New Diagnosis | Arthritis Information


Have a great day, I guess I could be taking a dirt nap!

I am so sorry that you are going through all of this. I am glad that you made it through your ICU visit, and am able to keep us posted. My grandmother recently had a pacemake installed, and said the procedure was very simple and pain free afterwards. I hope yours goes as well as hers did. Keep us posted on your progress.


Take Care~


I'm so sorry to hear that you are going thru all of this.  There are great people on this board that offer wonderful support!  How long have you had RA?  My doc told me that RA causes all sorts of health issues.  He seems to think that my high blood pressure comes from having RA because there is no family history of it.  I am glad that you are out of the ICU.  Please keep us posted on how you are doing.

I suppose it is a good thing that your TB test hit a positive or you would not have found out about any of this other stuff.. Which just might have killed you.

On the other hand, sometimes ignorance is bliss.

I'm really tired of the docs finding stuff that is wrong but not bothering me at all. I have plenty of old things they can treat, that do bother me a lot, which are not being adequately treated.

Yeah I know... poor attitude.

I still have to have a blood test for Diabetes soon. Well, take care all.

Marian, it was a good thing that happened by accident and has led me to feel a little better as a result. Ignorance could kill and does kill thousands a year, from stroke and cancer just to name 2 disease that are "Silent Killers".

Maybe you think they do not bother you at all, try taking treatment and see what happens, I have found that all this stuff is related to each other in some way or another. Give it a Shot! Just think, you could be taking a dirt nap and not writing anything, but instead are able to communicate to all on this board. Take care Marian.



Sorry to hear about all you are going through. None of it is insignificant and it is not complaining to state what is happening to you. It is scary. I've had similar situations and those doctors can just scare the hell out of you.

Your situation does not seem minor. This is the kind of stuff you need support for. Here is the place to come and let it hang out because most of the rest of the time you might not have anyone who truly understands.

But here, when someone says "I'm in pain," a whole chorus of people say, "I get it. I'm there, too."

Hang in there while the major rennovations are being done. My mom just had a pacemaker put in this last year. Within a few months, she has been feeling 100% better. It's taken some time to heal, but she is getting back to living her life like she wants too. Before, she was going to the ER every couple of days for about 2-3 months.

Hopefully, your lungs will also improve and they will keep a good eye on both your heart and lungs from now on so that you don't continue to have such serious problems.

Don't feel that you need to minimize your problems. We all have something similar going on.

Udate, Well I had surgery last week, a pacemaker implant. The scarry thing that happened to me was they give Narcan to wake me up because my HR and breathing was so slow they did not want to chance it and let me sleep it off, so I woke up in Hell. Scared out of my mind and in all kinds of pain, I still have nightmares and depression over it. I just can not shake it what it did to me. I am a heavy Narcotic User, I use a lot of Oxycontin and have for years. you are never supposed to give anyone like me Narcan, it can cause a stroke, death, siezures and a host of other good stuff. Just do not ever, EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES try this if you use Narcotics.

Anyway I am at home now, and on 3 weeks restrictions. But I still can not shake the horrible experience that happened to me. I have nightmares too. I am scaired I may loose it and not come back.

So sorry.

You are a tough guy. You will pull through this too. Just keep talking to us...

I'm so sorry for all that you have been through. If you think about it --you've endured so much --you are really stronger than you realize. Please keep us up-to-date on how you're doing. We're here for you.

The only good news is, we can hope the worst is behind you. You survived (if barely) the surgery. What more can they throw at you (don't answer that!). I hope you make a good recovery with no new complications, and the next update is a good one. Good luck.  Boy you sure have been through thr ringer lately! I hope you feel better soon! Try to focus on the good that has come from this and all you have to be grateful for. I know it's hard to do, but attitude  has such a strong impact on how you feel and ultimately on how you behave. This is very hard to do when things are all going wrong at once but it is really helpful. The way you manage this stress has a strong impact on how you will feel physically. It's a huge challenge at times! Hang in there and keep us posted!Robert; I will remember you in my prayers. Hang in there.

Sometimes the RA makes life too challenging and what comes to mind is, this just isn't fair. And it isn't. I have been through a similar struggle, alone. It is heartwrenching to say the least. I wish you good health and courage to make it through this rough time. Other than that, I do not know what else to say except I have been there and it is frightening and isolating.


Also wishing you a quick recovery. The pacemaker should make a big difference in how you feel. It did for my mom. She's out doing everything right now. Of course, she doesn't have our health problems. But her blood pressure and heart problems had her in and out of the ER every couple of days for 2 months.

Let yourself recover. It is really awful about the medication that they gave you. I don't think a lot of doctors and hospital staff know how to treat someone who has to take narcotics for pain management. The only thing I can suggest is that you don't go into the hospital again without calling the doctor who prescribes these medications in as part of your care.

My daughter had to go off all her meds when she had gallbladder surgery. We didn't know that we could have had the pain specialist involved. She not only was throwing up from pancreaitis and gall bladder, but was going through withdrawal. And, they didn't want to return her to her normal pain meds before leaving the hospital.

I think she can identify with the horrible experience that you went through. It might help your frame of mind when you are a bit better to file a complaint against them for giving you the medication.

I think we are lucky to have you still around. Try and think of it that way. The heart problem really takes a toil on your system. I think you will see a vast improvement but it will take a few months to get your strength back. But man, you should see my mom go now.

I am getting my Staples out today, I will be glad for small things, one step at a time. Just found out yesterday from one of my specialists, I have 5 now, that I have a rare heart condition called a heart rub. My heart makes a weird noise when I breathe. It is caused by the Heart linning the thing that holds the heart in place, it is inflamed and rubs against the lungs, RA can casuse this or other infectious diseases. It causes chest and back pain, can feel like a heart attack. I am stuck with this.. no cure. I do not dare say what next? I take it easy, just chill out, not much I can do. I still get very tired very easy, any thing I do causes me exhaustion. I just can not see me in the condition I am in is the problem. I am almost 60 but still youthful. I still want to do things but they tire me out! I can't work, I am disabled now. Got my disability after a 3 year battle with SS, but now I have an income of sorts, better than nothing.

Thank all of you for your prayers, I can feel them protecting me. God Bless all and may the Lord hold each of you in the palm of his hand, and cause a gentle rain and wind to blow your way to grow the flowers.