Bone Scans??? Anybody? | Arthritis Information


I just had a bone scan done at a "Health Fare"

They did a Bone Density, Courotite Artery ultrasound, (I in no way spelled that right lol), Ciruculation, and Aortic Anurism ultra sound for 9.  These are test Dr's don't usually order unless you have symptoms. 

Anyway, my density test was not good, they send you a report after the DR reads T score was -2.2. at high risk for itsn't this just icing on the cake.

Any thoughts?

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i have had RA and OA for quite a few years, and my PCP  has ordered two complete bone scans in the past 6 years to check for signs of joint damage and osteoporosis. So far my bone density readings are slightly above  normal, but lower spine and neck are slightly lower.  Those two places do give me problems. 

Because I am in Oz the situation is different with the health care system, but I would certainly be asking your PCP and your Rheumy about the tests.  My PCP forwarded the results of tests on to my Rheumy whom I see regularly every 3 months, with blood tests every 6 weeks because of being on MTX.  Wheh I was first dx'd I saw the rheumy more frequently until stabilised. 

Those patients showing signs of osteoporosis are usually prescribed Fosomax or something similar.  I make sure I take a calcium supplement.

Hope this helps you a little.


We just had one of those Health Fairs here in S Florida, ours was sponsored by the Visiting Nurse Assoc. so it looked darn ligit to me. I asked my rheumy about it, since the prices were reasonable and my insur probably wouldn't pay for these tests, but he nixed it. He said the testing and the readings were unreliable. Maybe he's picky.

I'd ask either your RD or you PCP for a true bone scan.  I know that I can have them every 3 years (for insurance to pay for them) and if you've been on pred (longer than 6 months?? I think) you're at risk for osteoporosis.  So, I'd definately ask for one.




I just had a dexa scan done today.  My rheumy sends me for one every year because of being on prednisone.  He wants to make sure that I am not developing osteoporosis.  My health insurance has paid for all of them.