How do i know what it feels like? | Arthritis Information


Wondering if my pain could be Arthritis... I am experiencing joint pain in my ancles, knees and sometimes in my hip. Both sides are affected, but they usually never hurt at the same time. I only have pain while walking or when I use the joint thats bothering me. The pain is also "migrating" or "wanders" from joint to joint.

Just wondering if what I have sounds like arthritis....

Hi - unfortunately it does sound like arthritis to me...I hurt on both sides too, but not at the same time.  One side is really bad for a few days then it switches to the other side - when I first started out only one side hurt at a time, now both will hurt but it's still really bad usually on one side at a time.  Try to get in to see a rheumatologist as I wasn't diagnosed correctly until I saw one.  Good luck and if you do have it, this is a wonderful site for support and information.Usually (I think) one side hurts, so you compensate for it (whether you realize it or not) thus straining your other side, and making it hurt later down the line. At least..that's what happens to me. And I can feel it coming EVERY time. So annoying. SO...annoying. >.< So yeah, that sounds about right. LoL Don't get too worried yet. See your doc and take it easy. No sense in worrying yourself to death. Just make sure you get seen, and you get treated. :) Take care!Go to the doctor.  It does sound like arthritis, but there are some types that are viral and some that are due to particular infections and can be treated with antibiotics (though if not treated, they can turn into other issues).  So... go! There are so many different types of arthritis, one that does the traveling number is Polyarthralgia Rhuematica. You should get it checked out by the doc. Good luck to you!