nausea from methotrexate? | Arthritis Information


Do those of you taking methotrexate have trouble with nausea? In the 2 weeks I've been on it, I've lost 7 lbs (and am already thin). I feel sick all of the time and am starting to feel very weak. Are there any good meds that help with the side effects from this? I have also heard that adding enbrel with methotrexate will work better than methotrexate alone and was wondering if you have heard the same. I will talk to my rheumatologist about it at my next appt. Also, when taking the methotrexate, did you start the 4 pills at the same time? A friend told me that her doctor had her slowly build up to her maximum dosage and she was never sick. Just curious. Thanks, JuliahI was started on six pills.  I never could handle mtx.  It made me so sick.  Many other people have great success with it.  I do think it works better with a biologic like Enbrel.  My RA is not controlled, but it is better.  I might be a lot better if I could tolerate mtx.  It does make you very tired.  Hope the nausea subsides soon Juliah.  That is miserable. 

I know ginger is very good, try making some hot ginger tea with some fresh ginger bits soaked in boiled water. 

I am only on MXT and folic acid with Mobic for antiinflammatory help and some pain killers if I need them.

Good luck, hope you feel better soon


Hi Julia. I've been on MTX since March. I take 6 pills, and in July, I added Arava to the mix. I take all my MTX on the same day - but you can split it up - just make sure you take all of it within 24 hours.

Don't give up on it until you've tried a variety of different things. Make sure you have something like bread or pasta in your stomach BEFORE you take the MTX. Eating a banana can help. Yes, there are anti-nausea drugs you can take. I take prilosec. It helps. I also take 2 folic acid pills every day, and they help. Try taking it in the morning (which I do) and then try taking it at night. I can tell you, after 6 months, the MTX definitely helps me. Without a doubt. I am 90% of where I used to be. The nausea and the tiredness wear off after a few months. If you're good about the folic acid (up to a max of 4 pills a day), mouth sores shouldn't be a big issue. I've had a few of them.

If you can wait it out, I think your system will adapt. Good luck!

Hi Julia:

I am taking Methotrexate with Remicade.  I started Mexthotrexate with three pills, then have worked up to eight.  I was told it's best to start slow and build up to the dose you need.

I have experienced some nausea, weakness and icky feeling.  I know that the goal is to not have debilitating side effects.  I would definitely talk to your doctor and let him/her know about how you are feeling. 

I also take folic acid to help reduce the side effects.  I was also told I could split up my dose by taking some in the morning, some later in the day - or taking the whole dose at night and try to sleep through the worst of the side effects.

Take care and let us know how you are doing!

Hello, Julia. Are you taking any other meds that are not for RA? For example, I was taking orxine for thyroid and Lipitor for colestorol and for some reason stopped those two about ten days  ago with interesting results. Nausea and appetite loss problems both improved. Had been taking the drugs for years then MTX was added. I blamed the MTX but it may not be the culprit after all. The interactions of various drugs is common and complicated. I'll be seeing my rheumy soon and will ask his opinion. I will be starting MTX in a few weeks.  My Doc said shots can help nausea. 

Drugs can be very tricky.

Some biologics such as enbral are showing cancer production in patients, so side effects can be quite scarry for some.

The use of both is said to help maintian your bones and joints more toward original shape and should help eliminate inflammation more.  Both types are very strong and should take proper concideration before deciding on what to do.

Methotrexate's nausea is the main side effect that effects some and not others.  Many start slow on 2 pills, others start on 6.  Some go up slowly while others are upped quickly due to the severity of their problems.
