Embrel Anyone | Arthritis Information


Dr. wants to start Embrel soon.  I really need some feed back and encouragement if any out there.



I was on Embrel for 5 1/2 months, I was so nervous about doing the injections myself. I did the injectons each week and did not feel any better! I kept saying: I want to be like the people on tv! You know-washing the car, laughing! Anyway my Dr took me off yesterday as the sed rate is up and and becuse of the anemia. I think you should try it, it surely helps a lot of people. I would only suggest not to wait more than 3 mos, if no better then stop. My Dr wants me now on Orencia-and I am trying to get some info on that. Good Luck!

After ten plus years of nothing working Enbrel was a godsend. It worked wonders, truely. I was terrified of injecting myself. My first injection was by accident!

I decided first thing in the morning - before I allowed myself to do anything else - I would give myself the enbrel. So I sat there, in my bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror, thinking, "Go! Do it already you big chicken! You can't stay in here all day!". And when I looked back down, lo and behold! The needle was in, without me even knowing it! (It helps if, like me, your thighs have the consistancy of jello pudding!

Alas, five years later, enbrel has run out of gas for me. I've started Humira. In a couple of years from now I might try enbrel again tho.

I have been using embrel for a year now and it has made an great difference. The pain is so much less and I am knitting again after 10 years. When I get a chest infection I have to get antibiotics and come off the embrel. Embrel reduces your immune system.

There are lots of side effects with embrel ie you could have problems with kidneys, lung and liver function but if your quality of life is really bad then go for it, I did and no side effects yet.I've been on the 50 mg dose of Embrel now for 5-6 weeks, it's working good! EXCEPT I have constant chills, it was 86* here yesterday, wore both a T shirt and a sweatshirt all day. And I now have a peeling/scally, crusty painful patch on the outer shell of my ear, just the right one.  It kinda feels like psoriasis is described. Any ideas? I don't see RA until June
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