This, that, and whatever... | Arthritis Information


There are a lot of topics here about specific subjects, serious questions, and other relevant topics. I just figured I'd start a thread that is just an anything-goes, just for fun type of thing. You know, if anyone wants to talk about something totally unrelated to any of the topics they see, just figured they could dump it here. Just for fun or whatever. Kind of like the topic I saw about what was the first record/tape/cd you ever bought, only less specific. Maybe write about a good movie you saw, maybe a funny joke, maybe a little story of some sort, maybe just put down some serious thoughts or words of wisdom, or just ramble about a bunch of nonsense. Anything you feel like writing but don't know where to put it. For exapmple, i like to write a lot. Mostly songs, but I also like to write poems, short stories, or just a philisophical type of musing every now and then. Today, I just thought of this stupid little poem thing and thought I'd write it down:


Life is good,

Life is great,

Cake is good,

Let's all have some.

Yeah, I know, it's kind of silly, mostly stupid, but I don't care. Just wanted to write it down. I actually have some better poems I might put on here, more serious ones. But I figured I'd just start out with something that is just fun and easy. If anyone else out there would like to write anything, whether it's a poem, song, joke, story, psychotic rant, shopping list, movie quotes, weird baby names, etc. ANYTHING. Feel free. I would love to see what kind of things might end up on here.

So cut loose and have a little fun if ya want,


I too write poems and have posted a couple of more serious efforts.  This, however, calls for a more frivolous, if somewhat morbid, response, so here it is...whatever!


Rheumatoid arthritis

A wretched curse to spite us

It comes in flares

No victim spares

With sharpened teeth to bite us.




Bravo Alan!

Keep on writin',


Thanks, limericks are fun!  My last serious poem posted is about 2 pages down under the topic "flights of fancy" if you want to read it.  Writing is good therapy!

Did You Hear About The Blonde Who.....

Took her new scarf back to the store because it was too tight.

Couldn't learn to water ski because she couldn't find a lake with
a slope.

 got excited because she finished a jigsaw puzzle in 6 months and
 the box said "2 to 4 years".

Was trapped on an escalator for hours when the power went out.

When asked what the capital of California was;  answered "C".

Baked a turkey for 3 days because the instructions said 1 hour per
pound and she weighed 125.

 Can't make Kool-Aid because 8 cups of water won't fit into
 those little packets.

Hates M&M's because they are so hard to peel.

Got hurt while raking leaves... she fell out of the tree.

Changes the baby's diaper only once a month because the label said
 "good up to 20 pounds".

After losing in a breaststroke swimming competition, complained
that the other swimmers were using their arms.

Kept starting and stopping at a flashing red light.

Cried because she locked her keys in the car... it was starting
to rain and the top was down.

roxy38981.8785532407Dogs' letters to God:

Dear God,
How come people love to smell flowers, but hardly ever smell each other?
Where are their priorities?

Dear God,
When we get to Heaven, can we sit on your couch? Or is it the same old story?

Dear God,
If a dog barks all night in the forest and no human hears him, is he still a bad dog?

Dear God,
If we come back as humans, is that good or bad?

Dear God,
Is it true that in Heaven, dining room tables have on-ramps?

Dear God,
Are there mailmen in Heaven? If there are, will I have to apologize?

Dear God,
Are there dogs on other planets or are we alone? I have been howling at the moon and stars for a long time, but all I ever hear back is the beagle from across the street!

Dear God,
When we get to the Pearly Gates, do we have to shake hands and beg to get in?

Dear God,
Is it true that dogs are not allowed in restaurants because we can't make up our minds what NOT to order? Or is it that thing with the carpets again?

Dear God,
Can you undo what that veterinarian did to me?!?

Cat's letter to God:

Dear God,
Do you exist? Just curious. I don't really care.

____________________________________________________________ _____

roxy38981.8773958333Ha!! I love em

And Roxy, love the blonde jokes. I've heard a couple of those, but not all of them. Have to tell some of those to my fiance. We're actually both blondes (well, very dark blonde, almost light brown, but we were both 100% blonde as children, I like to think that our hair got darker as we got smarter, LOL). Anyway, she doesn't like blonde jokes, but i like to tell her some every now and then just to get a rise out of her.

