Enbrel’s Fork in the Road | Arthritis Information


Enbrel worked quite well for me and suddenly over the last several weeks everything, mostly feet, hands and wrists, have turned painful and stiff.  My RD noted that if Enbrel worked once, then it would normally always keep working.  It had never been his experience that Enbrel would stop working.  Since Enbrel was a antibody, the body would not learn to destroy it, therefore if it worked for a while it should always keep working?  I like my RD, he's very good at calling back and keeping up with me, but I fear he's a bit more optimistic about Enbrel that what I read in these posts.  Any background or experiences about Enbrel and its long-lasting effects.  Thanks.Hi,
The same thing happned to me in the past month. I am still in a flare, and was hopeing that the Embrel would start working again, but it didnt. I am starting Remicade soon, because my doc. said that it wasnt working, and we shouldnt wait any longer.
    I think if you have been in pain for a while, try switching meds., because it most likley will not start working again.
Good luck with everything, and I hope you feel better soon!
I was on Enbrel for about 4 months and it didn't show that it was helping.  The doctor then put me on Remicade, which seems to have the RA under control for now.   Still have swelling in hands and now in my toes every morning... but if it's controlling it and I'm still able to get around, I can't complain.  When I started to decrease the prednisone, like I am now...  from 10mg. to 9 mg. for 2 weeks, then 8 etc... that's when the swelling started in my toes....  I'm still on 9 for another two days, and will try eight after that.  I have my next remicade on Wednesday.  He is increasing it to 400, from 300..... we'll see.  Good luck, but remember, keep the doctor informed....  vicki
I sometimes have flares, no matter what med. I'm on.  For me, whether the medication is working is how often and how long the flares are, not whether they come at all.  I'm on enbrel and still get the sometimes, but eventually they recede. I was on enbrel for three years and then it just seemed to stop working for me.  I've talked to others that have had the same thing happen.  Think maybe the RD might want to do a little more research on the subject.6xmum- I guess you asked the more incisive question about whether the Enbrel isn't working or its just a flare.  I've been on this flare for about 4 weeks and it is much worse than I have ever had. My ankles were so painful last night that I woke up at 1:30 and starting taking pain meds to get them under control, and by about 5 this morning I was finally able to go back to sleep for a few hours.  The pain and intensity is much worse than I have ever had. So - how long do flares last?


I was on Enbrel for 4 months, the first 3 to 4 weeks it was like I died and went to heaven. Then came the down hill slide, by the time I was in my 4 th month I could not even walk 50 feet or even climb the stairs to go to bed, with out feeling like I would collapse. I had no energy and tons of muscle pain and joint pain.  Needless to say my doctor finally agreed  that I should go off the Enbrel.  Since I would not OK the use of Remicade, she put me on Arava and then just recently added Placq. Been on the Arava for almost a year before it started to loose it's effect on the RA.  Most RA drugs, will begin to loose their effect on the RA eventually.. Not sure where we will be heading the next med change over.  I am still not ready to use Remicade.

Many people use Enbrel and feel wonderful but it worked opposite with me.  I am thinking, if you are not on it yet, your doctor may need to add some MTX with the Enbrel for it to work well for you.

Good luck and I do hope ever thing starts looking up for you.

I can't tell that Enbrel is working for me at all. The doctor wasn't sure either and said I could try going off of it. But I've been in so much pain, I decided to try it again. I still can't tell I difference.

I had much better results with Remicade. The problem with Remicade is the cancer risk that is being talked about now. But I do wish they'd put me on it or something else. Enbrel just doesn't cut it for me.

Isn't the cancer risk about equal for all the biologics?

Are you talking about lymphoma, that is the one the RA folks tend to get more than normals?

If I missed something about remicade I'd like to read up on it. I've been on it about 5 years now.

I have read articles that state that those with severe ra have up to a 70X increased chance for lymphoma.  And I believe that these stats were taken before the primary introduction of the biologics. I believe the article also stated that the increased risk of lymphoma with moderate RA was 15X.  So I think there may be a high probability of lymphoma with our without the other meds.  No easy answers. Like usual.You sure have it right! There are no easy answers for RA.
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