Help for Arthritis | Arthritis Information


Some friends and I are starting an arthritis support group in our church.  We are looking for some input from others to help us.  If you could tell people one thing about arthritis what would it be? It's not just an "old people's disease" - it hits healthy, active people and stops them dead in their tracks. And kids, too! :(

- Diagnosed at 18months..currently 23 years old...still fighting it out!
Listen to your body and take it easy when it tells you to.  Research on conventional therapies and also supplemental therapies. 

 it sneaks up on you........take aggressive action the minute you are diagnosed.


Take care

Make sure your RD is working with you, not against you. Even if you like him/her, if you're not getting aggressive treatment, and you're not headed in a direction you're comfortable with, let your RD know - or get a new one. This is a lifetime commitment. Kind of like a marriage. If your RD isn't good, though, you're the one who will suffer. Try to stay as active as you are able to - if you don't use your range of motion, you will lose it...

Regardless of which religions, I believe the right answer is God's gifts i.e. herbs and natural foods.

Once you find it, believe it, take it continuously and arthritis is no more a threat.  Herbs and natural foods can repel the disease from  body. The result is the answer.

The healing power of nature was recorded in historical time over thousands of years, is highly regarded to those belive it and benefit from it now and future.


Hello friends......sneha here,,I am starting an arthritis support group in our church. i'm looking for some input from others to help us. If you could tell people one thing about arthritis what would it be??????
Thanks lot........ The result is the answer. The healing power of nature was recorded in historical time over thousands of years. Thanks for sharing with us.