Hello Janie. Your more than welcome to add your "bit". No rules here. And your hubby sounds like a pretty awsome guy. You'll have to tell him I said congradulations on his soccer victories. And I am actually pretty much pain free for now. So all is good on my end.

Take care,


Thanks Jesse, I appreciate your reply, kind regards and I am so glad you are pain free, Janie.

Just imagine an acoustic blues guitar and harmonica - an old musician, grey, with a weathered smile singing the RA Blues:

A little codiene and coffee, get you through the day

  when you get up in the morning and you think you've passed away.

When you've been driven too hard, and riden too fast

   a body made of flesh, just isn't made to last.

Don't you get too cute or get too close

   the thorn and the rose, you know how the story goes.

But when the price of getting RA is more than you can pay

    a little codiene and coffee, get you thru the day.

Good one Randy. Are you a musician at all? That would be a  good one to put to music.

Take care,


Ok, so here's one of my more serious poems. I wrote it during a particularly painful period i was going through a couple years ago. Figured it would be appropriate for an RA board.

"The Pain Game"
                                                                                 by Jesse Allen
Again, tonight, I play the game
Sacrificing Sleep for Pain
Tomorrow night I'll do the same
This contest we shall entertain
Physical, an anguish, yes
But spritual's his sneering guest
Dark weighs more than bitterness
Level foes I'll try to best
Steady now and show no pain
My enemy returns the same
My need to breed and entertain
A backseat lust that fuels the game
Deadlocked with my sneering guest
Victory to bitterness
But neither he, nor I, the best
The game goes on tomorrow, yes

Thanks for reading,


Hey! We got talent here


After a while, you learn the subtle difference

Between holding a hand and chaining a soul,

And you learn that love doesn't mean security,

And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts,

And presents aren't promises,

And you begin to accept your defeats

With your head up and your eyes open

With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child,

And you learn to build all your roads on today

Because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans,

And futures have a way of falling down in midflight.

After a while, you learn

That even sunshine burns if you get too much.

So, you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul,

Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

And you learn that you really can endure.......

That you really are strong.

And you really do have worth.

And you learn and learn...

With every goodbye you learn.


Veronica A. Shoffstall

Okay, so anything goes right?

I'm going to BURST. I was sooooooooo sick yesterday and my hunny said "do you want your birthday present early?" and I said YES, if it'll make me feel better. So he got it for me...


I'm so 6.

I'm so excited.

It made me feel better

Just thought I'd share. My birthday isn't until Oct. We're going to go out to dinner and maybe I'll get another present he says. LoL But I'm just so thrilled, I've been telling everyone at work, and no one cares. Hahaha I had to add...





Double yay..


Ok I'll stop now. Tee-hee.

I must be out of the loop. I have no idea what a Pink Nintendo DS lite is. But I'm happy for you anyway!!

Vickilee, My mom recited that poem to me a few years ago. I love it. It's something I need to memorize.

Haha It's a handheld gaming system that one ups the old gameboy systems. I'M HAPPY FOR ME TOO! hahahahaJesse, I really love your poem.  Doesn't it feel good to put what you feel into words that can really soar...somehow it seems to carry some of the weight off of your mind and heart, even if no one reads it.  But, it's good to share!

Just wanted to say thanks to Alan for liking my poem. It really is theraputic, in many ways, to get your feelings out in some way. Whether it be through songs, poems, paintings, stories, etc.

Also wanted to say that I really liked the poem vickilee put up. I see it was written by someone else. But sharing a poem by someone else is just as good as anything original. It is always nice to find a piece of work that you can identify with, or something that inspires you, or uplifts you in some way.

And to Katie, I just wanted to say happy early B-day. My bro's B-day is coming up, also in october, the 4th, and his g/f's is the 5th. Those nintendo DS things look pretty awesome. I have a PSP. That is totally rad, but I haven't played it in a while. just been busy doing other things. not enough hours in the  day. Of course, then again some days are just WAY TOO LONG! LOL Oh well, just so long as you spend those days doing things that are productive and/or fun.

Take care all,


Liquid Skin38986.7839236111

Also, while I'm here, thought I'd share some good news with everyone. Had an appointment with my oncologist (cancer doc) today. I can't remember if I posted anything on here or not about this, but I had a tumor last summer in my back. Turned out to be a type of non-hodgkins lymphoma. To make a long story short, the chemo worked and got rid of the tumor, but I still have to go in for follow up check-ups every 3 months. And in addition to the usual bloodwork and doctor visit, I had  to get a PET scan done this time. Had that done last week. I have been really worried that the PET scan would find something that the blood tests would not, that something bad might show up on the scan. However, those worries were unfounded. Doc said the scan was clean and said I looked good and my glands were all fine and my lungs and heart sounded good, etc.

