1st Rheumy appt | Arthritis Information



I'm a longtime lurker and 1st time poster.  This is indeed one of the most positive boards I've seen.  Thank you all for the wonderful information you have provided.

I had lab work done with my PCP, high RF and positive FANA w/ titer of 1:320. 

I just read in another post that the CCP is a diagnostic tool for RA.  After doing some research, I read that a positive CCP (which I have a negative) holds more weight than the RF.  What has been your experience with this?  I have all the classic symptoms and wasn't surprised to find labwork that suggested RA.  I was surprised to read this today. 

Any information as well as what I should ask or request done on my first appt. will be helpful. 

Thanks for being so positive!!!


Hello again,

If anyone has any information regarding my post, I will be grateful!  My Rhumey appt is tomorrow afternoon.  I see a lot of people have read it, but no one has commented on it.  Please, share your knowledge with me


Hi Phatgirl,

I'm sorry you haven't had any posts to this yet, but maybe it's a weekend and we all are sleeping You are seeing the RD tomorrow?  He will most likely go over all your test results with you and recommend the treatment he thinks will be the best.  I had a positive RF but other than that, I don't know about what the other factors were.  I had a list of how I was feeling, the hands and feet were the first indications that I knew something wasn't right.  From the first visit he promptly put me on prednisone which helped with the swelling in my feet so I could walk normally.  Since then I have had a whole bunch of drugs.... and am still battling RA, but hopefully the progression is at bay for now.  I would only say that you must communicate with him and tell him how you are feeling and ask...ask... ask... questions.   Let us know how it goes.
Good luck and welcome to the board!
Yes, I've noticed there's a lot less activity on the weekends, typically.  I can't really help you much.  My doctor doesn't seem to think the tests are very definitive and prefers to base the diagnosis and treatment on observed symptons.  The tests are apparently somewhat unreliable and I don't even remember what the values where.  I started on MTX fairly quickly after my diagnosis and it was effective, but it took a long time to take effect.  For RA, the main thing is to tell the doctor where it hurts, how long, etc.  Good luck!

I can't really help either with all the blood test stuff. I was dx'ed over 12 years ago and I'm what's referred to as seronegative.

I occationally have an elevated SEDSrate. That's the test for inflamation.

I've seen three RD's since the onset and none of them have put too much stock in the blood test. All three agree that I definately have RA despite the blood work.

We're a really nice group here.....please don't be offended if no one answered. Often people just won't comment if they don't have any useful suggestions.

Welcome to AI.

I was formally diagnosed a little over two years ago. The determining factor for me was the positive rheumatoid factor which I think was 60. All my other tests were and continue to be normal.The diagnosis is based on a lot of things including inflamation, fatigue, morning stiffness, etc. Keep a running list of your symptoms. The doctor will test all your joints, ask how long you are stiff in the morning, test your hand strength, check to see if the inflamation is symetrical. Keep all your reports from the doctor. If you have been to other doctors, take those records too. It can take a long time to diagnose RA and there are a lot of other autoimune disases that can present like RA. Some of us have more than one autoimmune disease. You can have OA and RA at the same time. Good luck with your first visit and keep in touch. Thank you guys SOOO much.  It's scary to go thru this.  No one in my family has anything like this.  For a long time I have known that something was wrong, but couldn't put my finger on it.  My symptoms have progressed very quickly, even in the past month. 
This board is so imformative and the members are so nice.  Thank you for taking the time to write.
I'll keep you posted!
Phatgirl (Lori)

Hi Phatgirl - you're probably at your appt. but I am in the same boat somewhat--I had a positive RF factor but the antibodies weren't really raging yet. My sed rate (swelling) was minor at that moment but my appt was first thing in the a.m. and you should see me at night!! The swelling is incredible.  My feet puff up over the tops of my shoes and my ankle bone is gone from view!!! As you've heard from the others - it's soooo important to have a doctor who doesn't just rely on the tests for the "norm". I've found my RD cautious with a diagnosis because there are so many other similar diseases. My GP said it's definitely RA and if the RD won't follow through he'll take care of me.  Some doctors get their head in the book and others treat the patient as a whole.  My RD gets one more shot tomorrow.  I have a list of questions I've been stockpiling since the first appt about 3 mos ago!!!!   Looking forward to hearing how you made out, too.  Di

Thank you for all your replies!  I had my appt. and it went very well.  I was ready for a battle because I have heard of this doctor.  BUT, he turned out to be excellent.  I am a nurse, so I think that helped me a lot.  Anyhoo, he decided I needed to be put on Pred, 10mg starting tomorrow.  He also drew more blood, including Hep C.  He also ordered MRI for bilateral hands and wrists.  I go back in 2 weeks and he said for me to start thinking about treatment plans.  I sure didn't want to start with Pred, but I feel so bad that I'm willing to do about anything at this point.  He said we needed to use the "big guns" because I was taking 2400 mg of Advil and it wasn't touching it.

Anyhoo, thank you so much for all of your knowledge and support.  This is a great board and although we are on here for terrible reasons, it's great to have the support from others who know what we're going through!

Peace out,


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