methotrexate...bleeding between periods? | Arthritis Information


I've searched online and can't seem to find the answer, so thought I'd ask here. Those of you who take methotrexate, has it caused bleeding between periods? Is this a common side effect? Thanks, I feel like a worry wart over this. Gentle hugs, JI did have bleeding.  I thought I was having another period after a week and a half.  I never thought to connect it to the MTX.

I've been on mtx for about 15 years but it's just been the last few months that I've been bleeding between periods. Just some spotting here and there.  My doctor sent me for some tests but everything came back normal.   Last month though, I had a period for 3 weeks.  I made an app't with my family doctor but he was away on holidays.  The doctor who was filling in for him told me it was probably my age (44) .  He told me to keep track of my periods over the next few months and if it keeps up to let my doctor know.  So that's what I've been doing.  I see my rheumatologist in about a month and half, so I'll be mentioning it to her to see what she has to say.

I've been on mtx for about 6 months 5mg weekly and have not had any bleeding between periods. But I have noticed that when it comes I have no signs that it's coming like I used to.  Maybe it has to do with the amount--mg and mixture of other meds. May want to ask  your doctor, or call your pharmacist.


Thanks for the replies. And bledding (another period) began about a week and a half too! I'll keep track of my cycle like Kelstev mentioned. Thanks for the replies!

The MTX really screwed up my cycles. My RD told me that they used to give it to people to induce miscarriages.


 I am new to your site and have been watching it for aobut 6 months now.  I was diagnosed in April after about 2 years of wondering what the heck was wrong with me. 

Needless to say, I have been watching the website regarding periods and am glad someone else has brought this up.  I too have been having problems, but not so sure that it is related to the meds.  I think it is more related to the disease.  I was having what felt like terminal periods even before I was diagnosed with RA.  I do know that I had RA at least 2 years prior to being formally DX'd.

Will be going to the GYN soon and will hopefully be getting rid of some stuff that I no longer need.

Taking Mtx, plaquinil, Sulfasalizine, Codine for pain.  I am 44 yoa.


That's exactly how it all started for me at 32. I was (and still am on MTX) For an entire year my periods were unpredictable. I had gone off the pill after about 9 years so we chalked some of it up to that; but after about a year my periods stopped all together.

It was finally decided that I was in menopause. They can test your hormone levels and tell from that. Mine was very clear. Once a nurse asked me when my last period was and I said; "I don't have a period. I'm in menopause" She said smartly "Really? Who told you that?" she looked at my chart and felt like an idiot!! (Love monents like that!! lol)

Don't rule it out. I was 32 at the time. I'm now 35.

How old are you?  Perimenopause REALLY screws up you periods.

That's what I was saying too. The first year before they stopped all together I would have something happening every two weeks. Sometimes crazy heavy.....sometimes just annoying spotting.

It wasn't until they stopped all together that they even considered this was the problem. They really didn't want to consider it at my age.

Thank you for all of your responses and sharing your experiences! I am 39 years old and am now beginning to question perimenopause, as many have suggested could be what is happening. Could methotrexate, or having RA cause early menopause? Many months ago, my gyn told me that I have some sort of disorder (can't remember the name) that could account for heavier periods, etc. He suggested a progesterone IUD, which I decided against. With all of my health issues, I was concerned about putting a foreign object into my body. I'd love to have everything taken out, but I can't even stomach the idea of surgery, the weakness, etc that follows. If I could survive on sheer willpower alone, I would, but it seems that is not really enough anymore. Sort of frustrating to not be in control of your body, isn't it? I am supposed to take my methotrexate today and am still undecided. My RA doesn't have an on-call/emergency service, so I can't contact him today. What would you do? Thanks, J

MTX has been a really good theropy for me; but by 23 I'd had all the children I wanted to have so going into early menopause was a minor problem for me. I've actualy appreciated not having a period and once I started HRT the other menopause symtoms I was having (Hot flashes, moodiness...typical symptoms) havent' been a problem.

My doctors won't swear either way whether it's the MTX or RA itself that has caused it....but have said either could have.

If you are worried about having children then I'd sugget further research. Other wise I'd continue with the MTX if it's been helpful.

I think maybe you're wondering if you should take the mtx today because of your symptoms and you'd like to speak to your doctor before taking it, correct?  If this is what you're wondering, then what I'd do is leave the mtx until tomorrow when you get a chance to speak with your doctor.  Tell her/him all that has been going on.  If he/she/you decide to go ahead with the mtx, there isn't a problem with missing a day and then taking it the following day (Monday instead of today when you are supposed to take it)  I've done this many times.

Sounds like you and I are having very similar problems with our periods and we aren't too far off in our ages.  I believe I started having problems with missed periods, heavy periods, and spotting at around 40.  I've been told it could be my age, mtx, or possibly fibroids(as far as the heavy periods go).  So lately I've just been keeping track of everything and I'll take this to my doctor in a month or so. 

What does RA mean for someone who is planning a baby in a years time? I don't want this to spoil our plans! I gather MTX is out of the question! I feel terrible because I was pregnant at the beginning of the year but decided against going ahead with it, because there were complications and I was selfish as my partner and I had not been together very long and was not ready. I really hope that I did not make the wrong decision!

You can't change that decision now Tam; try not to dwell on that.

Talk to your RD & your OBGYN about your future plans of having a baby and life with RA. If things aren't too serious right now you'll be fine. If you need to be on stronger medications you might need to be aware of a few things.

Don't give up your dreams of having a child. I can't imagine my life without my children.
