Criteria for RA diagnosis ATT:Skyymax | Arthritis Information



I told Sky I'd post this. It's good info to have for any of those setting out toward their first appointment....and in search of a diagnosis. Blood work is only one of the 7 criteria related. You only have to have 4 to be diagnosed. I personally have 5. The only ones I didn't have at the time of diagnosis was positive blood work and nodules. Hope this is helpful

The criteria for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are the same for older and younger persons:
1998 revised American College of Rheumatology criteria for classification of rheumatoid arthritis. Patients should have at least 4 of the 7 criteria, and the first 3 must have been present for 6 weeks or more

Morning stiffness In and around the joints, prolonged (lasting at least 1 hr before maximal improvement)
Arthritis of > 3 joint areas Inflammatory soft tissue swelling or fluid in at least 3 joint areas simultaneously, observed by the physician. This reduces the joint spaces
Arthritis of hand joints At least one joint involved in the hands
Symmetrical arthritis Simultaneous involvement of joints on both sides of the body
Rheumatoid nodules Aggregates of inflamed subcutaneous tissue cells which collect over bony prominences or extensor surfaces, or in juxta-articular regions, as observed by a physician. The skin is thin and fragile above the nodules.
Severe rheumatoid factor (rheumatoid factor is an antibody to the Fc portion of IgG and may be responsible for amplifying the inflammatory response in the synovium)
Abnormal levels should have been measured by any method that has been positive in less than 5% of normal controls
Radiographic changes Classic changes must include erosions or unequivocal bony decalcification, localized or most marked adjacent to the involved joints.
Osteoarthritis changes alone do not qualify

Involvement of joint sites in established rheumatoid arthritis
Note that late-onset RA is:
Like you, I only have 5.  I don't have nodules or a positive RF.  And while not a criteria for diagnosis...I have very limited ROM in some joints.  Others, they are good.
hugs, wayney
thank you so much!!!! this is great! I have 6 areas that are affected... Well i am going to see my GP today and see what he says i already scheduled to see a RD for the 10th.. I'm scared i'm gonna lose my job because i have been taking off all the time because of the pain and to go to this appointment. They told me to bring FMLA paperwork with me for my doctor to fill out if it is a legitimate illness.. I was so upset when they said that to me Ooh cool Lovie thanks for posting this :)

Hang in there Sky. Get your RD to fill out the form if nessesary. Don't be overly concerned about your job right now. The stress from that along with everything else is not good for you. Their highly unlikely to fire you because for your illness for fear of a law suit.

We'll be anxious to hear what they say...Keep us informed.

Keep your spirits up. The Rheu... will do something to make you feel better. Tell him or her that you are concerned about your job. You may be put on prednisone to get you some immediate relief before other meds can start to work. At least you don't have much longer to wait to see the Dr. Good luck to you.


Thats a great post. I could have used that when I first had arthritis symptoms.


I'm glad you were able to get in to your Dr so quickly

Please keep us updated on your progress,


Definitely keep the appt with the Rheumatologist. A GP is fine for general things, but you need a specialist to understand fully all the different types of arthritis and what is best in each case. Good luck to you.

Barbthanx roxxy.... forgive me if i don't respond quickly.i have a hard time typing because of my hands and wrists..well i have used up almost all of my 12 weeks of FMLA due to other illnesses in the past..they are recommending i take STD or LTD..I go to my RD on Friday so we will see what happens.. but it is getting to the point now where my hand are starting to curve forward and i can't flatten it while pressed against a flat surface..i type with my left hand because my Right hand is so swollen and my wrist hurts like crazy.. when i wake up my shoulders and spine are stiff... and my knees hurt when i try to stand up from the bed. A co-worker of mine called me yesterday and told me that if i was going to use FMLA i need to watch my back because the company i work for is hiring Private Investigators to follow people around who are using FMLA...isn't that illegal like harrassment?? so now i have to watch now with that stress on my shoulders and stress with work..i'm almost to the point where i may need to quit.. is MTX methotrexate? i used that about a year ago for my psoriasis but i was not responding well to the med...wish me luck at my appt..and i hope all goes well for you as well!

