Caught Him! Will make you laugh! | Arthritis Information



Its fall here again in PA. Winter will be coming soon. Every year at this time we seem to have a mouse that wants to move into our home for the winter. Every fall I find myself setting a trap to catch a mouse. We live across the street from about 1000 acres of woods. We get deer and other criiters, and of course a Bear every once and awhile. Anyways, I noticed about a week ago that we had a mouse in our pantry room. I set a regular mouse trap baited with peanut butter. For 3 days the little critter licked the trap clean without setting the trap off. I told my Hubby that I was going to get sticky traps. I don't like the sticky traps, but I was not catching this little bugger with the mouse trap.

Well, the next nite comes and I have the regular mouse trap baited and the sticky trap also. I come down in the morning and here the mouse had some how managed to get himself caught in the sticky trap and get out...  one up for the mouse! Ok, now I'm going to resort to Decon. I really don't like to use poision in the house, but it looks like this mouse has left me no other choices. So I go to the hardware store and get the poison.

That nite he enjoys his dinner of Decon. I still have the sticky trap and the regular mouse trap set. Last nite he came back again and enjoys his dinner of Decon! Well, at some point he gets his tail stuck in the sticky trap. Again trying to get out of the sticky trap, this time he aids the help of the mouse trap! SNAP! So here I have a mouse that has his tail stuck in the sticky trap and has been killed by the mouse trap. I have never had this much trouble catching a mouse!

What a sight! All over not wanting any other "tenants" living here rent free for the winter!!  LOL

Huggs to all...Hoping for a pain free day!


LOL Deb! I know what you mean about when fall hits the mice come in.

We live in a tin box aka trailer and we are about 50 feet from our neighbors who have geese, chickens, rabbits, ducks, horses and all kinds of other animals, PLUS woods all around. So, we get mice EVERY year, except one year, but I do not know how we managed that.

Anyways... we have a problem-matic mouse. He wakes me up every night it seems. The last night he woke me up he was on top of my dresser eating my Dark Chocolate Tresures. I put them on top of my dresser to keep Son from getting them, but instead the darn mouse got into them!!

If and when we catch this mouse it will be our 3rd mouse we have caught in a month. We just cannot figure out where they are coming in at. We have filled all holes with expanding foam and checked to make sure they did not eat thru it, which they did not.

Oh and it is also time to throw moth balls in water bottles with lots and lots of holes in the bottles, under the trailer again. WE done this last year, and it did seem to help, until they evaporated.

Hope you do not have anymore mice. I HATE THOSE LITTLE BOOGERS!!



lol...we always had cats...but we have had very lazy ones at times...we found the best thing to use is grain...gently cover the trap with grain....a small mound that almost hides the trap....the mouse will sit on the food as he eats it....might take some patience, but it worked for us...

If you know how they get in the house then buy some oil of peppermint at a health store and pour some near where they get in....they do not like it. My sister owns a farm and has lots of grains everywhere and swears by its harmless to other animals if they come into contact with it.

hope this helps


  I'm glad I'm not the only one that has had a problem-matic mouse. Joonie and CinDee...That is just too funny... My Hubby had laughed at me when I had 3 different type of traps in a 1 square foot area.. But I caught the little bugger....

Sharron...the grain idea is a winderful suggestion. We do have bird seed(hubby feeds the birds). As of this am, I see not any sign of another mouse...But I will try that next time.

I think sometimes we all need a good laugh..This disease makes us all too serious sometimes!

Huggs to all...Hoping for a pain free day for all!

