newbie...question | Arthritis Information


hi, I am new to this and have lots of unanswered questions...can't see a rheumatologist until halloween and my doctor seems mysteriously reluctant to tell me here is my question...

I have heard there are certain foods that can cause a flair this true, and does anyone know of any...

I think it's true in some people.  But I don't know what they are...I think some are beef?? 

Hope someone else can help you out more.  There's other boards too, one that you might want to try is they have a member that just does research there; I'm sure they could help. has a nutritional person too. 



Thanks...I will have to look at them. The frustration is still here...not as bad as when the flare was unbearable...but yeah...I would like to know one way or another. Maybe going to those site will help

Sharon, I feel the same, no diagnosis yet, I found that when I ate too much white bread I would feel terrible! Then I went to do some food intolerance testing and apparently I am wheat/gluten intolerant! All my fav foods! I recommending cutting out things that you suspect and reintroducing them after a week or so, and eat that food all day to see what happens, but do it before you go on the strong meds. Just a thought!