My first appointment | Arthritis Information



Well......I made it to the doctor yesterday.

Went better than I expected - but he thinks I have Bursitis because I don't have symptons starting in my hands and he says shoulder are unusual because they are not weight bearing joints!

Anyway - he's ordered the following blood tests (he calls it his "RA work-up"):

Hematology: CBC

Electrolytes: EP (Na, K, CI, CO2)

Chemistry: CREA/GLU/MG

Proteins/Serology: C3/C4/ANA/RF

He gave me some pills (NSAIDS called "Arthrotec 75" made by Pfizer). It's only a six day supply though - I think it's a sample from the drug co. as it wasn't an RX he just gave them to me. In the instructions it says you may need to take it for at least two weeks to feel the benefits, so I didn't see the point really. Plus the potential side effects scare the heck out of me, so I haven't taken any yet

He talked about giving me a cortisone shot in my shoulder, because if that works, then he would be more inclined to think inflamatory joint disease - but he wants to see the results of the blood work first. He also said x-rays are a bit pointless, because they likely won't show anything much. There was no mention of referring me to a Rheumy yet - I guess that will depend on the test results......

Perhaps you more experienced RAers out there would be kind enough to give me an opinion on my doctors 'performance' so far? I really value your input and experiences!

Thanks people,

Your shoulder pain could be from a lot of things.  Bursitis is one.  I had terrible shoulder pain once that was actually from a pinched nerve in my neck.

How does the pain react?  Is it always there regardless of how you move or position your arm?  Does it only hurt when you move it?  Does it hurt worse when you first move it after long periods of rest?  Does it hurt worse the longer you move it.  The answers could give you some clue as to the nature.

kweenb38989.2967476852He sounds pretty good.  When I first went to my GP, he gave me some blood tests as well and everything came back fine.   He then dx me with fibromyalgia.  When the pills for that didn't work and I started swelling on both sides and the pain was getting worse, he sent me to a RD realizing I could possibly have RA.I thought RA typically affected the small bones first, hence pain and swelling in fingers?Hi - I started RA with my shoulders first...I had an irregular presentation, but it was RA.  So don't discount the shoulder pain...and all my blood work was negative at first so I had to keep going to my regular dr and then was finally able to get the referral to the rheumy.  Good luck!My RA started with my fact I had more problems with my shoulders and ankles in the problems with the hands.  Now years later, my feet and hands are the worst for me.

Jemm, sounds like you've got a good GP there!  He's doing all the bloodwork to get an idea of what's going on and considering other options as well.

My GP visit was similar. I had no idea what might be going on, but I think he knew immediately. Did all the blood tests, nsaids for the swelling and then referred me to a rheumatologist when the blood work came back. My GP is just terrific. One of the best diagnosticians I've run across. Always seems to know what might be going on and gets me to whatever specialist I need and quickly. Sounds like you may have a similar gem. Good luck!


Thanks everyone, for taking the time to reply

It's comforting to know the consensus is that my doc is on the right track. Just hope I can keep him there

I did some research on Bursitis today, as he seems to think it's that, but it really doesn't seem to 'fit'. Bursitis doesn't cause clicking and popping joints, right? (At least I couldn't find anything that mentioned it). Also it didn't mention Bursitis being a bi-lateral thing either. It seems it's caused by repetetive over use of a joint, and that certainly hasn't been the case with me.

It's good to know there are at least two of you who had it start in the shoulders - I can show him this if neccessary

My pain doesn't seem really connected to anything, I just go to do something and it will hurt - it just varies in degree of pain. I have been feeling much more positive, since I got over the initial 'shock', and the pain has lessened somewhat. I can do most things, just not quite as easily or quickly as before - and I just get tired so easily from not doing much at all. I have had fatigue beyond normal for a long long time, but I think I have just become so used to it, it's 'normal' to me.

I had a bit of a stressful time with teenage daughter last night, and this morning I woke up feeling more 'soreness' in my shoulders and elbows, and it's been like that all day. No obviously red or swollen joints, but they do feel 'warm' both internally, and to the touch.

Oh well - I guess I'll just go and get my arm emptied of blood and see what gives!

Thanks again for your support, it is much appreciated!

Did you tell your doctor about your fatigue?  That's also a symptom of RA.

I was also atypical in my presentation.  Along with the shoulders, I also had hip involvement.  So, yes, it can present in the larger joints.  I think at some point, the people who have large joint involvement usually end up at some point with involvement in their hands and/or feet too.  At least that's what I've been reading on these boards and that's what happened to me too. 

It's nice to have these forums so you can talk with others and find you're not alone, huh?  Best of luck and keep us posted!
