Could this be RA? | Arthritis Information


I know a little info can be dangerous and have been worrying myself about RA.  I suspect my symptoms are more consistent with tendonitis, but would like your input...going to the Dr. tomorrow fyi.

Onset: 1.5 weeks ago

I have been experienceing mild but consistent bilateral wrist pain, primarily ulnar (outside) region, with some radiation to the pad of the thumb and top of hand. Symptoms range between feeling "tight" and cramping. Movement and strength seem unaffected (I had a few moments of tingling and pinky finger weakness in my right hand, but not at night). Aside from that no nighttime tingling or weakness. No "clicking" that I can detect, and range of motion seems unaffected. Symptoms worsen when typing.

I don't have fatigue, swelling or morning stiffness, which I understand are common signs of RA, but the bilateral pain in both wrists and ankles worries me.

I also have very mild but consistent aching of the outside region of both ankles, although again does not prevent movement or restrict activities. I am a jogger, so some occaisional ankle soreness happens, and goes away if I take a couple days off. Just curious it's in same basic location as the wrist pain.

I type ALOT (job requires). Trying to restrict somewhat. Typing action definately makes symptoms worse, but symptoms are present in milder form even when not typing. I have also been wearing soft wrists supports, and occaisionally wrist braces, which seem to help somewhat.

I've never had wrist problems before...I am suspicious that both wrists started experiencing pain at same time. Given the lack of tingling/nighttime paralysis, and quick bilateral onset I am guessing it's not carpal tunnel?

Pretty quick onset (nothing to current level within 3 days). May have been a little better last 2 days, but not much.

Any thoughts?



My experience with RA has shown that the pain can vary widely from very mild to sharp and intense to unceasingly achey. It affects not just the joints but also connective tissue like tendons.

The very fact that both sides of your ankles and wrist hurt is definitely suspicious but could also be coincidence. Since you type a lot perhaps you are experiencing carpal tunnel and your jogging can certainly do damage to you ankles.

But I'm not telling you anything you haven't thought yourself. Get yourself to a Dr, preferably a specialist.
Early treatment is the best course if it is RA. But then again it could takes years for a diagnosis like a lot of us here have experienced.Sounds like carpel tunnel in the wrists to me.  That is also consistent with RA.  Let us know what the doctor thinks.  Good Luck!

It does sound like carpal tunnel. RA can come on very quick or be slow and progressive. The only thing is to go to the doctor and get the tests done. Emphasize your wrists and ankles, but state that you also want to be checked for RA at the same time.

They'll probably want to do nerve tests to check for carpal tunnel. You should do this sooner so that you can get it under control. You may have to find another outlet besides jogging. It is very hard on the knees and ankles. But you aren't going to know these answers unless you see a doctor.

Just a quick update:

My symtoms naturally got better after I made my original post, which convinved me that I was just being paranoid.  Sure, enough I started getting the same ankle and wrist pain (after several hours at the keyboard admittedly) on Sunday.  So finally I went to the doctor today. 

I seemed to "pass" the various range of motion, strength and reflex tests she gave me, but she did think my hands looked a bit swollen (my wife, who was there, agreed and I guess I can see some mild swelling, although I wouldn't have noticed it myself had it not been pointed out to me).    So I got my blood work done and I should hear the results in a week (she is testing me for RA and lupus and I suppose autoimmune disorders in general.) 

Symptoms are better today of course, just a little aching in the ankles and tightness across the back of the hands.

Keeping fingers crossed...this waiting for an answer is anxiety provoking.  Wish me some luck!


Good luck! Let us know the dx.


The symptoms that you described are about the same as what I had about 2 years before I was diagnosed with RA.  I too am on the computer a lot and I though the hand and wrist pain was from typing.  I would get the same tingle in my pinkie fingers.  I had a buring itchy pain in both wrists every day after work.  I went to an Ortho guy and had my hands X-rayed.  He told me it was ligament strain.  I just suffered though it every day.

Then last year is when I woke up with the "Claws".  Every single joint in every finger of both hands seemed frozen stiff.  Very weird.  It would go away after I was up for a while.  It started to get freaky. Then I went to my DR after a few weeks of that.  They did not find anything wrong.  They ran a few base line tests and I had a negative RA factor.  DR gave me some anti-inflams and sent me on my way.

A few weeks later, not only was I waking with stiff hands and fingers, I also had the same symptoms in both feet and in all of my toes.  Then I started to get the pain in both knees.  I went back to the DR.  They ran more test for Lupus and Lyme (both neg) and he decided that I had better see a Rheumy.

I was diagnosed almost with sero negative RA almost a year ago.  Just keep a close eye on things from here on in....because I went to the DR and the Rheumy...we caught it early.

My friend was afraid to go to the DR and she ignored her symptoms for 5 years.  She is paying for it now with lots of pain.

Don't be afraid to get second opinons.  I am very lucky to have a good family DR who knew that a Rhuemy could help me more than he could.  I am very greatful for that.

Good luck

Could be both. I have RA and Carpel Tunnel. That'd be worst case scenario though. Only one of my wrists "clicks" and that's because of the bone fusion. But I've got it in both. I'd have to agree with the letting a doc be the judge!


Well I got my results today (a little earlier than expected) and they came back negative for RA and lupus (and whatever else the doc tested for among the autoimmune disorders).  Basically normal.

I'm going to see the doc next week to see where we go from here.  I guess this is good news, but yes I am aware some folks with RA don't test for it with the blood tests, so I'll keep an eye on my symptoms.  I don't yet get symptoms in the morning, mostly just with use of the limbs.

We (meaning my wife and I) are guessing it could be osteoarthritis, since I have a family history of that (mom, in both wrists, fingers and neck since her 30s as well).  But I guess we'll just have to see where the doc sends us from here.

Thanx all,


Keep an eye on it and write down your symptoms to show to any doctors you may see. It took 8 years of symptoms for my bloodwork to finally show RA.