Avara and Hair Vitamins/Folic Acid | Arthritis Information


I am taking Avara and I just added folic acid to help prevent hair loss.... so far it has helped a little bit but I wanted to add a Hair vitamin(that has Biotin ) and lots of other vitamins for the hair.  I just wondered if anyone ever took these.  I ordered from Puritans Pride Vitamin company and I also got some special  shampoos and conditioners...

and its also my Birthday:)  Happy Birthday to me...
RA is an inconvienence but it will not stop my life!!!


I take Biotin 2500.  GNC usually carries it and it's about 24.00 for 120 capsules.   The capsules are MUCH easier to swallow than the tablets (they are huge).   I've taken them for about 3 years now and have gained some growth although my eye brows have never grown back.  :o)  Oh well...  much more important things in our worlds to worry about eye brows right?   :o)  

Be sure though to confirm this through your RD and if it is okay remember you won't notice anything if you don't take them DAILY long term.   I put them in my medication dispenser weekly when I do my meds.  It's much easier that way... 


I was going to take them daily though... I want to keep my hair.   I am 38 and  I am so mad that this is happening to me.  It is such an inconvenience.... Iguess I should be happy that I still have my hair for now.  I am also feeling like I have gained weight?/ I thought one was suppose to loose it on this medication??
Some days I feel super skiiny and other days fatty.  I don't know what to make of it... I know the disease eats up your muscle and I suppose that is why I feel this fat??

Who knows...
Thanks for your response.

Happy Birthday Beccy!

I'm 39 and have had hair loss from plaquenil...needless to say I'm not taking plaquenil anymore.  And it usually doens't cause hair loss...it's rare but can happen.  I understand your anger - I have it too.  And it is upsetting to lose hair - it's a BIG deal to women. 

Are you on pred?  Pred makes you gain weight - usually...

Happy birthday and happy hair growth


I was on Arava for just a couple of months, and suffered alot of hair loss.  Everytime I took a shower it just came out in my hands and ALOT in the drain.  I would take what was in the drain and put it in a cup to measure the amount I was losing.  Then when I combed my hair I would lose even more....then my Dr. took me off of it.

Arava will stay in you system for up to two years depending on the amount of time you have been taking it....

I have the med to get expunge it from your system.....it's a powder and expells it from your sytem...it stores in the fat glands I think....this med is also suppose to lower your Cholesterol....it's a powder you  mix with water. I can't think of the name of it ...

I didn't end up using it....but after I stopped Arava it took about 4 to 6 mths for the hair loss to stop.  

I used Nioxin Hair Follicle Booster....my sister highly recomends it, she used it after she lost her hair to Chemo after a Breast Cancer scare.

I think you need to stop the Arava and have your DR try something else.  In my opinion, the depression of this disease with the addition of the hair loss was a little more than I could handle.....

Hope this helps,


Where do you get the Nioxin Hair Follicle Booster Kat?  I am not on prednisone... I have bad reactions to that.. I feeling like ended it today honestly!!! I am not going to use anti depressants... I can't handle this anymore you guys... In addition to this... I have this bad loss of desire for my husband and I totally am not into him but I desire other men.... my life is a mess... I am so sadd feel like running away but I can't I have three boys ages 2, 7, 17 who needme.. but I am freaking out!!!
If I stop this medicine, then what...what else can they give me??? I am so scared and just want to die... I am only 38 and I can't beleive this is the reality of my life!!
Kat, what are you on now??  Just wondering what would work that won't do this to my hair.. also did the RA kick in to high gear when you stopped it?


First of all you need to calm down.  I know what you are going through the first year is the roughest.....trying to find the right meds, adapting to the realization of what is happening to your body etc.

Like I said, I was only on Arava for a couple of months,  the hair loss was not acceptable for me or my Dr.  He then put me on Imuran, a low dose Chemo, which made me sicker than a dog. Then I got the good stuff.  Humira, was a god sent for me.  It acted quickly and now I'm feeling alot better.  I was diagnosed a year ago this past June.  My hands were drawing up and I was hurting all over, my feet, hips, knees.....I couldn't get out of the bath tub by myself.  And like you I started to panic, got depressed and cried alot.

The side effects of Humira have not been to bad for me,  It does lower you immune system so you have to be really carefull about being around sick people....wash your hands alot, especially after handling shopping carts, door handles and stuff like that.

I don't know what kind of insurance you have but after I couldn't tolerate the Arava and Imuran I didn't have any trouble getting Humira.

Cholestyramine is the name of the stuff that gets the Arava out of your system.   But that is only for after you stop taking the drug.

Talk to your DR.  it take several trial and errors before you get to what works for you.  As far as the Nioxin, I would start that immediately.....You can get it at most beauty shops..do you have a "Trade Secrets" close to where you live?  I use the follicle booster and "Cytonutrient Actives"  and you can actually see and feel the new hair growth after about a month.

I'm also taking Glucosamine with Condroiten and Folic Acid and I pop an Aleve or two every day or so.

I mild antidepressent like Xanax, a mild muscel relaxer like Flexeril would not be a bad thing.  Stress makes this stuff worse.

Hope you feel better soon




Becky...waiting to hear from you.....

Hope you are doing ok......


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