Hope all is well with all of you,


Liquid Skin38986.7924884259That's great news, Jesse!! you in, and washes all the dirt off of you.   He opens you up, touches
you deep inside and scoops out all the yucky stuff-- including the
seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc.    Then He carves you a new smiling
face and puts His light inside you to shine for all the world to see.
 This was passed on to me from another pumpkin.   Now, it is your turn
to pass it to a pumpkin. I liked this enough to send it to all the
pumpkins in my patch.   Happy Fall!

Luv, N&T

Well, speaking of pumpkins, I figured I'd bring my little "whatever" thread back up and talk about Halloween. And also, tomorrow is friday the 13th. Whenever I can, I like to kind of watch a marathon of "Friday the 13th" movies on that date. lol I used  to just have to hope that some station would be playing them on that day, and a lot of times, you can usually catch a couple on, but not always. But a couple years ago, I got a box set of like the first 8 movies (although, while I think all of them are good, it's the first 4 that are my favorties).

Ok, back to Halloween. I know most of us here are probably a bit old to get dressed up and go trick or treating (although, my g/f says we are probably short enough that we could get dressed up and pass for kids, lol), but that doesn't mean we have to just ignore  the day all together. Just wondered what other people like to do on that day. As I have mentioned a few times before, I am a huge horror movie fanatic, so I always like to watch a lot of horror movies around halloween. And not just "on" halloween, but I kind of do more of that the whole month. A lot of tv stations will have kind of a "horror movie month" during October, which is cool. Some of the ones on my "must watch list" during this time of year are "Night if the Living Dead" (a classic, and probably one of the best horror movies ever made, maybe my favorite of all time), "House of 1000 Corpses" (a new classic, very vulgar though, not for the weak of heart or stomach), and, of course, THE halloween movie, "Halloween".

Also, even though I can't really trick or treat anymore, I DO still like to get dressed up and go out, either to the bars/clubs or some type of halloween party. I am having trouble deciding what to dress as this year though. Any ideas? What could a short, gimpy, lurching arthritic guy dress up as? I always try to dress as something scarey too. Nothing too wierd or "jokey". In the past I have been Freddy Kruger, a toxic waste victim, a killer clown, and, of course, a living dead type of zombie, just to name a few. Starting to run out of good ideas.

Anyway, I have always loved halloween, and friday the 13th, and we have both in the same month this year!

So feel free to share any of your halloween stories/traditions/costume ideas.

Trick or treat and happy halloween to all those of you who are still young at heart and still think that maybe there IS something under the bed or in the closet! MUAHAHAHAHA!


Liquid Skin39002.8591782407To use your stature to your advantage, you could go as a really messed up creepy version of the hunchback of notre dame? Know what else would be cool? Get a wheelchair(saves your legs! lol) and go as like...a dead/crazy/old  (whaver) mental patient or something along those lines.

I LOVE Halloween. And having an Alice in Wonderland obsession...I like it even more. There is such a dark side of Alice, and in the past 6 years or so people have started to see that. You can get neat Alice costumes all over now. :) I have a dirty Alice I wore that the year before last. Last year we were working, and just handed out candy to the kids, which was way fun too. This year we really want to dress up, but I don't think we're going to be able to afford it :( Justin wants to be the Banana from the "Peanut butta jelly time" cartoon. Haha I want to be an Alice SOMETHING...I may just have to repeat my last costume :( oh well!

We also watch as many scary movies as possible, though this year we have yet to start. It's been a hard year :/ We do plan on at least playing with a pumpkin! Sooner or later!


We are going as Bonnie and Clyde.  I have a Mickey Mouse obssession and one of these I WILL get him to go as Mickey.  I even carve my pumpkin to look like Mickey.  Katie, maybe you can do your pumpkin like the Chesire Cat.

It must be in the air to do early presents this year.  My husband got me 2 tickets (VIP seating at that!) to Evanescence!!!!  It is an early anniversary present (our 15th wedding anniversary is New Year's Eve).  The concert is tomorrow night and I am resting, resting, resting today so I feel good tomorrow.  I know most of you probably haven't heard of them, but if you have seen the movie Daredevil, they do 2 songs in that movie. 

