Prednisone/Steroid Dosage | Arthritis Information


I give up!  I've been on a flare now for over 4 weeks and each time my feet/ankles and hands catch on fire, I start a short prednisone round of about 25mg/20mg/20/10/5 and it goes away.  Then comes back in full color three days later.  I'm seeing my RD in two weeks to review present meds, but till then?  What dosages of prednisone and how long do you use them? Need I go higher or longer and just give up! HELP.

Do the 25mg/20mg/20/10/5 and then coast on with a 5/5/5 . I'm thinking it just didn't stay with you long enough to get the inflammation all the way down... so it pops right back. Sometimes a dose as low as 5 every other day is enough to keep flares away but small enough to avoid most of the pred miseries especially the no sleep and being emotionally explosive.I've been on prednisone for a solid year, now. Can't get off it. I'm down to 5.5 mg. Whenever I drop below 5 mg., I go into that same wicked flare. My body is happiest at 15 mg., but my current mix of Arava & MTX is helping to keep it in check. I don't know if I'll EVER get below 5, but I'm going to keep trying. Winter is harder than summer, for sure. Good luck! I hope you can get off it. RD told me to try and stay at 5mg/day and not try and do the pack thing.  I'll give anything a try.  My RD must have read marian's mind.  Good call.