Theory I would love your feedback | Arthritis Information


Amazing.  A little over a week ago I went to dentist to have my tooth prepared for a bridge.  When the dentist opened one crown, the tooth was oozing rotten.  OK  GET THIS.  Ever since he cleaned that tooth out, I have been feeling better every single day.  Now here is the wierd thing.  The onset of my RA was after a root canal.  Now I want to know if any of you have had similar experiences?  Also, do you think I am crazy?  I think my RA is going into somewhat of a remission after getting that tooth cleaned out.  IT WAS GROSS and was going into my bloodstream - SEPTIC.  So what do you think?  I am very excited, I think I may be going into remission or at least getting a lot better.  AM I CRAZY

So, your theory and your response would seem to confirm this. Also, antibiotics themselves seem to help with some people's arthritis symptoms.

However, having known you for a while now, I would still surmise that you might fall into the crazy category but only because it takes one to know one.

Glad you are feeling better whatever the reason.

I have always thought there was a connection. I too first became ill after a terrible root canal. But now many years later I have had at least 15 root canals and have lost several teeth, After every  tooth infection I have hoped I would feel better. My dentist could not believe how my teeth decayed even with the excellent care and good diet I had. So Is it the bacteria from our teeth causing the inflamation in our joints, or is it the inflamation in our bodies that effects our gums which is causing dental problems. Also a lot of us have sjorgens which can cause the dental problems because of the dryness in our mouths. I hope you continue to feel better!!!!!! Are you on antobiotics for the tooth???Roxy,

Very interesting.  I'll have to look back on my diagnosis.   I too had some dental work done.  I had a couple root canals that had to be re-done and also had alot of dental work too...  seems like there may be a connection.  Thanks for bringing it up... may have to ask the doctor about this!  

I am not saying I do not have RA.  The blood tests confirm that but I also believe Lyme disease may be involved.  I just think this is too much of a coincidence.  This tooth that was taken out was NASTY.  Dentist agreed that all kinds of poisons could have leaked into my bloodstream.  He said it was so old, it would also have mold besides all the bacteria it would have.  I have just been amazed how much better I have been feeling and no, I have not been on antibiotics.

Today, I was reminded I had RA.  I exercised hard in the pool for over 1.5 hours, I felt so good and then I had to get a haircut.  My hair is/was to my waist so my hairdresser has to make me stand to cut it.  I stood while she cut it for 20 - 30 minutes and then I stood outside for forty minutes - Brett was late picking me up.  We went to get something to eat and my hip and knee pain really kicked in.  BUT - I know I have damage and I know standing is very difficult for me.  So I took my percocet when I got home and I am better.  The thing is - I have so much more energy and don't have that constant flu feeling.  I just pray this keeps up.  I am 4 days late on my Enbrel as when I get dental work, I do not take it.  Usually I can feel not being on Enbrel before my regular injection.  That did not happen.  So who knows but I am praying hard that this may mean a turn around in my disease.  I pray it is not false hope.

PS  Never know but Brett has really straightened out again the last couple days.  I think he is just stressed.  When he is good to me, he is REALLY good to me and I am so in love with him.  Looking forward to seeing how our relationship is once we settle down.  Our move has been put off another week as the mortgage company has delayed their approval another week

We need a poll.....


Oh OH Oh OOOHHH I read about this somewhere!! OMG I need to start bookmarking things. Grrrr You're actually right, they've traced accounts of RA to dental work/infections. But ultimately, it just comes back to what tam said, it being caused by infection. If you think about it, it's pretty logical. If you have a raging infection, that you're unaware of, your immune system is going to try to fight it. Perhaps it doubles/triples/quadruples(sp?) its forces. Without help, somewhere along the line, there's a short in the system. And now your immune system is confused, and attacks non-threatening things! It all seems so basic, and I know it's not. But at least if they can figure out root causes, they can better look into solutions and cures. Roxy, google the CRAP out of it, and if you find anything, print it for your doc. You never know. I think patients and doctors should be learning together. No one can know all the studies and EVERYTHING out there on the web. And it's not as if all our docs do in their free time is research what's wrong with us. They have lives too. We should help them as much as possible. :)Roxy, I agree. There probably really is a link. Your teeth may not be the cause of your RA, but they may be the reason why you've felt SO awful for so long. It only makes sense. Your immune system has been paddling like crazy, trying to keep up.

I've had root canals in the past, but my teeth now are actually the best they've been since I was a kid. That doesn't mean I don't have an infection of some sort somewhere, or that one wasn't the trigger.

I'm glad to hear things are better between you & Brett. You guys have had so incredibly much to deal with in the past few months, it would be a miracle if things weren't at least a little tense.

Life if tough enough without RA. With it.... I just noticed what kycatfan said about mercury fillings. Hunny, there are some bad things out there about mercury ANYTHING. LoL It's even been said to be the main cause of autism. Of course, all of this is just under studies right now, but it is nice to hear what people ideas are. You never know when the next one will become science fact!

Roxy; I'm glad to hear things are going well and frankly it could have a lot to do with your recent problems and maybe even what started this mess in the beginning.

I would as a freind like to caution you though. I've watched you for a long time now. You have a horrible set back and then start doing well and get overly excited by the progress. You try to break it all down and define the reasons for everything. Sometimes in life we have to accept the good....along with the bad; and also accept that we can't always define it all. It only sets yourself up for horrible heartach when things change even slightly for the worse and then your sudden mood change increases your physical problems.