I left the doctors office with the diagnosis that first day. My blood work wasn't back to confirm it but she knew. We also did x-rays. She started me on predisone and called the next afternoon to see how I was feeling. I told he I could not believe the improvement. She said my blood work was negative; but the x-rays showed something (I can't remember what she called it now) and the response I got from the predisone helped confirm the diagnosis.

We'll be anxious to hear how it goes at the sure and check in with us as soon as you get a chance.

I hope you start feeling better soon.



I take Diclofenac. I was taking Mobic 15mg, but now I take Diclofenac 75mg 2xday. I think the Mobic worked better. This gives me some intestinal cramping and all that goes with it....enough said.
It's an older drug (Voltaren is the brand name). I hope it works for you.Hi Everyone,

I am new to the postings and just recently diagnosed
with RA. The list of sysmptoms posted is great. I
have 6 of them and also have a CCP marker which
my Rheumy said that it indicates a more agressive
form? I started in early November with very swollen
and painfull hands/wrists, was sent for workers
comp and was eventually had to take 3 weeks of
work. Extreme pain all over my body. In March found
out I had a repetitive stress injury and RA. Thanks
for all the posts here. Good info. I am currently
taking 20 mg of pred (gained 12 lbs ), 20 mg of
mtx, and have had 2 remicade treatments. So far the
pred has brought the most relief.   I think the mtx
realy makes me have alot less energy. trying to
exercise, but it's hard. Anyone else get tiredness
with mtx?

Hi Tara

Nice to meet you. I think you'll be glad you stopped to say "hi".  So many wonderful friends to be made here.  I am also recently diagnosed and this has been a great place for me to visit each day.  It's great to have people to talk to that really just simply "get it".

I don't take MTX, but I'm in a constant state of extreme tired

Anyway just wanted to welcome you and say hello.  Hope to hear more from you soon.


Welcome to the group. Yes; MTX will make you tired...espeically at first. I'm not sure how long you've been on it but I've been on it for about 3 years now and the day after is the absolute worst for me...although it helps so much I put up with it.

RA carries extreme fatigue with it I hesitate to blame all of it on MTX. If your doctor hasn't already done so you might ask him about Folic Acid. I personally don't take it myself because I don't think i need it...but he said it might help with the side effects when I was first prescribed it.

Glad you found us. This is a neat group here. Everyone is so kind and supportive; I don't know what I'd do without my friends here.

Again; Welcome.


Hi tara!

Welcome to the board! I am new to this board as well! I found wonderful support and advice from alot of the members here!

I used to take Methotrexate for my Psoriasis, but i was not responding well to the meds. My hair started falling out and i kept on getting an infection. So i told the doctor that I just wanted to use topicals for my psoriasis, but when i did take MTX i was always tired..

i hopefully will find out what's going on with me on Monday.. but by reading over the criteria there's no doubt in my mind. I've only been on this forum for a few days but have found wonderful support... take care! and WELCOME AGAIN!

Hi everyone. Thanks
so much for welcoming me. Its great to see how
everyone shares and supports each other. Good to
get the feedback on MTX. I have been taking it for
about 5 weeks, and always feel bad the next day.

Glad this message board is here...lot's to learn!
Interesting to know that RA also brings tiredness. I
had big plans to do things around the house but am
going to take a nap instead!

Sky...I pray your doctor would be given wisdom &
discernment to be able to tell and let you know
exactly what is going on and the best method for

Hope everyone has a great weekend!   
Hi all.  I just started mtx and plaquenil.  I have been unusually tired and weak since I started.  I don't know if it is mtx, or plaquenil or depression to tell you the truth.   I have only taken a very small dose of mtx so far so I am wondering if it is the plaquenil.  I am doubting depression as my emotional state has been much more positive the last few days.  It might also be the heat - summer came fast!  Anyway, I will let you all know when I know.  I have also noticed a loss in apetite.  Sound familiar to anyone?

I have never seemed to have side effects from MTX except for the diarrhea (sp?). Doc gave me folic acid to help that problem... Arava added to that and the problem was worse... now im off arava and on enbrel... anyways looking over thatlist of symptoms, i had like all but the nodules.. which i now have on my feet... and i have problems mostly inmy hands...

