My dog Tyler | Arthritis Information


I guess this lifetime I was meant to be around disability.  Our weimeraner, our pride and joy, the most athletic dog I have ever known, is going blind.  We have been suspicious but just took him in to a specialist.  He is only 2.5 years old and the vet eye specialist said he has Progressive Retinal Disorder - it is genetic and he will be completely blind within six months.  We are so heart broken. 

He'll still be able to have a happy life by your side though Roxy. I have no doubt that you'll love him and care for him and make life easier for him


I'm so sorry, Roxy.  Boy that old saying "When it rains it pours" loves to prove itself.  As I tell everyone in my family, never say "What next?" because life will be sure to come up with something. . .

I know it hurts to see this happen, but I must tell you I have owned  a dog that went blind and she was able to do everything our other dogs did.  Most people couldn't even tell Daisy, our toy fox terrier was blind.  I do think having other dogs was a huge help to her - both in getting around and in her drive to stay active.

Unlike us, dogs tend to accept their situations and go on with the same love for life.  They teach us so much - they really are God's gift to us. 

Aw, we had a kitty that went deaf in her last few years of her life. We had no idea. Until one day my mom was vaccuming, and she didn't wake up when it came by her. My mom cried so hard, but in the end it didn't even seem to dent Patches' life at all. She went deaf at about 14, and lived for another three years before she was taken by a combo of liver and thyroid disease. :/ 17's old for a kitty though.

I wish someone had been able to predict the hereditary disposition of my kitty, Sam. At barely one year old, he had a stroke at my feet at 4am on April 20th 2004. He died instantly. It was AWFUL. :( I will *never* forget that. After it, the vet said that it was a hereditary condition, he told me the name of it, but I forget. He said it was totally unpredictable. :( Poor pets. They always seem to get the short straw, don't they?

I hope (and I know) your puppy will learn to live fully without his eyesight. And somehow he'll love you even more for taking care of him under those conditions!

Chin up!

So sorry to hear about your dog Roxy. Poor little guy. 

Take care,


Sorry about your dog, Roxy...

Poor little guy

Roxy,  What a shame, but I bet that your dog will be an inspiration for all of you.   I have a friend who went to the animal shelter and fell in love with a blind dog, brought it home and they get along just fine.  She had a baby and the dog loves the baby so much and is very protective.
Remember that there is a reason for everything.  It's another one of God's lessons.  Please keep us posted Roxy.

Huggin ya,
  I'm so sorry to hear that Roxy.  He's so darned young to have that going on.  I understand how hard it is when a dog or kitty or other pets we love so much has health problems.  Hang in there - he is so lucky to have you!  Take care.  I'll say my prayers for him!You should get him some kick-butt ray charles sunglasses. Yeah. Then he'd be a stylin dog. And all the other dogs in the park would be like " got some style dog.." hah. get it? I'm sorry. that was uncalled for....Thanks all of you.  Even your humor Arris.  We were making jokes about him getting glasses before we realized how serious it was.  I am just glad he is in a family that loves him dearly.  I have ordered a book on How to live with Blind Dogs and we will do all we can to help him adjust.  He is such a runner and swimmer.  That is the scariest and saddest part.  Rox


I’m so sorry to hear about Tyler. But he is lucky to have you as a part of his family to face this with him.

Please post your questions on this site

Probably in “Problems and Solutions: Ask away”.  BarnCat is vet and many professional trainers (including Sarah Wilson) hang out there.  I’m certain that they will be a great help for you with any questions you might have. 


 (it’s been a long time since I posted and I had to register again J 

Thanks Kitty.  I will go check out that site.Roxy, I am so sorry to hear the news about your dog. I am hoping that there are ways to make him comfortable when he goes blind. I think that dogs have extra senses that can take over.
Our dog is deaf but she seems quite happy and still barks while sitting at the front door.
This is her big hobby. She loves eating and is getting fat but she is happy and still has a life.

I think your dog will be happy as long as he/she is happy with life now. I think it's a lot like people for dogs too.

Rox if you fence your back yard your dog will learn every inch of it by nose and ear. He will romp full blast even without sight. I think everything will be OK.

Animals are so special. Hugs to Tyler.

My biggest worry is he is BIG and energetic.  The new house, half the backyard is fenced with a dog run, we plan on fencing a larger doggie area but there are a lot of trees.  So far, every blind dog I read about is a small one.  I just hope it does not turn him mean from being startled.  He is the most loving, sweetest dog ever.  All three of our cats climb all over him. 

Kitty, I visited that website.  I have already gotten great feedback.  Thank you so much.

Sorry about Tyler.  Weims are super smart dogs though!  I know he will work it out.

I’m glad Sarah responded you quick.  You are getting great advice there.  You might want to check the board again for the latest posts.


I too am sorry Roxy......your dog could still have a long happy life he will adjust....just as you have had to adjust.....dont be sad.....I really think animals have a sense of our emotions.


Kitty-  I am getting all kinds of great advice at that site.  Thanks so much.  I am still sad but I am happy to hear so many dogs do just fine without their sight.  We are trying not to spoil Tyler but the whole house seems to be loving him a bit more.  He eats it up.  When we get settled, we will start working on some of the tips I have learned about training blind dogs.  Thanks Kathi - Tyler is very attuned to our emotions but he thinks he deserves to be spoiled so he is just eating this up

Kitty, I have found myself on another site I got from your site.  It  has been huge for our family.  We are learning so much !!!!  I get all kinds of email.  It is
