Dr. Started me on MTX | Arthritis Information


Hi All...

First, wanted to say, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth... just been so dang busy with work, family issues and exhaustion, I have no time or energy to post.

I saw the RD on Friday, and he said it was time to start MTX, as the plaquenil isn't doing enough, if anything.   He started me on 7.5 mg, over a 36 hour period of time.  I have to say, I wasn't worried or scared because of all the wonderful information I have read here.  He is going to increase the dose in two months if need be.  A Dr. friend of mine told me to make sure I get a Prenatal Vitamin because it has the increased amounts of Folates to fight off the mouth sores.  

The only thing I have noticed is that it has made me even more tired, so I'm glad I can take it on the weekends, which I sleep through most of the time anyways!!!  LOL 

I hope all is well with you all!!!

*hugs* Terri

Hi Terri - Glad you're back!  Hope the MTX does wonders for you.  Let us know how it goes.

Good Luck!


Hi Terri
Don't expect any wonders until you are on 4 tablets a week. This applied to me and seems to be the general feeling. But it really does work. I have been on 4 tablets, plus plaquinal for 8 months and have been symptom free (I couldn't get out of the bath before!)
Good Luck and be patient.

Hey Terri! Glad to hear from you! Yeah, just make sure you are getting about 2400mcg (2.4 mg) of Folate per day. It seems alot of the docs like to start out with 1 mg, which is never enough...and then go as high as 2.8mg. At 2.4 I noticed a big improvment in side effects like fatigue, hair loss, and those miserable mouth sores.

Good luck!!!

Wendy I am about to start it also, so can I ask what you mean by "over a 36 hour period?"


Also, how much folic acid are people on?

I am taking mine on Friday night, Saturday morning and Saturday night....Dr. explained to me that it is easier for the body to adjust to it this way. He said eventually I will be able to take it all at once.

I started out on 7.5 mg over 24 hours and it has been a god sent.  I noticed a change within the first 2 weeks.  I was completely back to normal but I was functional.  I had pain that you could deal with.

A week ago the RD increased my dose to 10 mg.

I too experienced fatigue but it only lasted for the first 2-3 weeks.  Luckily, so far, at this low dose, I have not experienced any other side effects.

Good Luck!




Nice to see you back Terri...hope the mtx works for you.

I certainly noticed the fatigue lift after about 4-6 weeks on the 5mg of MTX a week, but sure feel so...sleepy in the morning. I used to be a morning person before RA, but then the stiffness came and was very difficult to get up and around. Now the stiffness has lifted and I am just plain tired til about 11:00AM. That's difficult when I have to be to work at 9:00AM. I occassionaly take a sleep aid --Lunesta to help me sleep through the night, but afraid to take it when I can't hardly wake up now as it is.

Hi Terri,

mtx has been a lifesaver for me too. I take 22.5 mg.
on fridays, and I really look forward to it. I do have
fatigue too, but I rest on saturday and do my best
during the week!

Thanks crunchy for the tip about folic acid. I have
always just taken 1 mg, so going to increase it .
mouth sores appeard again today.   

Terri-it may take a few weeks to get used to it, but
hang in there if you can.

-taraYes, folate is folic acid.  I'm taking 2.4 mg a day of it, plus I just picked up some Biotin today.  My multi vitiamin doesn't have any in it, and I really want to try to stave off losing my hair!!  It's thin enough as it is...

I think I'm going to start taking the MTX on Friday night, Saturday morning and Saturday night until the Dr. tells me I can start taking them all at one time.  I was pretty nauseous, but the fatigue was unreal this weekend...  I slept most of Saturday, Saturday night, Sunday day and night, and came home and was asleep last night by 6:30...  I feel better today, not nearly as tired...  

Hi Terri, So good to hear from you. I know what you mean by being busy at school and trying to deal with the RA. The half time is working better for me, although I'm still putting in 9 hour days. I hope the MTX gives you the added boost. I take mine Friday. When I took 3 ,I'd take one each meal. Everyone is different in how they handle it. Some people have no trouble, others like me are very sensitive to it.

I'm on a MTX break but will probably go back on or try Avara instead. The MTX makes me more out of sorts than when I'm off it., but it does help with the RA.  I take 4 folic acids every day to 5mg of MTX once a week.

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