Eczema - Here’s a new one for me.... | Arthritis Information


So I had eczema when I was in high school. Don't know why, that's a rather odd time for a person to develop it. But I did. I would only get it on my upper arms. Well now I have this new, weird spot...that I THOUGHT was eczema....and it only appears when I flare. Get that. Weird huh? Its on my LEG though. And it's round. And it doesn't itch, but rather, it HURTS. If I scratch it, it bleeds. I swear I ONLY ONLY ONLY have it appear when I flare. This seems really strange to me. It sort of looks like my eczema...but I'm starting to have doubts. Anyone else have anything even CLOSE to this???? I don't tan, there's no mole in that area, it's not even anywhere that my clothes might rub on it, and it's not a bug bite - I only know that because it keeps coming back in the exact same spot. It started last night, I woke up this morning feeling like a ton of bricks fell on me (start of a flare, oh joy) and says it'll be gone by the end of the week, and I'll be swollen like a freaking sausage. Anyone? Anyone???




I used to have a DRY patch on the top of my shoulder from gold inj. That goofy thing came and went for about 12 years. It seemed to show up most often when I got a long lasting cold.

Were you ever on gold?

I don't think so? I'm pretty sure I wasn't. I could ask my mom though. But then she'd want to know why I was asking, and I'd have to tell her about the spot...and then she'd do the 50,000 question mother thing. And that's just annoying. God love her. Haha It's not really dry either. It's SO weird. And I have googled the HECK out of anything even close to it, and it just...I dunno. It's one of a kind. I haven't found anything like it. Yet. Damnit I will eventually. You can count on that! HahKatie,

My brother has psoriasis (which is also related to rheumatoid arthritis, in that it's an auto-immune disease..)  But anyway, could the eczema be psoriasis??  Just a guess???
I was thinkin the same thing as Vickilee

LIKE RING WORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only without the center and the spreading and it itching. This actually hurts to touch it. And the bumps open up and bleed if I scratch it. It really just looks and sounds terrible. It's about the size of a dime. Always has been. And when it goes away, my skin looks normal. Like every other inch of my skin.

Maybe I'm possessed. OH! IT'S LIKE ALIEN! Only this is a stupid breed. They're miniature and they had no idea what they were doing. Now when it hatches, I'll just squash it with a boot. Thus saving the world from a miniature alien domination. They would have ruled our dollhouses. The horror...


Haha thanks for the help anywho!

arriscolwell38994.8559375Well.....  I hate to bring this up, but maybe its a form of herpes...  I don't know how I got it, but years ago it came on my butt....  comes and goes, same spot, when I'm stressed....  I have to take zovirox (sp?) when I feel it coming on... still comes but doesn't last as long when I take the drugs.  It starts with just an itchy feeling for a couple days, then it 'breaks out'.. in a circle with raised bumps.... goes away with no sign of even being there!  hummm......?????    Really?!?! And you can get it in just one spot??? Its on the back of my thigh, if I wore shorts, it would just barely be covered. If that gives you an idea. That actually sounds like it. AW MAN. How'd I get that crap?!?! It really does only come when I flare, but that would make sense then. And I don't get insurance until Feb. RAR. I hate waiting. Nothing OTC would do any good, would it? I can't believe I didn't think of ringworm until that last post though. It really reminds me of it. But I've had ringworm ( I'm gonna be a crazy cat lady one day) and it just doesn't spread, which makes me think it can't be ringworm. As it fades away, it loses the circle shape. I should take a pic next time it pops up. I just ran to the RR at work, and looked at it, and it's already starting to fade. And it JUST popped up in my sleep last night. That's how fast it goes. It's really just annoying now. :/Calm down Katie!!!   Maybe it's just a bug bite!  Really, you may want to see the doctor and don't freak out until you know for sure.   I don't know of any treatment you can get over-the-counter.  When mine comes out, it hurts, I put alcohol on a cotton swab and think that helps... don't know!  Keep your chin up! I had a small bunch of tiny bumps on my hip once. I thought it was an odd rash, but it turned out to be shingles! I went to the doctor for a sore hip and actually forgot about the rash until the doc saw it and knew immediately what was wrong. The drugs for it worked wonders and quickly. Hope you figure out what this is quickly. Can you get in to see your doctor? Can't see ANY doc. No insurance. I thought shingles too....I've had them before. In the stereotypical right-at-the-bra-line around your chest spot. OH. MY. GOD. DID THAT HURT. This isn't near as intense. I was under the impression you don't get shingles repeatedly? But it does look like it. shingles were treated by me. Everyone always gives my b/f anti-biotics (even when that's not the problem) So I took those. Bad I know, but when you don't have the means, you work what you got! Maybe it wasn't enough? :( Hmmm I was right though, they're almost all gone. It's down to a couple random little bumps. And I've used backspace on this more times than I'd like to admit. When I woke up my neck was stuck to the right. My fingers look like bratwursts!!!!!! Hah. Oh goodie. Can't wait for work...........not. shingles and herpes are in the same family...have you tried putting antibiotic ointment on it or hydrocortizone cream? If you cant go to the doc, what about a minor care clinic?  I have all sorts of things flare up when I am in a flare...I think the immune system just wiggs out and everything that was hanging around rears its ugly head 'cause the immune system is busy with the joints. Dont know....dermatologic stuff is so hard to diagnose all means, dont pick at it though...last thing you need is cellulitis! Then you will be paying for a hospital visit for sure! Keep it clean and dry, use an antibacterial soap. Get it checked out if it gets worse!

