I’m new -- is it important to act quickly | Arthritis Information


I have been diagnosed by a rheum. with mild RA. (Nothing has shown up
in bloodwork) The swelling began in my feet, ankles and knees about 2
months ago. I think it was it's most intense a few weeks ago, but has
gotten somewhat better since then.

I just turned 36 yrs.

I've been taking sulindac which has helped with the swelling and pain.
I've started seeing a naturopath and I'm working on my diet -- no
nightshade, wheat, sugar, dairy. This person has also given me

The rheumatologist wants to put me on methotrexate, plaquinil and
prednesone all of which seem so fightening.

I'm tempted to pursue the natural route for a month or two but what I've

Could you guys confirm this? Could I do additional damage by not
starting on all these drugs right away?

I'm also afraid of the cancer risk involved with methotrexate, not to
mention hair loss, eye damage, etc. from the other medications.

Sorry rambling on... I guess it's just all coming out. It's so
overwhelming... as you know. Thanks!

These drugs are hard on your body. Methotrexate is given in such low doses compared to that given cancer patients that there is more risk to your liver than anything else. They will do constant blood tests about every two months to watch out for that. Some people get nauseauated and diarrhea when they first start it. A lot of people get fatigue around the time that they take it. But usually, you adjust. You want to be taking folic acid. This really helps with the side effects of possible hair loss and mouth sores.

Plaquenil has a potential side effect of causing you to lose your ability to discern colors. This sounds really bad, too. But you will want to see an opthamalogist that will test your eyes every 4-6 months. I've been on it for several years and have had no real problems so far.

With both of these meds, if you develop these problems, they pull you off them and everything usually returns to normal. They've done that a couple of times with the methotrexate to give my liver a rest and then put me back on them.

Prednisone is the nastiest of them all. It has all kinds of side effects: glaucoma, high blood pressure, cataracts, weight gain, etc. But you probably won't get all of those. Moon face and weight gain seems to be pretty universal though. The thing to remember about prednisone is that it is very important in getting inflammation down in your body. If your inflammation is too high, it can really make you sick and you will be in a lot of pain. It's important that you doctor has you use the minimum amount necessary to get that job done.

Now, why should you put yourself through this? Because RA can progress quickly and once joint damage occurs, it cannot be reversed. Natural remedies and food are really good ideas, but there has been no documented proof that they work alone to stop the progression of RA and that's what you want to happen.

If you are treated aggressively in the early stages of RA, you have the best chance of going into remission. That's why you want to take this step.

I think it's great to get advice on the right foods and nutrients. They can really help. But be sure your Rheumatologist knows what all you are taking, even common vitamins, because they can interfere with each other.

It is a personal decision as to which route to take. I had a lot of pressure from friends to go the naturapathic route when I first got sick. So, I did a lot of reading, etc. However, RA can also affect any system in your body, including your eyes, heart and lungs. All of these are affected with me. For that, I felt that I needed regular medical doctors to treat me.

I have heard that there are Rheumatologists that will work closely with Naturalpathic doctors in coming up with a safe treatment plan. Maybe you could aim for something like that.

I do know people on the boards who were really into the health foods/nutrients did try that route first and it failed them.

The better informed that you can become, the more assurance that you will have with your treatment. I would certainly try the methotrexate and the plaquinil. They take several months to get working. The prednisone is to help with inflammation until you get some relief from your other meds. Then they will taper you off it and hopefully use it only for severe flares.

Just be frank and honest about your worries with your doctor. Without these meds, one can become permantently crippled. You really want to weigh that in your decision.

If you RA is truly mild, you may see good results and be back on your way to a normal life.

Hope this helps.

Thank you so much for your response. It really helps me.

I personally feel a lot of pressure to follow a more holistic route (I grew up
on a commune, etc.) but a friend of mine who has had RA since she was 21
says the one thing she wishes is that she'd gone on the RA suppressing
meds earlier to stop the damage -- and therefore pain.

She doesn't believe that most of her pain is from the arthritis anymore, but
from previously incurred damage.

   I understand where you are coming from. I have JRA and was
on meds for years, but I had been off of them for about 5 years
until a few months ago. I hate being on meds (especially
prednisone) and for years I had felt so much better by
exercising and eating right that I thought I could handle
everything naturally. But I realize the importance for fast and
strong treatment. When I first got JRA at age 11, it started only
in my left ankle. Within 6 months it had spread to all of my joints
and I was in a wheelchair. If my docs had been more
aggressive in the beginning, I wouldn't have ended up there.
You need to make sure you take care of it fast, then you can
ease off the meds and hopefully have very few problems. Good
luck with whatever treatment you decide!

Goldfish, my doctors were aggressive from the beginning. But there were some gaps or delays in some of my problem areas and now I have permanent problems. You certainly don't want that.

Get your body stable and then reinforce with all those healthy things. I think your knowledge will only serve to aid you in recovering faster and staying well.

[QUOTE=Deanna]These drugs are hard on your body. Methotrexate is given in such low doses compared to that given cancer patients that there is more risk to your liver than..................[/QUOTE]

Deanna - what a great informative post. Thank you, it has helped me a lot, and no doubt will also help anyone else who's new to this.