Jesse as a fellow shorty - 4'8" I think it would be cool if you went as out as the Jolly Green Giant (I think veggies are scarey) or the HULK or Superman. Somebody great big and really strong. Someone the size of your heart! 

Take care all,


Liquid Skin39003.880462963JESSE!!! YOU SHOULD GO AS CHUCKY!!!!

Thanks to Justin on that one :) He's so smart...


Thank you so much for sharing your poem, every now and then you read something that tugs at your soul, and "After Awhile" did just that.         & nbsp;         & nbsp;         & nbsp;         & nbsp;         & nbsp;         & nbsp;         & nbsp;         & nbsp;         & nbsp;   I've posted this before but just in case you all didn't read it I will post it again.  I heard this at a funeral of a friend and it was just one of those that touched my heart.......

The Dash



I read of a man who stood to speak

At a funeral of a friend

He referred to the dates on her tombstone

From the beginning to the end


He noted that first came the date of her birth

And spoke the following date with tears.

But he said what mattered most of all

Was the dash between those years


For that dash represents all the time

That she spent alive on earth

And how only those that loved her

Know what that little line is worth.


For it matters not how much we own,

The cars, the house, the cash

What matters is how we live and love,

And how we spend our dash.


So think about this long and hard

Are there things you’d like to change?

For you never know how much time is left,

That can still be rearranged.


If we could slow down long enough

To consider what’s true and real.

And always try to understand

The way other people feel.


And be less quick to anger,

And show appreciation more

And love the people in our lives

Like we’ve never loved before.


If we treat each other with respect,

And more often wear a smile.

Remembering that this special dash

Might only last awhile.


So, when your eulogy is read

With your life’s actions to rehash

Would you be proud of the things they say

About how you spent your dash?


I hope you enjoy,


OK, Mother Goose here with a nursery rhyme with a different, please  excuse the pun, twist on it:

one two I can't buckle my shoe(my damn fingers can't grab the buckle!!)

three four I can't close the door(those old doorknobs are too hard to hold onto)

five six I definately can't pick up those sticks( cripe I can't bend over and it is too hard getting down on my knees then trying to get back up!!!)

seven eight I can't lay them straight(please refer to explanation above)

nine ten a big fat hen(OMG you think I can pick it up, let alone chase that hen with my knees you got another thing coming)

And you can forget about playing This Little Piggy with my toes too!!!!

Things My Mother Taught Me

1. My Mother taught me about ANTICIPATION...

"Just wait until your father gets home."

2. My Mother taught me about RECEIVING....

"You are going to get it when we get home!"

3. My Mother taught me to MEET A CHALLENGE...

"What were you thinking? Answer me when I talk to you! ... Don't talk back to me"

4. My Mother taught me LOGIC...

"If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me."

5. My Mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE...

"If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to freeze that way."

6. My Mother taught me to THINK AHEAD...

"If you don't pass your spelling test, you'll never get a good job.

7. My Mother taught me ESP...

"Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you're cold?"

8. My Mother taught me HUMOR...

"When that lawn mower cuts off you toes, don't come running to me."

9. My Mother taught me how to BECOME AN ADULT...

"If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."

10. My Mother taught me about SEX....

"How do you think you got here?"

11. My Mother taught me about GENETICS...

"You're just like your father."

12. My Mother taught me about my ROOTS...

"Do you think you were born in a barn?"

13. My Mother taught me about WISDOM OF AGE...

"When you get to be my age, you will understand.

14. And my all time favorite... JUSTICE...

"One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you. ... Then you'll see what its like.


How about a funny???????????

I feel like my body has gotten totally out of shape, so I got my doctor's permission to join a fitness club and start exercising. I decided to take an aerobics class for seniors. I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down, and perspired for an hour. But, by the time I got my leotards on, the class was over. 

I'm sure sometimes we feel this way.  But for different reasons.  I'm going to Keep on Keeping On......

I hope no  one ever puts cameras in our bedrooms or bathrooms, that would capture how we get dressed. Love the poems and stories. Phatgirl2

Oh Rocxy- about the leotard

I have taken up skinny dipping because I'm too tired after pulling 1 piece suit on to swim.

