of us are talking serious weight gain. So drop by and leave a post.