O.o what the heck is cellulitis? We have clinics like that, and they require - get this - a 0 DEPOSIT BEFORE YOU SEE A DOC. O.o WHAT??? So yeah...I'll try some hydrocortizone cream...*sigh* thanks


Hon it could be psoriasis, when you mention getting what you thought was shingles at the bra line, that popped right out at me.  I have ra, but I also have pa, psoriatic arthritis, you don't have to have psoriasis all over your body to be affected by it.  Some people get 1 spot of the dry skin  and that is it, others get several spots of it and others yet can have it all over their body, right now that is me.  I suffer both from inverse psoriasis and plaque psoriasis, and believe me it is not fun, it is itchy and it can hurt like an SOB, besides looking terrible.  you can try a petroleum base ointment, like aquaphor, or go for virgin olive oil, yes olive oil, because it is pure and no additives to it it can help your skin heal very quickly, just know it is a little on the messy side, just put it on before bed and wear old pjs and it works like a charm,  You can also check out your health store they have several creams and washes for psoriasis that is very beneficial.  You could be having that spot right now due to a flare up or even stress, put ointment on it to keep it moist. Whatever you do do not pull the dry skin off, not good for getting better.   meme

ps Plaque posoriasis is where the skin cells cause like a crusty dry layer on your skin from rapid cell growth it looks silvery white and crusty, and inverse psoriasis is where it appears in fold of skins and smooth areas of the skin caused by rubbing, sweating etc.  The areas are red and are not scaley but boy does it hurt!!! Also, pa can have the same symptoms as ra too, it took over 4 yrs before I was diagnosed with pa, because my family dr didn't know the symptoms of pa he assumed all my trouble was with ra. The rd was the one who knew I had pa from examining me and testing.

meme38997.8107291667hi.  i'd have to agree with both crunchy and meme.  Shingles and herpes are both in the same family along with the dreaded cold sore and chicken pox.  The difference being...herpes as that, generally effects the pubic region and you can have lesions around the mouth, the hands and feet etc.  the herpes virus that causes a cold sore, generally does just that, but you can get them in and about the nose or mouth and you may have it once and never get another one for years.  Shingles and chicken pox are of the same strain of the herpes virus with chicken pox being the most common childhood form.  Shingles general happens in the older person and it results from a flare up of the dormant virus from having had chicken pox in the past.  Shingles affects only one side of the body, so if you had it clear around your "bra strap area" then most likely it wasn't shingles. I assume since you treated it yourself, that you were not diagnosed with it.  It can leave horrendous scaring and while generally you dont always redevelop the rash, the nerves in the affected area often have some damage to them and you can have pain in that area for years and years and years.  Because these are all viral, you can not treat them with antibiotics.  Well I guess you can, but it wont be very effective.  I would venture to say, it most likely is a form of psoriasis, possible eczema.  Either way, try some hydrocortisone cream over the area to help with the reddness.  The other thing would be to use some form of triple antibiotic ointment...not to treat the rash, but to prevent a secondary skin infection from the scratching.  Good luck...Also, check with your local hospital to see if they have a clinic or urgent care that is part of their facility...Federal law prohibits any facility that accepts medicare/medicaid payments from not treating someone because of inablility to pay for care.  Also, most hospitals and hospital based urgent care clinics have programs that base your portion of payment on your income, so if you are low income and self pay, a lot of times, they can right off the bill, or will work with you on a payment schedule. bluewillow39001.6527314815The first rash I had, around the bra line was only on my left side. Pretty much right under my boob, and around to my back. It was scattered, and VERY painful. It even hurt to breathe in too hard. I have a scar there now from it. And this new spot is just on the back of my left leg, this one is very small though, much smaller than the spot on my chest. I had SEVERE chickenpox when I was little. Was almost admitted to the hospital. Had the wonderful 105 degree fever and everything. What gets me is the whole "it happens in older people" thing. When I worked at the daycare, we had several parents who got shingles one winter, and none of them were very old (20s-40s) so I don't think that's very accurate. When I say I treated it, I put anti-itch stuff (I think it was cortizone(sp) cream or something like  it) on it, and covered it to dull the pain(with band-aids over it,it was like padding) and took some anti-biotics I had just to be on the safe side. So all of that lead me to believe it was shingles. I suppose this could be too, but it doesn't hurt the same way. Then again, it's a MUCH smaller spot. It's almost gone again, and I'm feeling really good, only my wrists and elbows are swollen right now, I feel like I'm coming out of a mini-flare. So I probably won't see this spot again until I flare. Like usual! :/