My left pinky has what they call a "swan neck deformity" the tip looks like its bent even when its straight. bent at the first nuckle. and other fingers turn into "trigger fingers" where they dont want to striaghten out at times. When i make a fist, they wont even try to straighten out, they stay curled. Doc gat me cortisone in the first (and worse) finger, at the base of the finger palm side, and it worked well not had that problem again as bad... now it just feels like a tight rubber band from the middle of my palm to the tip of the finger when i stretch it out straight.

these are normal for RA and my doc never seems surprised by any new problems i seem to come up with.. i LOVE my doc.. waited a year to see him when he was fired, had to wait til he got new placement and took my ins again!

I am new here too, and finally have people that truly understand. My friends cope with me complaining.. Oh depression... Zoloft helps!


Unicorn - I have that same I hate it when I try to point to something and hubby and daughter think I am pointing to something Just annoys me!!! Hubby will say why don't you point to what you really want, so now I point like 6 inches over from what I am actually pointing UNICORN-thanks for the info on
the mtx. hopefully I'll adjust in time. I'm glad you
mentioned the nodules. I them them all over inside
my palm... and they seem to be getting harder and
sorer. your rubber band description is just right!   I
also take zoloft as well as wellbutrin. they make a
huge difference.

good to hear you are able to see your doctor again.

tara lHi Unicorn and everyone-  I am also recently dx and trying to understand what I am in for.  My doc wanted to give me a cortisone injection in my knee, it scared me too bad.  I told him no.  How bad do the cortisone injections hurt, like you had in your little finger?  Also, don't the nodules hurt on your feet?  I am starting to wonder if I can handle ra,  I feel like I am at my capacity for pain, the "progression" scares the hell out of me.  As it is, when I am in a flare it is all I can take to stay up all night to get to a clinic for prednisone. I getso angry and depressed ???? One last question for everyone, when you talk about stiffness - is that like your muscles hurt?  My legs have been feeling really tight in the morning.  OK  I obviously should not post in the morning when I feel like sh*t.  BAD ATTITUDE

The stiffness isnt just pain either, With  me i find it hard sometimes to pick something up. I'll grab it (e.g. a cup), but it'll fall. Even though i know i held it firm enough, but my hand just isnt responding properly.

So from what your saying about your legs feeling tight, that sounds like a good example of RA stiffness alright. Hang in there girl, Take care... 

Thanks Dagda,  I think that my threshold for pain needs raising and my fear lowered to deal with this disease.  A needle in the knee just sounded horrible but the elbow sounds even worse!  I got so frustrated this morning trying to do my yoga, which I have been doing for years, all of a sudden, I can't straighten my legs...........grrrrrrrrrr.  Anyway, I am hoping hanging out with you brave people will rub off.  I always thought I was tough - but endurance tough - physically tough - but since my body feels like it is falling apart - I don't feel so tough

ps  I always wanted to go to Ireland.  The college I went to had an exchange program with Ireland and I always liked the Irish exchange students.  I hear it is beautiful there !  You ever want to go hiking in northern CA - look me up

I'll admit I don't care for shots either...but they work wonders and are very much worth the pain for the relief you'll receive. I've had numerous injections in my knees, hips, shoulders (that was the worse for me) and once in my back. Nothing gets me back on my feet quicker.


Good morning Lovie.  I just remember getting a cortizone shot for severe poison oak and it felt like they were injecting cement into me!!!  Anyway, I like my injections where I have lots of padding.  Since right now my pain is in my butt - bring it on


Heres what i posted elsewhere! Hope this helps!------------------

I have gotten 4 cortisone shots into various joints... both wrists at the same time, the right elbow and then my right ring finger. It hurts as any shot and it depends on how sensitive you are. my wrists hurt a bit like a sting, my elbow had spray lanacaine used so i didnt really feel that (just REALLY cold tothe point of almost burning) and my finger hurt quite a bit.. Is all cases, the doc puts lanacaine into the joint first and that burns a bit, then the cortisone goes in. without the lanacaine, it would burn a lot, but its not too bad. I am PARANOID

the results were great!

Hope this helps.. it hurts a bit, but is worth it in my book!!!

Sending this to the top for our Newbie Karen (Zakatak) she's looking for more info.