Just my opinion....Susan 

Deanna is right it is very important to start a treatment as soon as you can, my family dr kept dismissing my problems for several years saying it wasn't bad.  When a new dr started at the clinic and she saw my xrays she deamnded I was sent to a rd, because I had to wait so long there is some permanent damage.  If you get this treated now you may be able to slow it's progreess. meme

Arthritis is chronic and degenrative disease and it treatment is about pain management and slow its progresses.

In my experience at 36 years there are going to have many flares- on and off.

Aggressive drugs treatment may ease pain, check flare up initially for a short period of time but it may cause side effects. It works like a sword that has two sharp edges.

As for natural path it is better because it apparently has no or lesser side effects. The natural path is not getting anywhere provided the appropriate herbs and foods are effective to manage pain, slow and reverse the severity gradually. All I know the natural path to treat arthritis is hard to come by because I have been searching for over 20years. Luckily I have found the formula herbs and gradually learn to eat selective foods wisely. I have remedy therefore I do not need drugs for over 15years. It all about improving the body energy level and appropriate formula herbs to manage pain and knowingl the disease living in the body well enough to "tame" and "control" its activiities effectively. 

Goldfish,  Using the prescription meds may be necessary to slow the progression of your ra.  It does not rule out the alternative route.  I also watch my diet, same as you and use alternative meds along with the drugs listed below.  My RA is agressive.  Good luck on your decision, I know it is a big one.

Get a handle on this disease before it eats your bones.




I think everyone here has pretty much already said it, but let me just add that there has never been any proven one thing that improves RA for anyone. Foods, herbs, drugs, etc. RA is different for everyone, and some people to find improvement by eliminating certain foods...but most do not. Many people get improvement from the drugs, but some do not. What has been studied and shown to be the most effective things are the drugs. That said, healthy lifestyles gained with nutritious foods and gentle exercise can certainly be beneficial. As far as herbs, please clear them with your doctor and buy them from reputable companies so that you have the best chance of actually getting what you think you are buying. Some herbs can be toxic when combined with certain medications and since there is no FDA regulation on those supplements, you may not always get a pure sample. BEWARE of people online trying to sell you miricle treatments. If there was a miricle CURE FOR RA, wouldnt the rest of us know about it? There are always people looking for ways to make a buck.


In the past, people would never dream of reaching the tip of Mt. Everest until the first climber made historical record. For vast majority of people who never even climb a hill will think that reaching the top of Mt. Everest is still never possible for any human beings but there are numerous people conquer it today. 

I think the belief, obstinate opinion and a bias of one person does not reflect the truth. Everyone can gather information, assess and decide. We shall not ignore or give up hope to find natural ways for cure and be influenced by such "no hope" person that may be working for some pharmaceatical cos.  

In my opinion all chronic diseases like RA etc. are prominent but sufferers differ in conditions. RA is never different from everyone, people have different degree of severity and condition. Chronic diseases like RA can be improved by natural path. There are books written by doctors and medical professionals that can be read, learned and followed to gain result. There are also natural clinics in America and Europe. Why should one be put in the enclosure and fed with "no cure" belief.  There are natural path to search, explore and find a cure. Otherwise scientists have not been dispatched to Amazon forest and other forests of the world to gether plants and herbs and learn from natives.

We are what we eat that is what a saying goes. I follow the saying seriously and eat selectively and I benefit from doing so. So for those who gain from eating heathily will think this person does not get the fact right at all.

Once any arthritic can manage pain and control without using drugs what is there to fear! One is FREE.

Fear and hopeless registered in one's mind when there is no way out - a "prisoner" to drugs and a "slave" to the disease.

Only you can break through like I did it over 15years ago to gradually reverse the severity without drugs! By saying so, this person is persistently cranky, envy, jeolous or disbelieve of my achievement. All these do not matter the most important aspect is I have a better quality of life, freedom from control and in fact a "controller or master" to the disease.


There is such presumably an expert on drugs and so faithful to further state that by far the most effective things are drugs. When I analyse again the expert seem to know all by stating "many people" get improvement from the drugs but "some" do not. What a propoganda! On the contrary to most doctors & authors of natural healing books, the situation is a reversed.

These doctors & authors are down to earth, not thinking of riping moneys but shared their knowledge and experiences in their years of practices.

A bias can never know the real truth because it takes many aspects to find cure like belief, determination, lifestyle change, finding appropriate herbs. A bias wants to know the miracle cure (perhaps drugs in such mind "some herbs are poison" but "not drugs"?). Why we do not know how to climb Hillmalaya (the question such mind is enquiring)?  The answer is without right frame of mind, practices, doing homework, hardwork and all that required as a climber, how can you!!! NOTHING IS EASY! Even researchers and scientists in lab. have not found a solution.

The wonderful thing is that sometimes a layman can stumble on a solution. I know there will be such bias like to throw rubber balls and curl mud.

All boil down to result and reality. If one can manage pain as easy as ABC and control the disease, one is the winner WITHOUT DRUGS. ONE CAN HAVE A BETTER VIEW AND UNDERSTAND OF THE DISEASE JUST LIKE LOOKING AT THE SURROUNDING FROM THE TOP OF A HIGH BUILDING!

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