What I'm saying is; enjoy the good times you have right now. Take care of your health....including your teeth; but don't set yourself up for disappointment when things don't go as hoped.

I don't mean that to be discouraging in anyway. I mean this in a realistic way. Even if dental work brought this on have RA (As you've clearly admitted) You're off the charts blood works testifies to that clearly.

I think often what you struggle with maybe even more than the RA is the constant dramatic changes in your emotions. It's wonderful that things are good for you today.....but please (For your own sake) try to stop yourself from saying things like "Maybe I'm going into  remission". With all you've suffered over the past year and a half to two years do you really think a day or two will make an over night change in you?

Again; I mean what I say in friendship. Those that don't know you....or me; or the time we've spent here together over the last year might think I'm trying to be a kill joy; but those that know me know I believe whole heartily in postive well as even emotions and living life happily in good health and bad.

In friendship,


aww...i heart roxy and lovie...and everyone else. this place is insane. why didn't i find you all sooner????????

I think we are all right

More good news.  Brett and I have been talking, and talking and we are working things out.  He has not drank in several days and is very loving.  We have had a major amount of stress on us and we know we have to get on the other side of this before we give up on US.  WE LOVE EACH OTHER DEARLY.  The other day, I was talking to Deanna on the phone about being independent because I cannot depend on Brett.  I went out on the front porch and Brett was crying.  It was the first time I have ever seen him cry.  He loves me.

By the way, Deanna is a great person.  I feel so privileged I am getting to know her better.  I wish we all lived close.  We need each other

Try not to forget Roxy that you and your family have been through some major changes recently with the house and your daughter coming. Bretts job and your health. It's bound to affect everyone involved.....and Brett's situation can be linked emotionally too.

I'm glad to hear things are turning around personally for you. It can only help your physical situation.


(yay. we should be on oprah. i love reading this forum...)lol  My hairdresser/pseudo shrink always tells me I should write Oprah to help me out LMAOShe is not interested we do not have an "exotic disease" that will make viewers watch.  Several people I know wrote asking if they would do a show on arthritis and it's many faces, but they got letters back saying thank you for your suggestion but it isn't a topic we are interested in.  Pretty sad huh??!!  meme

Trama from the surgery or stabbing etc. to your gums can cause flairs.

If you have a sensitivity ot any sort of toxic chemical thing you could have a problem with what root canals are made of or even the novicane stuff they injet you with which could cause flairs.  It works like an allergy even though it is a sensitivity.

If it doesn't go away with proper treatment over time, I would concider trying to figure out if you are sensitive to chemicals.  If so, you might be one of those who has to have the root canal removed.

Just remember that trama that makes you worse doesn't always mean stress to emotions, it's also stress to the body.

meme - she isn't INTERESTED!?!?! We should bombard her. All of us, lets right the same letter, telling her how pathetic that is and that we want on. Hahaha

Meme,  I wanted to write her about Kelsey.  My daughter has been treated horrendously and others like her with mental illness.  Most people don't think that those crazy people on the streets once had a family that loved them and were not able to care for them because the resources were not there.  Most health insurances do not pay for the care of the mentally ill.  If you depend on the govt. to help, mental health facilities and treatment of their patients is at best - negligent and many times -criminal.  They lie on reports, they lose track of records, they put people in restraints for next to nothing.  I am glad I have Kelsey home with me now but I wish I had the strength to get out there and advocate for the mentally ill.  Kelsey was a beautiful, straight A, athlethic teenager when schizophrenia ruined her life and definitely used up every resource I had.  It makes me so mad - if she were developmentally disabled - she would have gotten so many services. 

Did you know that a scientist (in CT, I THINK) just discovered for FACT that a pathalogical liar's brain is VISIBLY different than a "normal" brain? Not only that, he can WATCH A LIE ON A CAT SCAN. !!!!! The section of your brain that lies, is actually much larger in a pathalogical liar's brain. Not a little larger, a LOT. I saw the pics. It's rediculous that they haven't noticed things like this before.

If we can figure that out, and if a simple liar's brain is that much different, is it really so far fetched to say that the mentally ill probably have a lot of things different????? Which leads me to believe that if we knew more about it, it could be not only treated, but possibly prevented. Does that sounds crazy? I don't think so.


I was literally stunned to read your note about your daughter's mental illness.  My son was also diagnosed with schizophrenia when he was 15.  He was a straight A student that we had to pull out of high school after he failed all his classes.  He was hospitalized 4 times and his life was in ruin.  I truly can sympathize with your pain and your frustration with our medical system and how it treats the mentally ill.  He has been on anti-depresseants, anti-psychotics, and got sucked into drug abuse...four years of pure misery.

The good news!!  He is 20 now, living in his own apartment 2000 miles from home, making A's in college where he earned a ,000 per year scholarship and is able to deal with his illness pretty well...most of the time.   NEVER GIVE UP!!!


On your theory, RA is an auto-immune disease and so if your immune system was on alert to your tooth infection it would be stimulated and affect your joints more? Not sure but it could be on the right lines...


Rox, So glad about your discovery. That is a blessing, and so fabulous!  Thanks for reminding everyone to go to the dentist!  Your knees and hips ache, but you enjoyed your swim while you had it, right? 


