PCOS and RA | Arthritis Information



I was wondering if any of you have experienced both. PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) I wonder if one affects the other. I was diagnosed in 2000 with both and just now I am starting to treat both. Well I started with RA but not yet with my PCOS. I wonder if getting one under control will affect the other. I didn't think about this til I read alot of you guys having problems after having kids. And because of the hormonal thing. And PCOS has alot of hormonal imbalances. Hm. Any thoughts?

PS- Read a lot of your posts, glad you guys had a great memorial day!!! Weeeeeeeeee.



When I was much younger (teen-20's) I had symptoms of PCOS.  After having a few tests in my early 20's, I was told I had PCOS.  I was told I had RA when I was 30.  I'm 43 now, and for some reason the symptoms I had before that indicated PCOS, I no longer have.  For example, for years I never had regular periods.  Then all of a sudden when I was in  my late 20's they became regular.  Earlier bloodwork showed that I had increased levels of testosterone, but that's not the case now.  I was overweight when I was in my 20's and for most of my 30's but I am a normal weight now.  I also had a lot of facial hair, but thankfully I have been able to get rid of that with laser hair removal.


I had a nurse practioner suggest I may have PCOS at one time. But I nevr went back to her because I moved, lost insurance etc.  I've recently been wondering about it or endo. I know there is a link somehow betwen endo and RA.  But, I've not done any looking into PCOS.
Laziness really.
hugs, wayney
Thanks for responding guys hehe :) Yea I have a lot of pcos symptoms including HAIR BAH i hate that most.. losing the hair on my head and growin hair in other places that I dont want. :( Its so annoying. Kelstev, how does that laser hair removal work and does it really work? and is it super expensive? because thats definitely something I want to try! hehe Let me know please :) The hiar growth in not needed places is what gets me.  My son noticed some on my stomach today.  Been lazy about it lately.

its horribly annoying! thats why I want to look into that laser stuff but I just want to get rid of the major areas hehe. waxing sucks lol and im on prednisone now so it makes it even worse :(


The laser hair removal can be expensive depending on how big of an area you will have done.  For me, I pretty much had a full beard area to do.  It cost me a little over 200.00 each session and I had 8 sessions done.  Does it work?  YES!!  I'm so happy I got this done.  It was just so embarrassing for me.  When I was 18 or so I only had a small patch of hair on my chin.  After I had my 2 children, it just started to spread. 

I still go about once every 3 months for a few hairs that pop up here and there.  Costs me 45.00.  For some ppl it goes away for good after the laser hair removal, but for me I'd say I have about 95% reduction.  I'm happy with that.  It's made such a difference for me.

It seems to work better for ppl with dark hair and fair skin. Which is what I have. It kinda feels like someone snapping an elastic band on your face(not hard, just lightly).  Depends on what level they have the laser. They have me at a very high level right now and when the laser hits a hair it actually looks like it explodes right out of your skin..you'll even smell the hair burning. 

You should check it out...most places will give you a free consultation.


this is gonna sound weird but what exactly about waxing sucks? 
this is gonna sound weird but what exactly about waxing sucks? 

Just cuz you gotta wait for it to grow out a lil then it hurts and for me it never stays away that long :(
Awesome thanks kelstev for the info, I will be looking into it in the future! :)  Ahhh, I was just curious...
Some people have said the pain of waxing is horrible.  But, the one waxing experience I had, well, I did not flich.  I guess it was a small bit of pain on top of my normal pain and barely noticible.  But, since then, when someone says it hhurts, I ask why so that maybe i can figure out why i'm so weird.

I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome at the age of 13. My lt ovary had a large cyst that caused it to twist on its pedicle (stem) and cut off the blood supply, causing gangrene.

I was 40yrs when I started with the arthritis. I don't really see where there is any connection between the two diseases, at least not in my case.

BarbYay! Im glad that PCOS didnt stop you from having kids :) My fiance and me were talking about that just the other day. I still havnt started treatment for PCOS but I wonder if ill even be able to have kids. Either way I kinda already planned on not having kids but its still nice to have the option later if I change my mind.

Thanks so much for responding guys
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