WooHooo!!! | Arthritis Information


Yesterday, Saturday, I had a bad day, but that was my fault...

I decided that night before I was going to not take my prednisone, and see what happened and to see if my kidney would stop bothering me. I am only on 5mg. And well it went a lil' better then expected, but worst then I wanted...lol.

I could have took all the pain and stiffness if it was not for my left elbow being stuck in a very uncomfortable position and it would not move.

My right kidney has been hurting/burning...since the nurse reminded me that pred will cause damage to kidney's. I really do think it is just a kidney infection from not drinking water, and just all colas. I do not feel sick...just my right kidney burning in the back. I have a tendency to get UTI and kidney infections when I do not drink any water and all colas. I am hoping that is what it is.

Welp, the WooHoo is for getting to go back to the doc sooner then end of July!! Hubby got his pension check and now, I get to go back to the doc when I get an appointment. I sure do hope he does no do blood work, but probably will since my right kidney is acting up. There goes another 0 to lab work

Maybe he will put me on something that will help with my swelling and stiffness, pain I can kinda live with...lol...I mostly have bad days not do too much to the pain, but because I cannot move or do what I want because I am stiff. That is only for the pain I have come to "cope" with..lol...like in my neck, my fingers, my back, my wrist, shoulders, and sometimes my knees.

Well, i hope I get an appointment this week, so I can stop taking pred. I love it and am a pred junkie...lol. If I could live off of pred I would....and on 5mg...lol...but 5mg still was not the best just helped me to function and tend to my son.

I am sorry to hear that you are dealing with kidney pain along with the RA pain. I'm happy to hear that you are going to be able to get an appt soon though! That is great! I'm intrigued by the positive prednisone posts...what is it that makes you a fan??? Love and hugs, Juliah

Juliahh -

It is great!!

I am a "fan" kinda because that was the only thing I had avaliable to me that was cheap enough and worked well enough to get me thru a day of taking care of my son. I know that I would not be able to take care of my son thru the day, when it is just me and him home, if I did not get the little relief it provides me. Without being able to afford and take it, I would have a harder time taking care of him. I still have pain, swelling, & stiffness but not to the degree if I were not taking it. I would be in the bed and not feel like getting up and even unable to get up due to stiffness.

Yea i started pred like 3 weeks ago and I am moving around SO much better and im not on any other meds right now. (waiting for enbrel to get approved so i can start that) Only other med im on is celebrex occasionally when it becomes available but its been a week since ive taken celebrex and Im still functioning the same, very little stiffness. And usually I wouldnt be able to get up unless i napped and let my joints rest and now i can jump outta bed like nuthin! Im gonna be taken off of it after i start enbrel im kinda sad :( But I dont want to think of it that way or else i will become TOO dependant hehe I know how I am :) Im on 10mg a day btw.
Jealousy38503.0588078704I like pred.  A lot.  But, I'm more of a shot fan than the daily pill variety.  The pills kinda made me more evil than normal.  Really got depressed.  To be fair though, it may have been combining it with other things that also can cause mood changes.  But when I can get the decadron shots...I love those.  Within hours I feel better.  Like Superwoman better.  I have yet to have a single joint injected with cortisone, but I do love those shots.
Jooniper, have you tried those UTI strips or home tests?  I keep on on hand because I tend to get a lot of UTIs and kidney infections that are symptomless until the pain in my back.  I've went for drug tests for new jobs and been told I was clean but needed some meds for that.  That is a very odd feeling, to feel great and be told..hey did you know you're actually ill.
hugs, wayney
I get UTI/Bladder infections quite often too...and most of the time I don't know it either until that nagging back pain!! You might need and antibiotic to clear it up Joonie.

Thanks Guys! I will let the doctor know I HAD back pain and my kidney WAS hurting... It subsided... I guess drinking water for 2 days cleaered it up

I have an appointment Thursday. So, hopefully I will be on new meds!!
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