You know you have arthritis when:

You have more kitchen gadgets than the Pampered Chef.

When your phlebotomist and your pharmacist know you by name.You know you have arthritis when:

When "breakdancing" really involves breaking your hip.

Those premier bath commercials look sooooooo COOL.

Your worst nightmare is a world that bottles EVERYTHING with tiny tiny TINY twist tops.

The velcro shoes you had as a kid, become the thing to have again.

Plastic backscratchers don't seem like such a lazy invention.

The only money that you drop actually WORTH bending over to pick up is anything over .

Scissors seem like such evil inventions. So...un-arthritis friendly..

Eh...that's all I got for now!

Ok, I got a few.

You know you have arthritis when:

You spend more than 0 on girl scout cookies, are polite as possible, and don't dare make fun of the stupid outfit because you have a genuine fear of getting you butt kicked,

When looking at an illustrated edition of the Kama Sutra, you are both aroused and wincing in pain,

Whenever you see contortionists or "double jointed" people, you become filled with overwhelming jelous RAGE!

You curse everytime you see a steep flight of stairs,

You decide someplace with too many stairs just isn't worth visiting,

 You have a collection of "tools" to get dressed with that rivals the collection of tools a professional auto mechanic owns,

And your favortie sport to participate in is "channel surfing", and even THAT seems like a bit too much activity on some days.

P.S. By the way, to Katie, I actually have quite a little collection of back scratchers, but they are all wood, and can be used for more than just scratching those hard-to-reach spots. I have developed almost-ninja skills with mine. LOL

Liquid Skin39006.980150463

When you...

Head for the handicap accessible stall in public restrooms as the seats are higher and easier to get on and off of.

have 4 extra voices in your head named Pedro, Rocky, Eddy, & Dennis from taking PRED.

are still up at 5am replying to this thread

You know you have arthritis when:

you enter Wal-Mart and the place now becomes Freak-Mart

You trust a small child to carry something breakable more than you trust yourself to carry it

You teach your dog to not only catch the frisbee but throw it too

You have shoes in sizes for flare and non flare days

You have more ice packs and heating pads than an NFL locker room

You road rage in Wal Mart because people won't get out of your way when you are zipping around on an electric cart.

You know you have arthritis when

Pulling up your underware is the hardest task of the day

Your left hand swells up when typing, because that's the most letters you type are on that side of the keyboard

No sheets tonight, can't quite make that stretch.

Phone rings, "Oh no is that one of my son's wanting me to baby sit"?NOT TODAY PLEASE

You ask your friend to start the car for you.

Oh Yes I have had those kind of days.....



You know you have arthritis when:

Your drug bill without insurance is more than the avg family's gross income.

Old ladies out run you at freak mart

Your children are in charge of all items in child proof bottles

If you do manage to get down on the floor you better have a real good plan for getting back up

You know you have arthritis when:

You would rather endure the pain of waxing your eyebrows instead of using tweezers.

[QUOTE=Liquid Skin]

Ahhh, thanks for the suggestion and the compliment marian. Not a bad idea, always liked the Hulk and Superman. Very ironic idea, someone short (5'2" myself) dressing as someone huge. Nice. And Grammaskittles, I HAVE heard of Evanescence. I love that group, they are really cool and that girl who sings (Amy something, can't recall her last name right this minute) is an amazing singer. One of those singers I always thought it would be awesome to do a duet with. Hope you have a good  time at  the show.

Take care all,



Her name is Amy Lee.  She's a local girl from here in Little Rock.  Her dad is a morning DJ on a local radio station here.  I'm always proud when someone locally does well nationally....


Oh Rocxy- about the leotard

I have taken up skinny dipping because I'm too tired after pulling 1 piece suit on to swim.


I no longer skinny-dip....I chunky-dunk!


Her name is Amy Lee.  She's a local girl from here in Little Rock.  Her dad is a morning DJ on a local radio station here.  I'm always proud when someone locally does well nationally....


You can be very proud of her.  The show was amazing and she didn't miss a note and that beautiful voice she has didn't falter once thru the whole concert. 

This was always one of my favorites....

"I'd rather be a could-be if I cannot be an are; because a could-be is a maybe who is reaching for a star. I'd rather be a has-been than a might-have-been, by far; for a might-have-been has never been, but a has-been was once an are."
