Best way to tame a flare? | Arthritis Information


I was doing relatively ok until about 2 weeks ago.  I started once weekly humira injections on top of my steroids and placquenil about 6 weeks ago.  I so badly want off the steroids and since I seemed to be responding well to the humira, cut back my prednisone from 7.5mg to 5. What a nightmare.  Within 3 days, my hands and feet were swollen up like balloons and hurt so bad.  I upped the dose but it didn't help.

I am now taking 10mg and have been for about 4 days but I'm still in so much pain and the swelling isn't going down.  I've got vicodin for the pain but its not helping.  Should I increase the prednisone for a few days?  I can't take any nsaid's because of tummy problems.  I've been wrapping my hands and feet in heating pads at night.

I haven't done anything this summer except battle with my health.  We have made plans to go to the renaissance festival this weekend.  Its the last weekend so we can't reschedule and I really want to enjoy myself.  Any suggestions on how to get this flare tamed down a bit??


Sorry you are still flaring.  I take Humira and have dropped to every two weeks for my injections.  Humira can take up to 3 months for it to work.  I take it in combination with a low dose of methotrexate (high doses make me incredibly ill) and it works very well.  It's hard to wait for the Humira to kick in because you want to be out of pain RIGHT NOW!!! 

The only way I found to tame a flare is as much rest before an activity as possible.  Fortunately my kids are older and I was able to rest.  You might want to talk to your doc about different pain meds.  I take Morphine ER and it seems to work really well.  It is extended release and lasts 12-13 hours.  I can take a vicodin with it if I overdo it.  The only caution I have with the Morphine is that it will make you super constipated and I take a prescription laxative (Polyethelyne Glycol) and fiber supplement.  It works really well with none of that nasty cramping and sweating. 

I so hope you can go to the Fair since they are so much fun!

Take care and hope you feel better!

Call Rhuemy and ask if you can take a burst of pred.

Which is 6, then 5, then 4,then 3, then 2, then 1 pills per day. Don't do it on your own. It is a really heavy dose.

It always saves me but by the 2nd night I can't sleep at all. I go pretty nuts on it but fixes a flare.

Have you tried using ice instead of heat, to get the swelling down, I believe heat on swelling is sometimes worse then ice and you shouldnt use heat for the first 48 hours.  I use cold packs for swollen hands.  Hope it helps.  Sorry to hear you are in so much pain.  Maybe contact your Rhuemy.


Thanks everyone.  I just called the rheumy and left a message for a call back, lets see how long that takes.  I've done the dose packs for 6 days before, that might help get this under control again and I will ask for one if/when the rheumy calls me back.

I know ice is better for swelling but the cold makes it hurt and right now, I need the pain to STOP.  Its been at screaming moc 10 for days now.  My arms and legs feel like they weight 100000pounds each.  My hands are almost unrecognizable.  Shoes, not a chance.

I'm familiar with the mirlax, used to take it for years as I have IBS, irritable bowel syndrome.  However, this past year I went form constipation to extreme diarrhea.  I still have a stock pile of miralax though so if the boat loads of vicodin's stop me up, I'm set!