Under the weather today | Arthritis Information


I am feeling under the weather today. That is the only way I can describe it. Maybe I am catching something. I went back to sleep for 2 hours this morning. Today is my day to take my enbrel and MTX. Should I skip it?

I wouldn't skip it without discussing it with your doctor. If you're really sick, running a fever, etc, you could get really sick. If you just feel out of sorts, that's different. My doctor usually wants me to stay on the meds if I'm a little sick. Maybe you could take the MTX and enbrel on different days. I take enbrel on Wednesdays and MTX on Fridays. It takes me a few days to recover over the weekend. Hope you feel better.


I agree with Linda. It's only if you have an infection that you need to go off. Definitely would split my days on taking them.

Even on your meds, you can feel under the weather, like you have the flu. Sometimes, that is how a flare starts. Often mine start with sudden fatigue, an upset stomach or joint pain. I can feel them starting so I force myself to lay down and rest. This helps keep me from going all the way into a bad flare.

It may seem lazy to others or just yourself, but it is really the smartest thing to do. Flares are damaging and you want to prevent that. I'd rather do that with an extra nap than pile on more medicines, especially the ones we take.

Have to agree with the others.  In fact, feeling "under the weather" seems par for the course when 'Arthur' comes to stay 

Hope you soon feel better and that it was nothing serious.  The 'flu and cold viruses that have been going about this year in all parts of the world seem to be extra vicious this year.


Thanks, I went ahead and took my meds. I'm fine this morning and dont have the flu. I really thought that was happening.
Could you tell me what a flare is? Is it different for everyone?
I thought a flare was a lot of pain.

I am down to 5mg of pred now and I will be on it for 3 weeks till I see the doctor. I sure dont have the energy I had when I was taking 20 or 15mg's.
I'm not sure how it's going. I might have slightly swollen feet but not much and no pain.
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